arms tycoon

Chapter 376

How could Leng Jianbin not know that Fu Ming was attacked in Dubai, and it was precisely because he got the news in a short period of time that Fu Ming was attacked and was not injured, so he called to make fun of Fu Ming, " As long as you are fine, what will become of Dubai is probably not something that Untr is thinking about!"

"Uncle Leng, if your call was just to make fun of me, then I will forgive you. I have captured a few Japanese and need further interrogation. Since these people can be trusted by the underground organization and sent here, Obviously, they are very close to the core leadership. They have important information on them, and they may know the location of the core of the underground organization. Moreover, the officials in Dubai, the UAE military, are looking for trouble with me. I really don’t have time to chat with you. Just kidding." Fu Ming's tone became cold.

"Of course I didn't call you to make fun of you. During the further interrogation of those peripheral members, we obtained important information. The core of the underground organization of the right-wing forces is not in Japan at all." Leng Jianbin listened to Fu Ming's loss. I lost my patience, so I stopped saying insignificant things, and instead said the purpose directly, "But when I wanted to continue digging, I couldn't ask anything. It's not that they didn't say anything, we have countless people. There is a way to make them open their mouths, but they can't say anything, and they have been carrying it all the time. This shows that these peripheral members don't know where the core is located, and their online only communicates with the core leadership through the Internet. !"

"Overseas." Fu Ming was taken aback. He didn't expect the Japanese to be so cautious. "I see. Thank you. Untr will do the next thing!"

"Good luck, oh yes, President Xi asked me to tell you that he invited you as the chairman of the Military Commission of the People's Republic of China to participate in the next UN General Assembly, which was made after the secret meeting of the UN Secretary Committee It has been decided, and China will invite you as the inviting party, and the meeting will be held next Wednesday, and you still have four days!"

Fu Ming agreed and hung up the phone. The United Nations is finally about to reach out to untr. In fact, it should be considered that untr wants to reach out to the United Nations. It is not a day or two since Fu Ming wants to enter the United Nations. The influence of the United Nations continues to expand, and the United Nations wants to keep untr within a controllable range, so it only throws an olive branch to untr.

But Fu Ming doesn't want to think about these things now. Before the United Nations General Assembly, Fu Ming needs to deal with Japan's affairs well. Although this is not a unilateral matter of UNTR, the performance of the Chinese government in the Japanese war and the post-war The performance has been incisively and vividly, and it is very appropriate. The last thing is to eradicate the right-wing underground organization in Japan. The Emperor of Japan has been brought under control, but this does not mean that this underground organization is about to collapse. On the contrary, overseas The core leadership of the Communist Party of China will definitely command the peripheral members and dead fighters of this right-wing underground organization to make the final resistance.

And the task of cleaning up this organization must be done by Untr. Before entering the United Nations, Untr needs to show its strength to the world for the last time.

Moreover, UNTR has also suffered losses in the hands of this right-wing underground organization. The bad impact of the London nuclear explosion on UNTR alone caused Fu Ming a headache for several days.

The spitting Xingzi almost drowned Fu Ming, he will not avenge this revenge, and swear he will not be a human being.

Fu Ming put these things to the back of his mind. What he needed to do now was to control the five injured Japanese in his own hands, instead of letting the Dubai military let them waste the five tongues.

Fu Ming is not very clear about the level of people in Dubai's military and security departments, but Fu Ming dares to confirm that the security and intelligence department of UNTR and its interrogation system are almost comparable to the intelligence department of the General Staff of the Chinese People's Liberation Army and ICA Yes, Fu Ming didn't think those five Japanese would say anything useful in the hands of the Dubai military. After he hung up the phone with Leng Jianbin, he called Jira ibn Jasdin again.

The waiting ringtone on the receiver had just rang, and a mobile phone ringtone came from behind Fu Ming, and Fu Ming turned his head away with a surprised face.

Standing behind Fu Ming was Jiela ibn Jan Siding. After receiving the news from Xu Cheng, she immediately mobilized the armed helicopter with her own authority, dispatched special police and military personnel to arrive, and it was precisely this armed helicopter , saved Fu Ming's life.

The policeman who was still in shock was receiving psychological counseling. Before he had time to leave the scene, he saw the president's daughter walking slowly not far away. The target was the young Oriental just now. Excited in my heart, "That oriental man is probably Miss Zhan Siding's lover...but how could Miss Zhan Siding's lover be hunted down!"

"K, you really don't make people worry. If you stay in Dubai for another month, the downtown area of ​​Dubai will probably be destroyed by people who come to chase you." Jie La looked at the messy streets. , said very sadly, this is his father's country, her country, and even more so, the country of all ordinary people in the UAE.

Let the people live in extreme danger, even a girl like Jira who doesn't care about politics can't bear it, because she belongs to an aristocratic family and is also the daughter of the president.

Seeing Zyra, the middle-aged colonel ran over as if he saw a savior. Here, Zyra is equivalent to being the spokesperson of President Soho. Zyra can make decisions on many things by herself without reporting Sohowy ben Justin's.

"Miss Justin." The colonel trotted across to Zyra, stood at attention, and then gave a military salute with a serious expression, "The situation has been brought under control. Five civilians died, ten were slightly injured, and three were seriously injured. None of them were life-threatening. A policeman died in the line of duty, other than that, there were no other casualties. All the wounded have been sent to the hospital for treatment, and the enemy's corpses have also been sent to the designated place. There are still five enemies alive, four of whom were seriously injured, but this kid We must take these people away..." The colonel put down his right hand and said through gritted teeth, "He is so arrogant!"

There was a sneer at the corner of Jiela's mouth. This colonel is a nobleman, and she has some relatives with her. But when the Jansdin family was in decline, this colonel was already in a high position, and he didn't lend a helping hand at all. So Howy ben Jansdin With the help of untr, he ascended to the position of president. This person who was originally a small company commander in the government army actually wanted to find connections to go to a higher place.

Suo Hao resisted not having a fit, and promoted him because he was related to him. Don't look at this colonel who usually does not show his talents, but he is not sloppy at all when he scoops up money behind his back. Well, Suo Hao just turned a blind eye and closed his eyes. After all, he is a relative of his own family, so he can't say anything.

Suohao couldn't bear it, but his daughter Jiela couldn't help it. Seeing her father's low-browed and pleasing appearance in the Zhan Siding family, Jiela couldn't bear it. Find an excuse.

Seeing the unknown smile on the corner of Jiela's mouth, the colonel finally breathed a sigh of relief. In his opinion, the relationship between Fu Ming and Jiela is not very good. Jiela has a bad temper and is a real little witch. This temper suppresses Fu Ming and vents his anger on himself, so why not do it.

Jie La walked towards Fu Ming with a smile, and Fu Ming had already put down the phone in his hand.

Under the colonel's schadenfreude and the policeman's surprised expression, Jiela hugged Fu Ming, ignored the water on Fu Ming's face and head, and kissed Fu Ming's cheek according to Western etiquette, and even took a sip from one side.

In the eyes of Westerners, this is a very normal etiquette, representing excitement, praise, welcome and comfort, but for Arab women, it is a taboo.

Even when going out, she has to wear a hijab to cover her face tightly. If another man sees her face and skin...

The policeman shivered, feeling that he had experienced life and death with the son-in-law just now, and the colonel was also stunned. Jiela is a representative of open women, and everyone knows that Jiela is not willing to abide by any customs, but This is also limited to not covering the face and skin. This kind of intimate contact, what is the relationship between Zyra and Untr.

The colonel's heart suddenly went cold, but what Zyra said next made the remaining half of his heart fall into the ice cave.

"Colonel, as far as I know, this incident can be resolved satisfactorily. The Hind helicopter sent directly by me has made great contributions. It seems to have nothing to do with you. Are you asking me for credit? Report the outcome of the incident. You shouldn't be the one to report." Jie La let go of Fu Ming's arm and walked in front of the colonel.

"This..." The colonel hesitated and couldn't speak.

"After I got untr's rescue request, the first message I sent was to your headquarters, and the second message was to mobilize the armed helicopters of the Army Aviation Regiment. As far as I know, your battalion headquarters arrived The distance here is much shorter than the distance from the Army Aviation Corps Airport to here. Even if you count the traffic jam and the speed of the helicopter is faster than the car, your people should arrive here earlier than the helicopter to handle the situation. However, it seems that your convoy arrived here after the incident was over, can you explain to me the reason." Zyra refused to give an inch, her voice was stern, and she scolded the colonel.

At this moment, Fu Ming had to look at Zyra with admiration. Before that, he really didn't know that this charming woman had such a sharp side, "It seems that I thought of her too simply... ..."

The colonel was blushing, but he couldn't say anything. The order was conveyed to his headquarters in time, but the orderly was drinking with himself, forgetting the news.

The colonel didn't know the news until the signal soldiers found the command post directly.

"Is there anything else you want to say?" Zyra didn't consider her relative's identity at all, and didn't save him face.

"I...Miss Zhan Siding, I'm very sorry..." Although he was unwilling, the colonel still lowered his head, gritted his teeth and admitted his mistake. Since Jiela has already decided to support Fu Ming, there is no benefit for contradicting Jiela now. Instead, Will make myself suffer.

Jiela didn't mean to let him go, but in front of so many people, she couldn't just lick him off, she just opened her mouth slightly and said softly, "Tomorrow morning, you wait for the investigation letter from the anti-corruption department!"

After hearing this sentence, the colonel's face was ashen, and the investigation letter was almost accurate.

Jiela ignored the colonel, and took Fu Ming to the front of several local soldiers. These soldiers looked at each other, fearing that what happened to the colonel just now would happen to them. Behavior is wrong, but everyone has been punished. Do you want to let yourself work? The behavior just now is already killing chickens and monkeys, so there is no need to do more of those things.

"Take care of the corpses and don't let go of any clues. From now on, the scene will be taken over with full authority. If there is anything to report to me directly, hand over the five wounded to untr. Any information you find must be reported to me, and then Share with untr." Jiela's swift and resolute behavior made everyone present admire her, although she has no actual position, but no one dared not listen to Jiela's words, this is the daughter of the president, Miss Qianjin.

Fu Ming finally sighed, he didn't expect this matter to be solved so easily.

Jiela dragged Fu Ming aside, randomly found a clean place and sat down, took out a lady's cigarette, and handed one to Fu Ming.

Fu Ming reached out his hand to touch the cigarette on his body, but the battle just now broke all the cigarettes in the cigarette case. He took the lady's cigarette, lit it with a lighter, and took a deep breath. The lady's cigarette has enough flavor, But the nicotine was not enough, so Fu Ming took a big sip before slowly exhaling the smoke.

"Well, I'm actually not much worse than Coco." Until now, Zyra still cares about Coco's status in Fu Ming's heart, "I'm not just a vase for people to watch, what I want to do , I will do well!"

"I apologize to you for my neglect of you before." Fu Ming laughed, "Thanks to you!"

"What's your plan?" Jie La blinked and looked at Fu Ming, those big eyes were shining in the dark night, giving people a particularly beautiful feeling.

"Go to Japan, finish what you need to do, and then enter the United Nations." Fu Ming threw away the unfinished cigarette and stamped out the cigarette butt. He was really not used to smoking this kind of cigarette. He stood up and stretched his muscles, "I've endured enough, they've run out of tricks, it's me next!"

"Isn't the war in Japan already over? They actually still have the energy to send people to assassinate you." Zyra's inquiring eyes did not get an answer from Fu Ming, "Forget it, I wish you good luck!"

"My luck has always been very good, but thank you anyway. From now on, Zyala ibn Jasdin, I have to face you squarely. I hope to become friends with you, not enemies." Fu Ming said calmly With a smile, he stroked the silver rose brooch on his chest again.

"We've always been friends, haven't we?" Zyra also threw away the cigarette butt and watched Fu Ming leave.

Xu Cheng hurried over, "Boss, almost all of our people have been evacuated. There is no need to bring back all the five injured Japanese. We only need to bring back the less injured and conscious person. There isn't much time left!"

"I'll leave the interrogation to you. Karianna needs to go back to Kinshasa immediately. There must be no shortage of people in the headquarters of Trinuclear Heavy Industry. I want to take Mo Bing and auditory hallucinations away and go to Japan for the interrogation here." After making progress, report to me immediately, the special plane should arrive soon, and I don't have much time." Fu Ming glanced at his watch, looked up and said.

"Then... what about Jack." Xu Cheng was asking Fu Ming if he wanted to save Jack's life.

"Let him live and be imprisoned for life." Although Jack has lost his value, Fu Ming still doesn't want to kill him after all. Fu Ming knows that he can't have the kindness of a woman like him, but he still can't do it.

The suv had already parked outside the cordon. Fu Ming opened the door and got in the car. The hallucination was already waiting in the car, "Go directly to the airport!"

The auditory hallucination saw Fu Ming getting into the car, started the car immediately, and threw the cigarette butt out the window. He had already received the news from Kariana that the plane had arrived at Dubai International Airport.

"Go back and pack your things, don't stop over, go directly to Japan, the airport in Japan is ready." In fact, Fu Ming doesn't have any luggage, only two sets of clothes and a laptop, so he can't wear this quilt Go to the airport with your dirt-smeared clothes.

Although the news was blocked in every possible way, the two armed firefights in Dubai within two days have created a very bad impression in the UAE, and the international community seems to have been affected by something, and they are all concerned about this incident without exception. He remained silent. In the foreign news, there were only police and robbers shooting at each other. This was unique before. It may also be that Untr is about to enter the United Nations. No one wants to offend this arms giant.

Untr's influence in the international community has directly pushed Fu Ming's personal status to another level. On the list of the most powerful celebrities in the world, this young man in his 20s has occupied the second place, while the first No. 1 is undoubtedly US President Barack Obama. As for the rich list, Fu Ming is also the number one, becoming the youngest No.[-] rich list in half a century, and far behind the second place.

The whole world is shocked by the rise of Untr, and they are also doubting the purpose of Untr. Fu Ming doesn't want to live in a hurry anymore. Now that he is strong enough, the long-delayed plan will finally be implemented.

The right-wing underground organization is the last non-governmental organization that threatens untr.

Fu Ming, who was exhausted, didn't think much about it. After packing up his things from the sailing hotel, he got on the plane and fell asleep on the plane. This sleep was the most peaceful sleep he had in the past few days.

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