arms tycoon

Chapter 79 Amateur Army

"The following is a piece of news. According to reports from our station, a Boeing civil airliner that took off from the imperial capital earlier, on the way to Beirut, Lebanon, failed to make an emergency landing due to the airport blockade. The news from the author. Three hours ago, the armed factions in the southern and northern provinces of Lebanon, the Pravda and the Falun Gong, exchanged fire in the capital Beirut. The Pravda leader Victor Abeli ​​announced the occupation of Beirut. Intervened in the armed conflict, claiming to ensure the safety of civilians. This flight was intercepted before landing. The specific reason for the forced landing is unknown, and the casualties are unknown. Our station will make a follow-up report. The Ministry of Communications of China has issued a document to suspend all flights to Beirut, Lebanon The spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs reminded the public that Lebanon is at war, calling on all passengers to cancel their trips to Lebanon, and calling on compatriots who are currently in Lebanon to seek the protection of the local embassy as much as possible. Next, we will continue to pay attention to the second East China Sea In the Pacific War, South Korea and Japan engaged in another large-scale naval battle at [-]:[-] local time this morning..."

Fu Dong turned off the TV with a snap, frowned, and looked at the satellite phone at hand. Fu Ming's life and death were unknown at this time, which made him very anxious.There is no help at all in the country, and there is no intelligence information.

Lin Jianping and Zhang Lu were discussing something, and walked into the meeting room with the folder.The two of them have already spent their spare time helping Fu Ming manage Fu's Trading and Transportation Company. They got started very quickly and helped Fu Dong a lot.Seeing that Fu Dong was frowning, Lin Jianping quietly sat down beside him, while Zhang Lu stood beside him, not daring to make a sound.

"Uncle Fu." Lin Jianping called him in a low voice, "The list is all right. Father has also made a lot of benefits in the Congo trade."

Fu Dong recovered from his thoughts, and squeezed out a smile, "Thank you, you are really helpful. The boss's throwing away the shopkeeper is really exhausting me, an old man."

"What happened to Fu Ming?" Lin Jianping sighed, he also heard some news just now. "Did he take that civil airliner?"

Seeing that he couldn't hide it anymore, Fudong also sighed and nodded, "That's right, the plane disintegrated when it made an emergency landing. There is no news yet." He glanced at the satellite phone again, hoping that the phone would ring soon.

Lin Jianping clenched his fists when he heard it, and Zhang Lu put his hands on his shoulders, "It's okay, he's so capable, he'll be fine. Auspicious people have their own destiny."

"I hope so, don't tell Zeng Xiaoting yet." Lin Jianping raised his head and looked at the chandelier on the ceiling. "She can't bear any blows now, she is as sweet as a flower all day long."

Fu Ming, who was in the desert, was having a hard time at this time. He had already checked the satellite phone. During the forced landing just now, the satellite phone at hand was smashed to pieces, and the battery of the laptop was broken. The three of them could not be contacted at all. Anyone, let alone call Foton or a local Lebanese company member.

Fu Ming looked at his watch. It was almost three o'clock in the afternoon local time. The desert at this time was the most difficult for people. They found some drinking water from the cabin, and then hid in a place not far from the crash site. In the shadow of the dunes, the arrival of ground troops awaits.

"Boss..." Xu Chengmao got down, as if he heard something, "The sound of the car engine."

Mo Bing poked his head out and looked outside. Sure enough, he saw a small black dot on the horizon. They were quickly approaching the crash site. "There is a car."

Fu Ming nodded, "It depends on the destiny!" In his opinion, there is a high probability that the person who came was CIA or the US ground force, and the two F22 fighter jets overhead just now were the US Air Force, they would not take such an important Leave the matter to Victor Abeli's truth faction motley crew to do it.The two fighter jets had disappeared, and they did not find Fu Ming and others.

"What's going on?" Fu Ming stared at the approaching cars and froze in place.It wasn't the CIA or the US ground forces that came, but a pickup truck with a machine gun behind it.More than a dozen Middle Easterners jumped out of the car holding AK47, chirping Arabic, and slowly approached the cabin, searching for something carefully.

"I didn't expect that they really sent these miscellaneous troops here!" Xu Cheng chuckled, it seemed that it was not so easy to want to die this time.

"Xu Cheng, what's the matter, go up and kill them?" Mo Bing's eyes lit up, and he rubbed his hands.

"Wait a little longer, when they all go in, according to their IQ, it is estimated that they will not search the entire area. There must not be many people left outside, and they can be killed with bare hands. With weapons, these people are not worth mentioning at all. !" Fu Ming also poked his head out, carefully observing the dozen or so Trud faction mercenaries.

Sure enough, after a few minutes, most of the soldiers turned into the inside of the overturned plane through the entrance above the cabin, leaving only three people outside to guard the door.

"Go!" Xu Cheng yelled in a low voice, and ran behind a soldier who was closest to him in small steps. , The soldier's neck was broken and his head drooped.Xu Cheng slowly put the body down and picked up the AK47 rifle in his hand.

Mo Bing, who was following Xu Cheng, also covered the mouth of another soldier, and directly pulled out the saber pinned to the soldier's leg, cut his throat, and blood spurted out immediately, spilling all over the ground. In an instant, it seeped into the sand on the ground.The soldier kept struggling, but he couldn't make a sound. After struggling for a while, he lay straight on the ground.

Soldiers No.3 noticed something was wrong, turned around, and looked in horror at Xu Cheng, who was holding an AK47 rifle, and Mo Bing, who was covered in blood all over his body.

A cold light shot out of Mo Bing's eyes, aimed at the soldier's head, flicked his right hand, and the saber flew out with a whoosh, and pierced into the soldier's right eye.The soldier yelled and fell backwards. With a push of his right hand, he pulled the trigger. The rifle in his hand shot suddenly, and the bullets shot into the sky. He was lying on the ground, his body still twitching.

"Xu Cheng, get in the car!" Fu Ming ran over from behind and pointed to the machine gun on the pickup truck.

Xu Cheng understood, threw the rifle in his hand to Fu Ming, jumped into the truck compartment, and with a click, the rusty .[-] machine gun was loaded. "I hope this thing can still ring loudly!" Obviously, Xu Cheng was very dissatisfied with this heavy weapon in his hand.

Mo Bing also picked up the rifle from the ground, checked the ammunition, and with a click, the bullet was loaded, "It's good if it's useful, it's better than empty-handed!"

Fu Ming pointed the muzzle of the gun at the exit of the engine room and took aim. "It should come out soon, don't let them come out alive!"

Xu Cheng and Mo Bing were also aiming.Ten seconds later, ten mercenaries who heard gunshots outside the cabin emerged.The first person who jumped out of the cabin door was surprised to see the three guns aimed at him in front of him, and froze in place.

"What's the matter with you?" The people below looked at his expression and asked in puzzlement. "What's going on outside?" He couldn't wait any longer, and jumped out of the cabin door.

Fu Ming sneered, and pulled the trigger with his right index finger. The ak47 rifle crazily poured bullets towards the cabin door. Mo Bing and Xu Cheng also embraced fire. The 47mm bullet of the ak7.62 and the powerful penetrating power of the .[-] machine gun , The two soldiers who jumped out of the cabin door were smashed into a sieve, and even the bodies were incomplete.

"Passengers should still be in their seats. There are not many of them. They won't be harmed. Just shoot directly through!" Fu Ming lowered the muzzle of his gun and kept firing at the cabin. He firmly believed that the rest of the soldiers were stuck in the cabin. at the door.

Xu Cheng agreed, and Mo Bing smiled coldly. The two of them also lowered their guns and fired continuously at the fuselage under the cabin door.

The bullets pierced through the fuselage armor, making crackling and colliding sounds. The inside of the cabin was in a mess, the interior was smashed to pieces, and debris flew around.The few remaining soldiers were in a mess, forgetting to fire back and just looking for cover, but there was no place for cover in the cabin, and there were soft materials everywhere to prevent collisions.

The rifle in Fu Ming's hand had been emptied of magazines. Even in the hot afternoon, the barrel was still emitting green smoke, and the bullet casings were scattered all over the ground, mixed with the golden sand.Xu Cheng also stopped shooting. He was really afraid that the rusty .[-] machine gun in his hand would fall apart if he continued to shoot.Huge shell casings also formed a hill on the back of the pickup truck.

The part below the cabin door has been pierced with more than 200 holes and is showing light.The inside was indescribably chaotic. Corpses were lying in the cabin, dark red blood flowed all over the place, and some soldiers had their heads pierced, and their broken bones and brains were sprayed on the walls of the cabin.

Fu Ming threw away the empty magazines, found some spare magazines from the three men on the ground, replaced them, and pulled the bolt again. "Go, go and see if there are any survivors." He took off the mask from the corpse and wrapped it around his face. At this time, he didn't care about whether it was dirty or not. There might be survivors among the passengers in the cabin. And he was already awake at this time, he didn't want to be recognized.Mo Bing took out Cao Cao's Peking Opera mask, which he had been wearing all the time, but it came in handy at this time.

"You really carry this thing everywhere." Fu Ming laughed, climbed up to the cabin exit, looked inside, waved his hand, and dispersed the smoke and dust inside.

"This is the proof of my identity." Mo Bing also jumped into the cabin, rummaged through the ammunition on each corpse, and checked their carotid arteries.

"It's all dead, no one is alive." He collected the ammunition and threw it outside along the cabin door. Xu Cheng looked around and picked up all the clips on the ground. He didn't know what he would encounter before. Whatever, it would be useful to have more of these things.

"Who are you guys! Don't kill me, I'm just a businessman!" Sure enough, there was still a living passenger in the cabin, a Chinese, and he said to Fu Ming tremblingly in not-so-standard English.

Hearing the sound, Fu Ming turned around and raised his gun, aiming at the passenger's head, but when he saw the panicked expression on the passenger's face, he lowered the gun.He rummaged through the cabin, found two bottles of drinking water, and handed them to the passenger.

"Don't trust the Americans. Good luck, I hope you can survive." Fu Ming smiled wryly, and whispered to the passengers in standard English.He can't protect himself now. The US ground troops will find here soon. Depending on the situation, they should be airborne directly in Beirut. Beirut itself is a port. It is a very simple matter to transport troops here, just because of the truth These miscellaneous troops sent to hang around can come here earlier than the US ground forces.

Fu Ming frowned. According to the cia or the US military's approach, or even the vampire's approach, he would never let these miscellaneous troops come to give him weapons. He thought for a while, but he still couldn't figure it out. Who made such a stupid decision.He waved at Mo Bing, "Get out, they're coming soon." In order not to reveal his nationality, he spoke with a standard London accent.

The vampire was sitting in the coffee shop of the hotel. He took a sip of his coffee and put down his cup again. In the past 20 minutes, he had answered no less than ten calls, all of which were calls from the CIA executives to reprimand him. The vampire was very irritable. Turned off the phone directly.He looked at the scenery outside the window. The buildings in downtown Beirut, which originally had a unique Middle Eastern style, had been turned into ruins in the flames of war. Even this hotel, half of the wall was blown away, and even the glass in front of it was incomplete. There is a piece, and there is a crack.

"K, at least you shouldn't die here. Our business is not over yet. I've done my best. Next, it's up to you. Cia, I won't let you go."

The vampire took another sip of coffee, talking to himself slowly.

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