arms tycoon

Chapter 392 Acting

The Republic of Latvia, the capital Riga, the Presidential Palace.

"Mr. President, Brikovic Alla's convoy has approached the capital and is heading towards the presidential palace and the parliament. The entire capital is under martial law, and the soldiers in his hands seem to be a little disobedient..." a man wearing deep Senior military officials in green uniforms report to the president. "What should we do? The response from the US side is very cold, it seems that they want to give up on us..."

"Damn Americans, if they compromise with the opposition now, the country will be turned upside down, and the people will no longer support a regime that is so easy to compromise." The president slammed his fist on the table and said There was a muffled bang that shook the almost full ashtray on the table, and the ash jumped out and scattered all over the table.

"However, if we really fight with them, Untr is standing behind them. That tank division alone is already difficult to deal with. If we add Untr's support, then we have no chance of winning this war! "The soldier frowned deeply. He is not young anymore, and his temples have begun to turn gray.

The two became silent. The president lit a cigarette, but he held it in his hand but didn't smoke it. He let the cigarette burn and the smoke rose. After a while, the office was filled with layers of fog. [

"Contact Brikovic, I want to negotiate with him." The president rubbed his head, and the pain in his fingers after the cigarette burned out woke him up.After thinking about it, he only had this way to implement it.

Compared with the President of Latvia, Fu Ming is very leisurely now, and this feeling of strategizing has not been felt for a long time.After almost falling into the hands of Ida Jones and Rambalal, this time he was too proud.

"Mr. K, if our tank troops move forward, they will really occupy the presidential palace! The military has not moved yet, and at most they have set up a roadblock, which is in vain. I am worried whether they will make any big moves Brickovic on the phone was a little panicked, although he had some power in the country, but it was the first time he had seen such a large formation, so he was a little scared.Treason, this is a head-scratching business.

Fu Ming still knew something in his heart, "Mr. Allah, don't be in a hurry and don't shrink back. Although Latvia seems to be harmonious, there are undercurrents surging, the gap between rich and poor is too large, and social conflicts are serious. I think you should compare these issues. I know better. Who raises the army? The soldiers are the sons and daughters of the common people. The people’s hearts are not stable, and there are many supporters of the opposition party. Naturally, the military dare not take it lightly. If a large-scale army is sent to wipe out it, it will definitely cause public riots.”

Fu Ming used the word "right to speak" and used the shackles of morality and democracy to stop the Latvian military from carrying out military operations.What the opposition party represents is the people at the lowest level, and it is a different voice.If the Latvian government sends troops to carry out the suppression, then this armed parade will become a war, and the current Latvian government will become a government that cannot even have a different voice.

Such behavior means dictatorship.

"However, the inaction of the government does not mean that NATO will sit idly by. Latvia is near the Baltic Sea and is close to Russia. This is also an important place for NATO and the United States to restrict Russia. They will not just watch but do not act. Ultimately What worries me is NATO's support for the Latvian government!" Brikovic's concerns are not justified.

In fact, this is what Fu Ming is most worried about, but Fu Ming has his own solution.The intelligence that Ida Jones said was crucial.When Ada said that he would target the underground organization of the Japanese right-wing forces, Fu Ming thought of the value in it almost instantly.

For the so-called rescue operation, even if Untr did not obtain information in advance, Fu Ming was sure that they would fail completely.But if Untr got the information, it's not just a matter of making them fail.Fu Ming is a businessman, he knows when to turn a simple matter into a transaction, of course it is a transaction that is beneficial to him.

"The news from Sun Dayong has arrived. They took those Japanese away in advance. They are now passing through the Taiwan Strait, taking a route close to mainland China, and bringing them directly to Tokyo for trial." When Fu Ming looked at Wei When he was in Enbride, Wayne immediately understood what Fu Ming's eyes meant, and began to report the latest information to him.

"Mr. Ala, please don't worry. I have a way to withstand the pressure in the United States. I guess the president will contact you to negotiate with you later. You should be careful. If you are worried, you can send my Bring them along, everyone is a good player, don't be invited to a grand banquet!" Fu Ming smiled with great satisfaction, and replied relaxedly.

"Hongmen Banquet? What is that?"

Fu Ming was stunned for a moment, and actually said the Hongmen Banquet in Chinese when he was using English. He was naturally not in the mood to explain the story of Hongmen Banquet to Brikovich, "Okay, okay, be careful, follow my instructions. I will guarantee that you will be fine! Not only that, but things will definitely go according to our plan. "

It was also Fu Ming's order to let Untr's warship depart from the Philippines in advance. Once Untr's warships set off, they will definitely be targeted by people. The American warships departing from the Pacific Fleet base in Hawaii can catch up with Untr's warships in a very short period of time, and launch an attack, ready to snatch people.

This is a bait. According to the original plan, Untr's warships will not leave the Philippine port until all the Japanese are captured, but now, Fu Mingtai needs a bargaining chip, a bargaining chip against the United States, waiting for the United States Chips for making deals.

Untr's fleet, as well as those Japanese on the ship, are all bait.And the prey is an American warship!It has to be said that Fu Ming's appetite is really too big.

Meanwhile, 320 nautical miles north of the Taiwan Strait.

This is the East Eighth District, the time is several hours faster than Latvia, and the sea breeze in the afternoon is very cool, which makes Sun Dayong feel less uncomfortable in the hot summer.Although the temperature at sea is low, but the humidity is relatively high, however, these people have long been accustomed to Sun Dayong who has lived on warships for many years.

"Captain, the sun is really hot! Go back to the cabin and take shelter. You are always exposed to the sun, and your skin will peel off." A sailor just inspected the deck of the ship and found Sun Dayong leaning on the railing Blow the sea breeze, hurry over to say hello. [

"Haha, where do you think my skin color came from? I'm also a pure-bred Chinese, and I'm almost sun-tanned like an African!" Sun Dayong raised his dark arms and turned the sleeves of his short-sleeved uniform up. With a pull, the white skin and bulging muscles on the upper part of the arm are exposed, which is not a bit different from the skin color on the lower part of the arm and the face.

"When I first joined the army, my comrades called me Prince Charming. But now..." Sun Dayong scratched his head and smiled, and he was not embarrassed.These are the military medals of a sailor.


"How is the status of Yongcheng?"

"Just finished a round of inspection, there is no problem, ready to fight at any time. It's just... where is our enemy?" The soldier asked suspiciously.

"The latest radar scan and sonar detection did not find any enemy situation. We are now [-] nautical miles outside the limit of the China Sea. If there is any situation, we can enter the China's inland sea to seek help from the Chinese Navy. This operation is so simple. The Yongcheng, the Yonghe, and the four submarines of the Lone Wolf are dispatched. Even the World No. [-] and World No. [-] are here."

"This is our untr's enemy fleet, aircraft carrier, super-heavy battleship fortress, submarine, air support, and general-purpose humanoid combat mech... No matter what enemy you encounter, it will be wiped out under our attack!" Sun Dayong haha With a smile, he picked up the wire and directly directed the people in the control room.

"Attention all ships in the fleet, start to starboard, start to head east, leave the China Sea limit until [-] nautical miles, and then head north, control the speed at [-] knots."

When the soldiers heard this, why did they slow down?The task this time is to transport, naturally the sooner the better, what is Sun Dayong doing?

Sun Dayong saw the doubts of the soldiers. The ship had started to slow down slowly, and turned eastward in a circle. Wherever the ship went, white waves and foam emerged from the dark blue water. Very magnificent.

A few resting seabirds landed on the gun barrel, heralding calm.

"Since the enemy dare not come here, let's give them a chance to come here. They must be afraid to come here because they are too close to China. Then we will slow down and stay farther away from China!"

"Captain, the shared satellite picture has come out. It is the picture taken by Zenith II over the Hawaiian Islands after the orbit change. The time is an hour ago." A sailor trotted over with a folder , "Finally found you!"

Sun Dayong flipped through the color photos in the folder. Since the shooting location was relatively high, it was not as good as a reconnaissance plane after all, so it was difficult to find out what was in the deep blue water.

It's just that these things have been marked by intelligence personnel in advance, so there is no need for Sun Dayong to identify them himself.Several small black dots have been marked by red circles, and numbers are listed. In the blank space of the photo, behind each number is the detailed information of a ship.

"Departed from the Hawaiian military port an hour ago, and should be here in a few hours. All personnel are ready, the second-level combat alert state, from now on, the radar and sonar will conduct a reconnaissance mission every 10 minutes, be sure to Be the first to spot the enemy before them!"

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