big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1010: You can’t defeat others, but you can’t win!

Chapter 1010: You can’t defeat more than a thousand people, but you can’t win if you have more than a thousand people!
"You have to hold on even if you can't hold on, hurry up and push up!"

Ashina Wumo doesn't want to capsize in the gutter.

Yalkin put on his armor and was about to gather the chaotic team, but then he saw a group of cavalry rushing in.


Xu Luo waved his long spear, and with one blow, one person was killed.

More than a thousand soldiers rushed into Yutian, like hungry wolves rushing into the sheepfold.

"For many years, I have harassed my neighbors and robbed my people. Today I will show you who is the master!"

At this moment, fear, cold, and hunger all turned into anger.

I don’t know how many people were killed when the sword was raised and fell.

There were cries and shouts everywhere.

The fire turned the sky red.

Ashina Wumo was horrified. He knew that the morale of the army was gone. If he didn't run away at this time, he might not have a chance to escape!

The sound of explosions was incessant.

The power of the white phosphorus grenade exploding can only be described as terrifying.

There are [-] to [-] troops in Yutian, so the population is destined to be dense.

White phosphorus tarsal bones are burned until the skin and flesh are separated and the bones are reduced to charcoal.

Xu Luo led his men to charge all the way, and his whole body was already stained red with blood.

"Quickly, capture Ashina Wumo and Yalkin!" Xu Luo's heart was beating violently. He, Xu Erlang, wanted to regain the prestige of the champion from a thousand years ago.

I see!
He saw Ashinaummo wearing the coach's uniform, took out his gun, and shot into the crowd!
Ashina Wumo looked at the blood exploding on his chest in disbelief. His armor was actually shot straight through!

Yalkin's eyes were about to burst, "Quick, stop!"

However, everything was too late.

The Dagan people entered the city so fast that many of them didn't even wear armor. They finally managed to pull up a team to resist, but the formation was broken up by the crazy Dagan people.

Grenades and white phosphorus grenades are simply harvesting weapons.

I don’t know what kind of weapons they are holding in their hands, and they are harvesting human lives, making it impossible to guard against them.

Yalkin looked at Ashinaummo who was vomiting blood and said, "Hold on, go and hold on!"

Ashina Wumo grabbed Yalkin's hand tightly and wanted to speak, but when he opened his mouth, a large mouthful of blood spit out.

"These Dagan people must be annihilated." Ashina Wumo used all his strength to say these words, and then his trachea was blocked by blood, and he suffocated to death.

Yalkin suppressed his fear, left Ashinaummo behind, turned around and ran away.

His confidants ran over and protected him.

Xu Luo was overjoyed that he had achieved success with one shot. He led his men to rush over and cut off Ashina Wumo's head. "Your coach is dead. Surrender and not kill him!"

Xu Luo spoke the Beinu language.

Although not fluent, it was enough for them to understand the meaning of the words clearly.

"The coach is dead, surrender and not kill!"

The Daqian soldiers shouted in unison.

That voice simply changed the face of God.

Some people had been killed and collapsed, falling to the ground, unable to resist at all.

But some people fled Yutian in chaos.

Xu Luo was powerless to catch him. If he was given twice as many people, they would definitely not be allowed to escape!

However, running away may not be a bad thing.

The formation collapsed, and it was hard for the gods to save them!
He immediately gave the order, and everyone began to push forward side by side.

Flares rose into the sky, leaving the men with nowhere to hide.

The Beinu people's cavalry and archery are very strong, but no matter how strong they are, they are not as powerful as rifles.

No better than two types of grenades!
They will never forget the fear that the Dagan people brought to them that night.

Under the protection of his confidants, Yalkin broke out of the siege and disappeared into the night.On horseback, he turned to look at Yu Tian, ​​his heart bleeding.

But he understands that even if he fights back now, there is nothing he can do to save his life.

"Deputy Commander, leave quickly. If you don't leave, it will be too late!" a confidant advised.


Yalkin led the people and disappeared into the night.

After an hour and a half, the battle stopped.

Xu Luo's hands were trembling.

I don't know if it was caused by killing too many enemies or because of excitement.

"General, the one we killed was the Beinu people's commander-in-chief, Ashinawumo. The deputy commander, Yalkin, has already escaped!"

"How many enemies did we kill this time, and how many casualties were there?" Xu Luo asked.

"Stating!" the deputy general said excitedly.

Xu Luo nodded, tremblingly took out a box of Qin cigarettes, took out one, and threw the rest to the deputy general, "Take it and share it with the brothers!"

"Thank you, general!" The deputy general took Qin Yan as if he had found a treasure.

Xu Luo took a sip, and his mood calmed down a lot, and even his fatigue was dissipated a little.

"No wonder the manager often said that a cigarette will make the piston faster afterward. It's true!" Xu Luo's whole body was now like ice. Standing by the fire, he couldn't feel much warmth.

The blood and ice on his body condensed layer after layer.

He asked people to find some rations for the Beinu people. After eating, he felt alive.

"Report, General, the casualties have been counted. We have a total of more than 270 casualties.

They killed 200 enemies and captured 3000.

They captured more than 3 generals and leaders, more than [-] war horses, and a certain amount of food.
According to statistics, there are more than [-] Beinu cavalry guarding Yutian!
Deputy Commander, Yalkin fled. This time, a total of more than [-] people escaped!
This is an unprecedented victory! "

Having said this, the deputy general's face could not conceal his excitement!
With more than a thousand men, killing 2 people and capturing [-] people, it is simply unimaginable!

"Okay, okay!" Xu Luo was overjoyed. Although he, Xu Luo, was not a great talent, he deserved to make great contributions today.

Moreover, after this battle, he also had a clear understanding.

Fighting is about cunning and strategy.

He walked quickly to the prisoner camp and looked at the Beinu people who had received their armor and weapons.

Nearly half of these people are barbarians from the Western Regions.

According to the rules, he naturalized a group of people and used barbarians to control barbarians.

Fearing that too many prisoners would cause trouble, he directly ordered the people from these naturalization camps to kill nearly 5000 people.

Those who were killed were all pure-bred Beinu people, because these people were the thorns.

The next day, a Jingguan was erected outside Yu Tian.

This scene made other prisoners even more frightened.

The ferocity of the Dagan people is terrifying, and it goes deep into their bones.

Even though they now knew that the number of Dagan people who attacked them was only a thousand or so, they were still frightened by just such a small number of people.

At the same time, the idea was planted in their hearts that a large number of people cannot exceed a thousand, and that if they exceed a thousand, they cannot win.

To this end, they offered their loyalty.

Moreover, many of them were kidnapped by the Beinu people, and their loyalty was only forced by the strength of the Beinu people.

Therefore, they have no psychological burden on being loyal to Daqian.

Xu Luo wrote an urgent report and asked someone to send it to the police.

He now has more than [-] prisoners and [-] naturalized soldiers.

Unless 5 to [-] Beinu people come, there is no hope of conquering Yutian.

However, the snow is getting heavier and heavier, so they have to be brave enough to come!
"General manager, I have lived up to your expectations. At least before spring, the Northern slaves will not dare to take another step in the south!"

(End of this chapter)

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