big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1016 What, you want to be bullied by others?

Chapter 1016 What, you want to be bullied by others?

Her son died, was demoted, and the throne was not passed to her.

Li Shilong cultivated Li Yue, and the world saw it.

She was never jealous. Instead, she often took Li Yue's biological mother out with her and deliberately made friends with her.

Speaking of which, I feel sad.

"If they feel that I am interfering in politics, then let the imperial concubine help me handle the trivial affairs of the association." Empress Gongsun said: "When Lao Ba comes to power in the future, I will also be willing to give up the throne!"

This sentence dispelled all Li Shilong's doubts. He felt nothing but debt, "What are you talking nonsense about? Your position cannot be replaced by anyone.

Whether it’s Lao Ba or someone else, you are the master of this harem and are irreplaceable! "

"At that time, His Majesty was the Supreme Emperor, and his concubines were also the Supreme Empress Dowager. What was the point of occupying the harem?" Queen Gongsun said.

"I agree!" Li Shilong said: "In this way, this association will be stipulated in the future and must be controlled by the queen.

In this way, it is also a way for the queen to show herself to the people.

The deputy cannot be borrowed from others. If there is a deputy, there must be no third person except the Crown Princess! "

The harem is very complicated. If the queen is too cowardly, it will be difficult to persuade the emperor.

And a well-known queen is what the world wants to see.

Once the crown prince is chosen, the crown princess will also be chosen.

In this way, there is a perfect alternation. "

"I thank you, Your Majesty!" Queen Gongsun said: "However, I am only responsible for the internal affairs of the association. It is up to Your Majesty to decide how to arrange these female officials. The management should be left to Your Majesty."

"No need, you can draw up a plan for me!" Li Shilong said very proudly: "Actually, it is normal for the harem to interfere in politics.

Thousands of years ago, there were many regent queens and empress dowagers.

The king of the country was young and lacked prestige, so the Empress Dowager and the Empress Dowager acted as regents to correct the situation.

No one said anything at that time.

That brat Jingyun even asked Chai Rong's wife, Dou Mei, to recruit medical soldiers, most of whom were women. "

Queen Gongsun nodded, knowing very well that everything in Daqian was changing subtly.

Including prejudice against women.

The snow outside is getting heavier, and the couple is rubbing their ears together, but their relationship is stronger than before.

The weather in Qunu City in January is suitable. If it were placed in the capital, it would still be snowing right now.

Qin Mo only wore a lining and a coat.

After coming out, he completely let go.

I lost my long hair, abandoned my long gown, and wore a modified tunic suit, which was very comfortable.

He started, and the soldiers followed suit.

According to Confucianism, the body's hair and skin are affected by its parents. Everyone knows that Qin Mo does not believe in Confucianism.

He was the founder of the new religion, and no one thought he was deviant.

Or perhaps, he himself is a spokesman for deviance.

"Tell them to stop drinking cow urine from now on!" Qin Mo was very angry. He just went to the house of a more obedient Brahmin in Qunu City. They offered a special drink at that time, which was said to be a bull with two heads. Pee.

Qin Mo was immediately speechless.

There are also cow dung all over the streets, people defecate everywhere every day, and the entire Qunu City is filled with stench.

When the weather is hot and the wind blows, you can smell that smell in the palace.

Qin Mo knows very well that Tianxiang Kingdom is also the country that pays most attention to epidemics. The most serious disease here is cholera.

So he also ordered that they were not allowed to do anything in the river, and they were not allowed to burn the bodies and throw them into the river.

If they disobey, they will be severely suppressed, and then all of them will be sent away.This was also Qin Mo's intention. If he was too talkative from the beginning, they would make further progress.

Once a good person does something evil, he becomes an evil person.

But if a bad person does a good deed, he will turn around.

Very cheap.

"Young Master, first eat some Sushan to relieve the fire!" Gao Yao said quickly.

Qin Mo waved his hands, he had no appetite at all, and he didn't know how Xiaochai and Xiaodou were doing. It had been a month, and he didn't know where they were.

Half a month ago, Pei Xing and Dalun Dongzan's army came over.

Da Lun Dongzan returned to Nanfan, Xue Gui was stationed in the Kingdom of Kamalupo, and Pei Xing led the army to push all the way.

In the Tianxiang Kingdom, except for the Xiang soldiers who are worthy of fear, the others are not worth mentioning.

In the parallel world, Wang Xuance, with eight thousand soldiers borrowed from Niboluo, was able to capture Qunu City.

There was no reason for him to lose.

"I have met the Governor in my humble position!" At this time, Pei Xing came over.

"As I said, I am the manager now!" Qin Mo corrected.

Pei Xing scratched his head, "I'm used to the humble position!"

"Okay, you've been repairing it for so long, what are your plans?"

Pei Xing said quickly: "Please supervise me!"

"I'm very pleased that you can come from Lingnan in time this time. It shows that you are still worthy of promotion."

"Thanks to the Governor's guidance, otherwise Pei Xing would have turned into a handful of loess!" Pei Xing knelt on the ground and said.

"Get up, kneel down all the time!" Qin Mo waved his hand, "Conquered the Kingdom of Kamalupo, conquered Nibala, and also conquered the Kingdom of Jiebiluo and Fashidu. He has made outstanding achievements.

It won't make much sense to continue fighting. Of course, I'm not stopping you from making meritorious deeds, but what's more troublesome now is that we have too few manpower.

Counting you and the naturalization camp, there are only 10 people.

These 10 people are insufficient to manage such a large country. I need more naturalized soldiers, at least 10 soldiers.

If you can do it, these people will be left to you! "

Pei Xing was stunned and was overjoyed. Qin Mo was planning to train him and let him stay in the Tianxiang Kingdom. "You dare to die if you don't serve in your humble position!"

"Don't be so nice. Let me tell you, this job is not easy to do. Those Kshatriyas and Brahmins are extremely cunning beings."

Qin Mo said: "Besides, I only give you half a year. After half a year, I hope to see a loyal army!"

"Yes, I'll accept the order from my humble position. If I can't do it, I'll show you my head!" Pei Xing said with cupped hands.

"Oh, by the way, give the soldiers more concubines. Each of them must have three to five concubines. This is a hard target.

I hope that when the time comes, when the Chinese people come here, whether they are Ksriyas or Brahmins, they will respect them as their own parents! "


Pei Xing left happily, while Qin Mo showed no interest.

Gao Yaoyao knew that Qin Mo was homesick, and it would be New Year's Eve in about ten days. "Master, how about I call the Bollywood diva troupe to give you a performance to relieve your fatigue?"

"No, it's boring!"

Qin Mo waved his hand. He was tossing and turning on the king's soft bed, neither lying down nor standing, sighing and sighing as something was wrong.

Gao Yao had no other choice, so he pulled Fang Shun aside and said, "How about you show your true identity? If the young master sees you, he will definitely be happy!"

Fang Shun bit her lip, "No, wouldn't that mean you would be bullied by him?"

Gao Yao curled his lips, "Why, you don't want to be bullied by the young master, but you want to be bullied by other men?"

(End of this chapter)

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