big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1006 Grandpa Daqian, I’m all bragging!

Chapter 1006 Grandpa Daqian, I’m all bragging!
"General Daqian below the city, we surrender!"

Aronashun slapped them, "They are from Dagan, can they understand the Chinese language of Tianxiang?"

Just as he was talking, the uniform Chinese language of Tianxiang came from below, "Things above, listen, we are Grandpa Daqian, your grandson of Tianxiang Kingdom, quickly open the city gate and surrender, kneel on the roadside and listen to grandpa's orders!"

Tianxiang's Chinese dialect was so authentic and well-spoken that it confused Alonashun.

"Alonashun, we are your grandpa, surrender quickly, otherwise, we will all die!"

Qin Mo has been training them along the way. They don't necessarily need to understand, but they still need to be able to say a few words when recruiting people to surrender.

Dou Yiai said angrily: "Grandson, I am your grandfather, open the door quickly!"

Alonashun almost vomited blood.

What a shame.

He clenched his fists, but looking at the increasing number of Dagan soldiers below, he didn't even have the courage to order an attack!

“Grandsons, surrender, grandpa will spare your lives.

If you don't surrender, you'll all die! "

"Damn, the people of Tianxiang Country are quite stubborn these days. If they don't surrender, I haven't killed enough yet!" Dou Yiai said, "Go, blow open the city gate and see if they surrender!"

The soldiers of the Pioneer Battalion wear special armor that covers the whole body and can protect them from arrows and smaller stones.

Even the war horses are wearing armor, and they look like heavy cavalry!
"My lord, they seem to be attacking the city!"

"Quickly, surrender quickly!" Aronashun trembled all over and quickly asked someone to surrender.

"But I don't know how to talk!"

"Then you use celestial language!" Arona followed up and kicked him. It was so annoying. He always felt that this guy was mocking him!

The minister quickly ran over and said, "We vote."

Before he could finish saying the word 'surrender', there was a hole in his head, and his body fell straight to the ground.

Alonashun was so frightened that he backed away.

Before he could stand still, there was a loud noise and the city walls began to shake.

"The city gate is broken!"


Just as Dou Yiai was about to move forward, she was stopped by Chai Rong, "Brother, wait for the manager!"

"Don't worry so much. Let's chop those stubborn enemies to death first." Dou Yiai waved his hand and rushed in.

At this time, Qin Mo slowly entered the imperial city.

Coming from Luoche, it took nearly a month to finally capture Qunu City.

In this month, the pressure Qin Mo has endured is unimaginable to outsiders.

A slight mistake will cause the battle to go wrong.

Nothing is a problem now.

His hanging heart also completely relaxed.

Tianxiang Kingdom is a fertile country.

Once developed, it can save big cadres and save 20 years of hard work.

In other words, in three to five years, the local people in Daqian will be completely free from work and rest, and even taxes will be reduced to historical lows.

Ten years from now, it is hoped that the agricultural tax will be completely abolished and the burden that has been placed on thousands of people in this land for thousands of years will be changed.

He spent a few years doing what others would do for decades or even a lifetime, so it’s time to retire!

Thinking of this, he got excited.

Seeing Qin Mo grinning in amusement, Fang Shun, who was following him, thought to himself, "Is this stinky thing thinking of something bad again? The Hu Ji here is very charming, so she must be causing trouble again!"

After entering the city, Qin Mo looked at the blood on the ground and remained calm.This is war, and war is meaningless if it is not for peace.

"Report, Chief Manager, General Dou has broken through the Tianxiang Imperial City and captured the king of the country, Alona Shun, and all the ministers alive!"

"Nice job!"

Qin Mo nodded with satisfaction. He didn't want the credit anyway. As the coach, no matter what, he still had the greatest credit.

It wouldn't matter if Dou Yiai took the credit for capturing the king's leader. Lao Dou happened to be back at work in the court, so he also needed credit.

Moreover, Dou Yiai is extremely naive, so Lao Liu won't have much suspicion about him.

"Come on, Xiao Gao, let's go and admire the palace of Tianxiang Kingdom. How is it different from our palace in Daqian!" Qin Mo urged his horse to speed up.

When they entered the palace, they saw a large group of people being tied up, men on one side and women on the other.

The young and beautiful side, the old and faded side.

Yes, this is very Dou Yiai!

"Who is the leader of the country?"

"General Manager, it's him!" Dou Yiai directly slipped Alona Shunti up and threw him at Qin Mo's feet.

Alonashun was so knocked down that he didn't even dare to cry out in pain. He raised his head hard and said, "Dear General Daqian, Lord of the Celestial Kingdom, Alonashun would like to say hello to you!"

"What did he say?" Qin Mo asked.

Dou Yi fell in love and kicked him, "Say something big!"

"Are you Biao? He is from Tianxiang country, how can he speak Dagan dialect?" Qin Mo was speechless.

Dou Yiai scratched his head, "I forgot!"

At this time, the translator next to him who was proficient in Tianxiang Mandarin explained, and Qin Mo nodded, "Tell him, doesn't their Tianxiang Kingdom claim to have 6 million soldiers? Why can't they fight so hard? Where are the other [-] million people?" "

Alonashun was about to cry, "I, I, the people I lie to are all bragging!"

He is just pretending to be a cup, is it necessary to be so humiliating?
"Yes, I like your honesty!" Qin Mo touched his chin. He heard that all the people in Tianxiang Country are good at singing and dancing.

Before these people are taken to Daqian, they must be allowed to form a Bollywood song and dance troupe and give a good performance to Lao Liu when they arrive in the capital.

He had no interest in the bad old man, and after interrogating him, he left it to the others to figure out what to do.

Except for the queen and the two princesses, they are all plunderable property.

Hu Ji is quite popular in Daqian.

Qin Mo came to the main hall, and the throne was inlaid with various gems.

Qin Mo asked people to open the treasury again.

The precious stones, gold and ivory inside were so blinding that they blinded your eyes.

As usual, let them move until they can no longer move.

The rest should be confiscated.

Qin Mo picked out a gem the size of an egg and threw it to Gao Yao, "Xiao Gao, take it and play with it. You also go inside to pick out some gifts for Xiao Nuan!"

"Master, I don't need it!" Gao Yao shook his head. In the past few years, she had followed Qin Men in the southern and northern wars. Her small treasury did not have 100 million taels, but only 80 taels.

Gold, silver and jewelry are the most useless things to her.

That is, some beautiful jewelry can make her excited a little bit.

"Take it, Xiao Nuan will get married in the future. As an elder brother, you must have a decent dowry, right?"

With that said, Qin Mo said to the bearded man beside him: "That bearded man, come here!"

Fang Shun was shocked and hurried over, "Manager, did you call me?"

"It's been hard for you to protect me during this period. Go pick out some handicrafts and go back and play with them!"

(End of this chapter)

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