arms tycoon

Chapter 383 Never Give Up

At this moment, the helicopter flew over Fu Ming's head in a circle, and the strong wind blown by the propeller scattered Fu Ming's hair, and his tie was fluttering with the wind.

The white beam of the spotlight snapped down and focused on Fu Ming.Mo Bing and Hearing Huan got out of the car respectively, but they did not raise their hands like Fu Ming did. Instead, they held daggers and looked viciously at the CIA agents not far away.

Lamba got up from the ground, trotted a few steps, separated the crowd, and stood at the front.He patted the dirt on his hands and clothes, and spat.Although it rolled a few times on the ground, the ground was covered with mud and there were no stones, it was very soft, so there was no injury.But the feeling of eating a mouthful of mud is still not very good.

In the tumbling just now, the rifle in his hand had already been thrown out. At this moment, he could only pull out a mk23 pistol from his waist, loaded the bullet, and aimed at Fu Ming's head.

Lan Ba ​​began to walk towards Fu Ming slowly, "Mr. K, your arrogance and arrogance have finally made you pay the price."

Fu Ming lowered his hands, with a disdainful smile on his face.Before he got out of the car, he hid a capsule under his tongue, but now he put the capsule between the molars. With a little force, the capsule containing the highly toxic cyanide would be destroyed in an instant. Bite through, cyanide is highly poisonous, and it only takes a few milligrams to poison an adult in seconds.And the cyanide contained in this capsule is more than a few milligrams?The instant he chewed the capsule, Fu Ming would die from the poison.

Fu Ming was afraid of death, but even more afraid of being controlled by people from cia.If he was captured and died, it's okay to say that Untr's direction has been confirmed, and it is developing rapidly. Cat, Wayne, Xu Cheng, or Song Jiahao, or even little Carianna can fully take over Untr's affairs.If he is controlled by the cia, then those under Fu Ming will definitely obey the arrangements of the cia for Fu Ming's safety.The entire untr fell into the hands of the Americans!

"Let Ida Jones come out, I won't talk to dogs." Fu Ming put away his sneer, as long as he didn't commit suicide, Lamba wouldn't shoot him.

"Put down your weapon." Lan Ba ​​stopped five or six meters away from Fu Ming, as if he was very afraid of Mo Bing and auditory hallucinations two meters behind Fu Ming.

Even with only a dagger in his hand, the murderous aura exuded by Mo Bing and the auditory hallucination made Lamba and the other CIA agents feel terrified.

How many people have to be killed to exude the breath of death?Mo Bing and auditory hallucinations are the top killers on the cia blacklist.

"Weapon?" Fu Ming turned his head to look at Mo Bing and the auditory hallucination, and flirted with them.It is very irrational to resist now.The matter has not yet reached the final juncture, and there is still a turning point. Fu Ming is waiting for this turning point. In fact, he does not know whether this turning point really exists or will come, but he does not intend to choose to commit suicide at the beginning.

Although Lanba will not kill Fu Ming directly, as long as Mo Bing and the auditory hallucination resist for a while, Ada will definitely order Mo Bing and the auditory hallucination to be killed without hesitation.These two people are only members of the security forces. Although they can be regarded as core members of UNTR, they don't have any right or ability to make decisions. Keeping them can only be a threat.

Fu Ming didn't want Mo Bing and the auditory hallucination to die meaninglessly, so he gestured at them. "Put the knife down."

Mo Bing and Huan Ting looked at Fu Ming, then at each other, and finally stuck the dagger in their hands into the dirt on the ground with resentment on their faces.

"Hold your head in your hands, and squat down slowly." Seeing that Mo Bing and Hearing Hall had disarmed, Lan Ba ​​took another step forward, but still did not touch Fu Ming and the other three directly.

This time, Fu Ming did not follow Lamba's instructions, but shouted loudly to the surroundings. "Ada Jones. I know you can hear me on Lamba's radio microphone. Come to me now. Only you have the right to speak to me."

Lamba wanted to say something, but there seemed to be some voice coming from the earphones. He covered his earphones and opened his mouth thoughtfully, but the last thing he said was ok.

Lanba and the dozen or so CIA agents were silent, they only surrounded Fu Ming and the three of them, but none of them stepped forward to arrest them.They all held rifles, submachine guns and pistols and aimed at the three people in the encirclement.

After a few minutes of silence, the sound of a vehicle engine was heard not far away. The sound came from far to near. After more than two minutes, a modified Land Rover SUV stopped outside the encirclement.

A woman pushed open the door of the passenger seat, jumped out of the car, walked quickly, and walked into the encirclement within a few seconds.

"K, before you speak, please spit out that pill in your mouth." Ada was wearing a tight-fitting white t-shirt, clearly outlining the gully on her chest, and deliberately undid two buttons, The lower body is denim shorts, and the white and slender thighs have not been stained with a little dirt due to the surrounding environment. There is a pistol holster tied to the thighs, and a mk23 pistol is inserted in it, and it has not been holed.The long blond hair is tied into a ponytail, and it looks neat and tidy when thrown behind the head. The black earphone cable is wrapped around the white neck, and the earphones are plugged into the ears. There is also a black microphone pinned to the collar of the white t-shirt. , the end point of the connecting line is the walkie-talkie mounted on the waist.

The helicopter hovered in the air, and the wind blew up Ada's ponytail, flying in the air. "You don't want to die yet, and you can't die yet. Until now, you still don't want to admit defeat. You said you would surrender just now, but you just hoped to lure me out."

Fu Ming chuckled, and looked up at the night sky. The sky was not pitch black, but dotted with stars.

At the northern end of the northern hemisphere, it is almost difficult to see stars even in summer, but the farther north you go, the thinner the atmosphere is, and the less it absorbs the light emitted by the stars, the less stars you can see. too much.This is probably the principle that extremes must be reversed.

Untr is developing extremely rapidly, and he is now in a dangerous situation. Fu Ming knows that this is also the principle that everything must be reversed, and everything cannot be completed so smoothly.So, cia caught herself very simply through tricks, will she also become a rebellious person, and run away by herself?

Fu Ming spat out the pills in his mouth. In fact, he didn't care how long he took them. The outer shell of the capsule is made of polymer material, not the ordinary Jiaonan shell that can be melted by digestive juice.The small white pill fell into the soil, and Fu Ming's voice became a little clearer.

"I was indeed careless this time. Yes, I don't want to die either. But you can't kill me today." Feeling the vibration from his feet, Fu Ming dared to spit out the pill.

When he just found out that this place was in ruins, Fu Ming felt that he had won the whole set.When looking up the local environment on his laptop, he found something was wrong, so he immediately sent an email to his partner Brikovic Alla.He knew that there was no hope of escape, even if Mo Bing and Hearing were agile, they would not be able to rush out of the encirclement of CIA elite agents.The email sent to Brikovich just now included Fu Ming's location and the specific content of that note.

As long as Brickovich saw this email at the first time, as a local, he would understand that the appointment was a trap, not to mention under the guise of his name, although the meeting place on Google Maps was a restaurant, But the locals have long known that it has become a ruin.If Brickovic wasn't a fool, and he didn't want Fu Ming, a partner he hadn't met, to die, then he would definitely send someone to rescue him.

And the vibrating sound from under the feet was precisely the person sent by Brikovich Allah.He did see the email the first time, and reacted immediately.Before he had time to blame Fu Ming for his carelessness, he sent someone to rescue him.His underground warehouse is not very far from Fu Ming's location.

"This vibration..." Ada's face was full of doubts, and the roar besides the vibration also became louder and louder from far to near.

Rough engine sounds and the sound of bearings turning can be heard endlessly.Perhaps the people on the helicopter also felt the threat of that thing, the pilot raised the helicopter's flying height, and then steered the helicopter to fly towards the coming person, the searchlight also turned a corner, and directly shone on it not far away. place.

This photo didn't matter, but it stunned everyone present.

Ada Jones and Rambalal stared incredulously at the slowly moving object with their mouths wide open.And those cia agents were also dumbfounded at this time, no one thought that even in a place like Latvia, they could still see this kind of thing.

Fu Ming was taken aback for a moment, and was also a little surprised, then he reflected and heaved a sigh of relief, thinking that he was saved this time, and he really couldn't do it a second time for his carelessness.Once again, he was literally dead.

The expressions of Mo Bing and the auditory hallucination were frozen on their faces. The two of them did not react as quickly as Fu Ming, and were still in a state of sluggishness.

"Don't just look at it stupidly, and rush out of the encirclement immediately while they are distracted." Fu Ming gritted his teeth, Brikovich said that one person can store the equipment of a tank division, and when he rescued him, he was able to save it. This kind of thing is sent out, it really is an extremely crazy person.He is becoming more and more interested in this Brickovich, and his desire to see him alive is getting stronger and stronger. Fu Ming can feel that he and this Brickovich will become a very good cooperation Partner's.

"T-72..." Ida Jones whispered, but the sound was covered by the roar of the tank, and no one heard it.

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