big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1023 The desire to return home!

Chapter 1023 The desire to return home!
The prairie is so cruel.

He felt uncomfortable, but he also understood that he was getting old.

He is ten years older than Li Shilong.

This age is considered a long life in the prairie.

Modu restrained his anger. When he persuaded his father to send troops, he was also resisted.

At that time, his father was also old, and those people turned to him as they did now.

However, at that time he was just a wise king.

And now, he is Shanyu.

Yi Zhixie is still in the Western Regions.

He also holds an army of 10,000+ in his hands!

"You are stupid. Even if this Chanyu is willing to negotiate, how can the anger of the Dagan people, which has been suppressed for 20 years, be easily dispelled?" Modun Chanyu sneered, "What kind of person is Li Shilong? If you do this, it won't be easy." It’s making others laugh!”

Everyone's heads dropped lower.

"Forget it, I have become a joke for the betrayal of the military ministers." Modun Shanyu said lightly: "Then let's talk. As for moving the capital, it is absolutely impossible!"

Hearing this, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, Huyan still said: "Chanyu, we can pretend to surrender, and then find ways to deal with the military ministers!"

"Just do it!"

Modun Shanyu waved his hand, "Everyone go down and leave this matter to the Huyan Department!"

"Weichen, take orders!"

After everyone retreated, Modun Shanyu felt a little cold all over. In March, the grassland should be gradually getting warmer.

He couldn't help but ask someone to add firewood to the iron stove nearby to make the fire burn even more vigorously.

He looked at the burning fire and suddenly realized something.

In the past, Beinu's ironware could only come from Daqian, which was strictly guarded.

But now, various iron products are spread from Daqian.

The nobles' tents are all filled with such fireplaces. When lit in winter, they are indescribably comfortable.

However, the number of cattle, sheep and horses in the tribe is decreasing day by day.

The heavy snow only froze part of it to death, but not all of it. Where did the cattle, sheep and horses go?
He couldn't help sneering.

In Subi City, Subi Mojie looked into the distance with her big belly.

Spring has begun, and the wind carries the smell of resurrection of all things.

She stroked her belly gently and whispered: "I heard that your father has defeated the Tianxiang Kingdom. It's really amazing. Your mother and I are really discerning!"

Half a month after she separated from Qin Mo, she found out that she was pregnant. Counting the days, she would give birth in three months.

Li Yongmeng, who led the team, knew that the baby in Subi Mojie's belly was Qin Mo's, so he used different tricks to deliver supplements to her every day.

No, another bunch of valuable tonics were sent into the palace.

"The wind is strong, please blow less!" Xiao Xuanji came out from behind.

"Sir, do you really plan to leave Subi after I give birth?" Subi Mojie was very reluctant, "I also want you to be the child's teacher!"

"His father is the number one writer in Daqian, why should I teach him?" Xiao Xuanji shook his head with a smile and gently touched her belly.

She has been in Supi for more than 20 years, and it is a lie to say that she has no feelings.

However, when you are getting old, you should go home and take a look.

People always have to return to their roots after falling leaves.

She didn't care about Qin Mo's support, but she wanted to be buried next to her parents. She was very tired after wandering outside for 30 or [-] years.

She also wanted to go to Lingnan to see that little girl who looked like her.

But in my memory, her appearance has been blurred. "Sir, before you leave, can you let the child recognize you as Ayi (grandmother)?" Subi Mojie pleaded with her eyes.

Xiao Xuanji had no children, and Subi Mojie wanted to make her his godmother, but she refused because she was an outsider.

But now, she is leaving, and she will probably not return to Supi in the future.

This child almost grew up by her side.

Not her own daughter, but better than her own daughter. She was one of the few people worth caring about in a foreign country.

"Okay!" Xiao Xuanji nodded.

"Thank you, sir!" Subi Mojie smiled like a flower.

"Remember, this child, regardless of gender, must be raised by Qin Mo. When he grows up, he will return to Supi to inherit.

In this way, he will no longer be emotionally separated from his father's family, and can still get the support of the Qin family.

With the support of the Qin family, no one would dare to touch Su Bi, including Manlo Zampu.

With Munro Zamp's respect for Qin Mo, he would only take the initiative to maintain the relationship between the two parties and regard the child as one of his own. "Xiao Xuanji said.

"Are you going to send him away?" Subi Mojie was stunned, her eyes full of reluctance.

She was told to send her away before she was born, which made Subi Mojie, who was overflowing with maternal instinct, feel unspeakably sad.

"Don't be reluctant, the Daqian road has been built to the south, and anyone with a discerning eye knows the future return trip to the south.

From now on, if you go to the capital every now and then to see him, it will smell good in the distance and smell in the near. This has always been the case.

At that time, Qin Mo's love for you would only grow more, not less. Xiao Xuanji explained to her: "Your children do not need to inherit the Qin family's property. The mistresses of the Qin family may not all be kind-hearted people."

But for Qin Mo's sake, he wouldn't treat the child harshly. "

"Sir, will you never come back?" Seeing her like this, Subi Mojie held her hand, looking a little anxious, "If you don't come back, no one will help me in the future!"

"Your mother gave me stability, and I helped Subi change his life. It was originally a deal, but later I found that there was no place in the world that was my home, so I stayed in Subi.

The people in Supi are very nice and the scenery is nice.

This is my second hometown. Maybe one day I will visit again.

I will also write to you. If I don't write to you for a year, when you go to Daqian, you can go to the imperial mausoleum of the previous dynasty to pay homage to me and offer me a stick of incense. I will be happy. "

Xiao Xuanji took life and death very lightly. She was a lonely ghost and had survived so far. She had already had enough.

However, this is not her home or her country after all.

She wants to retrieve her lost memories and see the people she wants to see.

Subi Mojie was speechless and choked, "Mr. Ah!"

Xiao Xuanji patted her hand and said, "Get some rest. I'm going back first. If you have anything you want to ask me, you can write it down and I will answer you one by one."

Looking at her back, Subi Mojie realized that if she hadn't shouted those words, she might never have a chance in this life.

"Aunt Xiao!" Subi Mojie bowed deeply to Xiao Xuanji's back, "Thank you for taking care of me!"

Xiao Xuanji paused and did not look back, "It should be!"

She didn't stop, but her echoes were trembling.

Subi Mojie burst into tears. She still didn't keep Xiao Xuanji. This was not her home after all.

She has grown up here since she was a child and doesn't know what it feels like to be away from home.

But she could feel Xiao Xuanji's desolation and loneliness.

Just like Mr. Xiao looks at the east every day and is in a daze for a long time!
That’s a ten-year outlook.

What used to be just sadness has now become an urgent hope.

Even the footsteps of leaving were lighter than before.

(End of this chapter)

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