big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1008 I, Xu Luo, have champion Hou Zhiyong!

Chapter 1008 I, Xu Luo, have champion Hou Zhiyong!

Piao country?

Dalu Dongzan is a little confused, do they have the strength and courage?
This country of Piao also borders Nanfan, but the people there are all unruly and poor.

When Luo Bu Zhadun was alive, he would rather invade the Jimi states of Daqian than go to Piao state.

In that poor place, the land is full of leeches. After sleeping all night, the horses will be sucked dry by the leeches.

It also rains all year round, causing poisonous miasma. People who are not familiar with the terrain will definitely get lost if they go in.

It was given to him in a remote area, but they were unwilling to keep it.

But he still didn't believe that they dared to go against the Kamalupo Kingdom.

Not to mention, they directly invaded the royal capital. Isn’t that nonsense?
But if it is true, there is only one possibility!
"Dagan borrowed troops from the Pyu Kingdom and raided Guwahati!" Thinking of this, Dalu Dongzan shuddered, "Yes, only Dagan has the strength to attack the royal capital so quickly."

"Let's go, send troops, and let people investigate!" Dongzan said that there was no nonsense. After figuring out the joints, he went straight on the road.

Even if they are not from Da Gan, it doesn't matter. If Piao Kingdom listens to Da Gan's order and sends troops, it will not prevent them from continuing to attack the city!
With the large number of soldiers here, I can't say that we can definitely win, but at least we will be invincible and there will be no problem in escaping.

The next day, Dalun Dongzan received the exact news.

Guwahati has been captured, and the attacker is not the Pyu State, but the large army.

This also completely verified the conjecture in Dalun Dongzan's mind.

So on the way, Da Lun Dongzan changed his route. He sent someone to send a message to Guwahati, and he went south to capture the remaining city-states.

Finally, on the sixth day, he met Pei Xing.

Xue Gui, on the other hand, continued to attack the remaining cities southward.

After the two had a brief conversation, they jointly sent out troops and marched towards Niboluo.

At the same time, Xu Luo encountered a small group of Beinu cavalry and had just fought an ambush and won.

This small group of cavalry numbered no more than 200, and they were obviously out to inquire about the enemy's situation.

But he didn't expect to be bumped into by Xu Luo.

With the telescope, Xu Luo can discover the enemy one step ahead.

Once here, it was close to Yutian. Two days ago, he mobilized a team of no less than 3000 people and beat them back with the strength of his weapons.

Killed more than a thousand enemies.

"General, why don't we retreat first? Yu Tian's side has probably figured out where we are. When their army surrounds us, we won't be able to escape." The deputy general said, "We have already run out of military rations. Even if we have some Horse meat can't last more than a few days.

It is too cold and it has started to snow. Once it is covered with heavy snow, we will be lost! "

It is getting colder and colder in Nanfang in November, especially near the Tulum Moraine, where light snow has begun to fall.

Qin Mo's strategic goal was to delay it until winter, but Qin Mo asked him to spread the information about Beinu's split, but he failed to do it.

Even though some prisoners were released, he was not sure whether the information had spread.

"It's hard for us, and it's hard for them too!" Xu Luo rubbed his hands and looked ahead, "If the Beinu people go out at this time, they won't be able to go back for a month. At that time, the mountains were blocked by heavy snow, and they couldn't go back. .

Therefore, they sent a small group of cavalry just to see the situation on the grassland.

Or perhaps it is to spy on information and find out our depth.

If we do the opposite and charge into Yu Tian, ​​can we catch him by surprise? "

The lieutenant general was stunned. "General, are you kidding? There are fifty or sixty thousand Beinu cavalry there. There are only 500 of us. In the past, it was not even enough to fill the gaps between people's teeth!"

"Why did the Beinu people flee into the depths of the grassland back then?" Xu Luo took a bite of the dried meat and said, "They were not beaten away by us.

The champion prince, at a young age, dared to go deep into the desert with 800 men and pursue the Beinu soldiers for hundreds of miles.We are well-equipped and have almost twice as many people as him. Why can't we take the initiative?

Let's fight a wave, and then run eastward, to Supi or Tuguhun! "

The lieutenant didn't expect that Xu Luo, who usually kept quiet, would actually have the courage of a leopard.

"Just in case"

"If you die, then die!" Xu Luo said: "Send a few people back to report the news. If we die, we must also let others know why we died.

We are not bad! "

Xu Luo was the second son in the family and was under a lot of pressure. Even though he followed Li Yue, he still managed to get ahead.

But the eldest brother is not as respected, and the third brother is not as lucky.

Now, his father's health was deteriorating, and he hoped that his father would receive news that he had gone deep into the enemy camp and driven hundreds of miles away.

He wants his father to see clearly that he, Xu Luo, also has champion Hou Zhiyong!
Of course, the most important thing is to completely block these Beinu people in Yutian and buy more time.The deputy general gritted his teeth and said, "Then I'll call everyone over!"

Soon, everyone came over.

Xu Luo took off his wine flask, which contained only a small amount of wine, "Brothers, we traveled thousands of miles just to stop the Beinu people and confuse them.

In these two battles, we fought very well and did not lose the majesty of our army!
However, this is far from enough!
The weather is getting colder, and now is the most dangerous time. The Beinu people are likely to mobilize at this juncture.

So I decided to raid Yutian. "

The wind was blowing, and snowflakes began to fall from the sky, but the soldiers did not make a sound, and there was no fear in their eyes.

"This decision may cause everyone to die on the battlefield, but this is our fate, but even if we die, we must show our strong character!" Xu Luo asked loudly: "Brothers, do you dare to follow us? Shall I go together?"


"Are you scared to death?"

"Not afraid!"

"Okay!" Xu Luo picked up the wine pot with determination in his eyes, "After finishing the rest of the wine, let's have a good meal today, and then follow me to create a career, leave a reputation, and let the world know about it. Let’s all give you a compliment!”

"Drink wins!"

Everyone drank the last bit of wine and ate most of the rations that could last for several days.

They killed the enemy's horses, cooked them, and almost ate them.

But before leaving, they did not forget to leave a lot of traces to confuse the enemy.

Everyone got on their horses and headed towards Yu Tian.

The most rare thing is actually not being in the grassland, but having to cross the Kunlun Mountains.

If the group of people they met were just the advance troops, then they would definitely encounter the main force along the way.

But if not, it means they are hiding in the fields.

No one would have thought that they would cross the Kunlun Mountains and go straight to the fields!
Two days later, Xu Luo crossed Kunlunxu, and the last rations entered their stomachs.

Xu Luo found a shelter from the wind, gathered everyone together, and said: "We will cross Kunlunxu during the day and raid the fields at night.

It’s done, let’s enjoy the popular food, drink spicy food, get promoted and make a fortune.

If you lose, your body will be wrapped in horse leather, and your reputation will be passed down to the Great Qian.

No matter how you look at it, we are all making a lot of money, and it’s hard to say that we will still be remembered in history! "

(End of this chapter)

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