arms tycoon

Chapter 358 Reversal

Eight hours later, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.It was two thirty in the morning.

Mo Bing, who was stunned by the anesthetic, gradually woke up. Karianna was already sleeping next to his hospital bed, and the untr members outside the door were in charge of vigilance. This made Mo Bing realize that he and Karianna were safe now.Just when he wanted to get up, he found that Kariana was holding his hand, lying quietly beside him.Mo Bing blinked, feeling dizzy for a while, which was a side effect of the anesthetic.He looked dizzily at the hanging needle on his head, opened his mouth but couldn't make a sound.

The slight movement woke up Kariana. She was exhausted, but she still stood by Mo Bing's side.Carianna jumped up all of a sudden, and gradually felt relieved when she saw that Mo Bing was fine.

"Are you awake?" Carianna poured a glass of water and inserted the straw very carefully. "Drink some water."

Mo Bing raised his hand and took out the straw, took the cup and said with a smile, "I'm not that delicate, it's just that the anesthetic got mixed in. But you, you weren't injured. How did we escape?"

"I killed a few killers. When I was about to die, the local special police in Dubai and our UNTR security guards arrived. There were no casualties here, and one was captured alive. The other killers were all dead. Unidentified." Carianna took the empty glass from Mo Bing and poured another glass of water back. "Brother is here..."

"The boss is here?" Mo Bing drank all the water in the quilt, the narcotics made his mouth dry, "Take me to see?"

"My brother told you to rest first and observe it. He can interrogate that tongue with Xu Cheng himself." Kariana yawned and looked towards the door.

There was a person standing outside the glass window, and Kariana smiled at the person, then waved.

Someone pushed open the door, went to the hospital bed and gave Mo Bing a hammer.

"Auditory hallucinations, you're here too!" Mo Bing smiled, sat up, and moved a bit.

"Let me see if you are dead. If you hurt Kariana a little bit, I will kill you if you are not dead!" the auditory hallucination laughed and sat down beside the hospital bed. "This time, Karianna saved you with all her might..."

Mo Bing blushed, and said embarrassedly to Carianna. "I'm sorry... I didn't protect you well, thank you this time."

Carianna just shook her head and said nothing.

"Have you confirmed the identities of those people? It's really frustrating. This kind of thing can happen even if you're on vacation!" Mo Bing spat.

"It's not clear yet, the boss and Xu Cheng are interrogating that tongue, and that one person survived." The hallucination patted Mo Bing on the shoulder. "It's good that people are fine, the next thing is left to us."

A few people were talking, only to hear the door rang again. The person who came was a person who had disappeared in front of everyone for a long time. Before that, he was pierced by a bullet in his chest and had been recuperating in a sanatorium along the Mediterranean Sea.

"Jack?" Mo Bing looked at the man in surprise. "How is your body?"

"If you ask me, why don't you take care of yourself first? Look at little Carianna, her eyes are red after staying up for so long. I'll just watch here, Carianna, go and rest first." Jack David Si stood by the bed, and his body seemed to be recovering very well.After hearing about Mo Bing's accident, he rushed back immediately.

"We people haven't been together for a long time..." Mo Bing laughed. "If both Wayne and Luther are here..."

"Luther is fine. Although he has gone through a nuclear explosion, the Suzaku-class armor is very hard and there is no radiation sickness. It is still under observation. It is estimated that we will be able to meet again in a few days."

Fu Ming came to UNTR's office in Dubai not long after leaving Dubai Airport.

The United Arab Emirates is the site of untr, and Dubai, as one of the large cities in the UAE, has a large branch office. There are more than 100 untr personnel stationed here. The house is in the urban area, which is very ostentatious. Here , Fu Ming was not afraid of any trouble in the office.

In a closed room in the office, Fu Ming was sitting in front of a desk, opposite to the tongue he had just grabbed.This western man didn't have any serious injuries, just a slight scratch. It seems that the untr and those special police officers were deliberately merciful, saved a life, and were arrested and interrogated.

** Hours have passed since the Westerner was brought here.And during these ** hours, a strong desk lamp has been shining in his eyes.He was tied to a chair and could not move.There was no light in the room except a lamp, and there were no windows.The strong light made this western man unable to rest, it was the same with eyes open or closed.This is a kind of spiritual devastation.If a person cannot rest for a long time, he will inevitably have a nervous breakdown.

And Fu Ming also knew that for these killers, ordinary interrogation methods, such as violence and drugs, would not have any specific effect.The opponent is vicious and vicious, and has strong anti-reconnaissance ability. After suffering, the more he uses his fists, the stronger his will will be.If you think about these strictly trained Westerners, their organization must have trained them on anti-psychedelic drugs.

Xu Cheng stood beside Fu Ming, his face solemn and silent.But in the corner of the room, there was a woman sitting.The woman was sitting on the dark side of the room, and the light did not shine on her face, but she still wore a big toad sunglasses, which blocked her entire face.

There were only these four people in the room.

"Say something, it will make your life easier." Xu Cheng stepped forward and adjusted the angle of the light again, so that the light aimed at the closed eyes of the westerner at the most perfect angle.

The Westerners were unmoved, frowned and said nothing.

"Name, organization, purpose." Fu Ming No. repeated this sentence 12 times, and he stubbed out the cigarette butt in his hand. "I'm getting a little impatient."

"Then you can kill me." The Western man spoke for the first time. "Before I do it, I hope you can give me a cigarette. I need a little nicotine."

Fu Ming smiled helplessly. "You have a family, don't you?"

The Western man suddenly loosened his brows, tried to avoid the high-intensity light of the desk lamp, and turned his head. "This has nothing to do with you."

Fu Ming gestured to Xu Cheng, Xu Cheng raised his hand, turned off the lamp with a snap, then walked to the wall, and turned on the lamp in the room.

The Western man took a deep breath. It seemed that the desk lamp had tortured him a lot in the past few hours, and the soft light made him feel as if he had come to heaven.

"If you can tell the truth, I will consider letting you meet your family." From the reaction of the Western man just now, Fu Ming must have taken care of his family.

Everyone has weaknesses, this is where interrogation matters!It's not that interrogators don't exploit weaknesses, it's that they often have a hard time finding them in prisoners.

The western man fell silent again.He chose not to believe Fu Ming's words.

"No. 13 times, name, organization, purpose. Whether you believe me or not, I have the ability to let you reunite with your family without being found by your original organization. They will not threaten you and The safety of your family." Fu Ming said slowly. "With them, your identity will not be recognized, maybe your information has been marked as deleted. Your family will not know what you are doing, maybe after a few years, they will get a notice , Said that you were accidentally killed in a certain training or military operation, you will have no relics, no ashes, nothing left."

"That's what I'm willing to do, don't talk about it anymore. Let's do it." The western man was very decisive. "My family will understand me, they love me."

"It's actually so hard!" Fu Ming ate a turtle, very upset.If Song Jiahao was here, maybe Song Jiahao would have a way to deal with this Westerner.

"It's useless, I have undergone drug resistance training, and I have become numb to violent confession, which is a required subject for being selected into our organization. I still say the same thing, I will not say anything, in order not to waste untr's resources, Please give me a cigarette, and then kill me. Untr won't support idlers!" The western man actually joked.

The door creaked, and an Arab soldier came in, saluted the woman in the corner first, then handed over a document, left the room and closed the door under the woman's instruction .

"DNA report." The woman walked up to Fu Ming, threw the document on the table, then returned to her seat, sat down again, and raised her legs.

This dna report belonged to the westerner in front of Fu Ming.When treating this Westerner's wound, Fu Ming sent someone to take his blood sample, conduct DNA analysis, and then send it back to Trinuclear Heavy Industry, asking t-81192 to invade the confidential databases of the United States and Europe, looking for DNA files and match.

If this Westerner is really a spy or agent of some country, then his dna sample will definitely be recorded and stored in the database as hidden data.The data of ordinary people may not be recorded, but these special personnel must be recorded.

Although it is more convenient to manage and identify, it also leaves loopholes that are easy to be detected.Naturally, it was cheaper, Fu Ming.

"Captain Thorpe MacTavish. I hope I called your name correctly." Fu Ming turned to the first page.The man in the photo is wearing the uniform of the United States Marine Corps.Fu Ming compared them carefully, and it was the person in front of him. "Now, you have to trust me. Let's omit the question. Now that I know your name and organization, there is only one question left, the purpose."

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