big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1029 It’s not a sin, but it’s also a crime!

Chapter 1029 It’s not a sin, but it’s also a crime!
The three of them thumped in their hearts.

Maodun Shanyu had murderous intentions.

Lan Nu hurriedly said: "Chanyu, if you want to verify whether King Youxian really has different intentions, there is the simplest way, and that is to order King Youxian to take people back to Longting in person!
If King Youxian comes back, the rumors will be self-defeating, and we can even use the rumors to confuse Da Gan.

Let Daqian feel that we are flesh and blood. "

"But what if he doesn't come back?" Mao Dun said coldly: "That confirms his intention to set up his own business. With this order from me, it is very likely that Beinu will be split into three kingdoms!"

Mao Dun was a little worried, because people can't bear to try, and he knew it better than anyone else.

Moreover, is there anyone in these four tribes who is secretly siding with Yi Zhixie?

If Yizhi leans over, he might be usurping the throne!

"Let's do this. This Shanyu remembers that the villain should still have 12 troops in his hands, so let him send another [-] troops.

Anyway, he has negotiated peace with Dagan, so Dagan will definitely not attack him again. It is useless to have so many soldiers! "

Modun Shanyu's words concealed murderous intent. The three of them had been following Modun Shanyu for 30 years. How could they not know that he had murderous intentions?
"Let Qixinshi deliver the letter!"

Modun added something after that, and everyone dispersed immediately, but the rumors in Longting became more and more intense.

It wasn't until the beginning of May that Mao Dun received another secret letter, and his whole body felt bad.

"Naughty son, evil son!" He drew out his golden sword and cut off a corner of the document.

The urgent report was sent by Hu Yanyou, detailing his conversation with Emperor Daqian in the capital.

Chanyu of the Western Regions, slave of the northwest, what a slave of the northwest!

You've been fooled!
If it is true as Huyanyu said in his urgent report, then Yi Zhixie may have really sent the army here to usurp the throne.

Not bad, it further solidified the fact that he was rebellious.

However, he is not that reckless person.

Although his age has made him worry more, he is still the wolf king on the grassland.

He was waiting for a letter from the Western Region.

At this moment, Mao Dun wiped the golden sword like an old wolf licking his wounds.

At the same time, Nanfan.

Daqian's angels came here, followed by Yalkin.

After being a guest in Supi for more than a month, Yalkin did not suffer any ill-treatment. On the contrary, Ganren provided him with good food and drink, and even gave him two Supi women.

Li Yongmeng called him brother and sister every day, and would take him outside to shell yaks from time to time.

He finally understood what the thunder cannon that attacked Yu Tian looked like that night.

Li Yongmeng also took him to see the neat rows of thunder cannons.

Yalkin suddenly felt very tired. Ganren's equipment was so good. If they really fought, would they be opponents?
More than a thousand people attacked at night, and they didn't even have a chance to fight back.

He looked at the rifle presented by Li Yongmeng in his hand. It would be great if this weapon belonged to Bei Nu.

All bows and arrows must be leaned back.

If they had such weapons, they could definitely go big.

This time, the leader of the team was Daqian Honglu Temple Cheng, Tang Guan.

This man is Tang Jian's eldest son.

He brought more than [-] people from Daqian to Supi, and Li Yongmeng asked Cheng Xiaobao to lead a team of [-] people to escort them.

"I said, Xiao Tang, why didn't you talk all the way?" Cheng Xiaobao was a talker, and Tang Guan was like a stuffy man along the way, unable to beat a fart with a stick. "I don't know what to say!" Tang Guan said, he just didn't want to pay attention to this silly thing, he was too nagging.

"Is your father planning to make Honglu Temple a business that will be passed down to your family?" Cheng Xiaobao said teasingly.


"Have you ever been on a mission?"


Cheng Xiaobao scratched his head and was left speechless by Tang Guan. He walked away directly and then ran to talk to Yalkin, "Lao Ya, I heard that your Beinu father died and his son will inherit his father's concubine. Really?" Fake?"


"Hey, what a pervert!" Cheng Xiaobao said in a long voice, "Then did you inherit it? Were you very excited when your father died?"

Yalkin was speechless for a moment, and finally just kept silent.

It’s not a thing for the son of man!
Along the way, Tang Guan and Yalkin were almost tortured and collapsed.

Fortunately, in mid-May, the group finally arrived in Kucha.

Yi Zhixie even went out of the city to meet Tang Guan and others.

"The Angel of Daqian has come all the way, I'm very grateful to you, Xiao Wang!" Yi Zhi said with a cupped hand.

Tang Guan was also on a mission for the first time, so he was very nervous. In front of everyone, he read out the imperial edict and awarded Yi Zhixie the title of Chanyu of the Western Regions, and he and Chanyu Longting jointly ruled Beinu.

The Beinu people in Kucha all looked at each other.

In fact, Longting had already sent General Qixin to come over and asked Yi Zhi to mobilize [-] elites back to Longting for protection.

Yi Zhixie refused on the grounds that there were many countries in the Western Region and he needed to be on guard against the Yueshi and Dashi Kingdoms, and just let the Qixin clan take away 2 people.

Then, rumors arose in the Western Regions that the Chanyu did not trust Yi Zhixie and felt that Yi Zhixie had second thoughts, so he sent Qixinshi here to test Yi Zhixie.

This incident made Yi Zhixie particularly irritable.

"Yi Zhixie Chanyu, you still don't accept the order?" Tang Guan said with a smile: "This is your Majesty's reward. From now on, you will be the Chanyu of the Western Regions canonized by His Majesty the Emperor Daqian.

Tomorrow, you will be escorted to Supi according to the compensation agreed upon at that time, and you will be the barrier between Nanfan and Daqian forever! "

Yi Zhi's eyes twitched wildly. If he had this imperial edict, wouldn't he be on an equal footing with his father?
Even if he didn't have any objections, he still had them at this moment!

What would his men think of him?

What would the people in Longting think of him?

"Your Majesty Xie Daqian, it's just that Yi Zhixie's moral character is shallow and he is not qualified to serve as the Shanyu of the Western Regions. Please let the angel tell His Majesty the exact words!" Yi Zhixie immediately postponed.

"Yizhixie, are you kidding us?" Cheng Xiaobao said angrily: "You are the one who came to seek peace, and now you are the one who refuses to accept the order. If you go back on your word, do you know what the consequences will be?
Let me tell you, there are tens of thousands of troops behind us, you have to think about the consequences of refusing! "

As soon as he finished speaking, the cavalry escorting him took out their rifles and pointed them at Yi Zhixie.

If he dares to say no, he will be beaten into a sieve.

"Calm down, General Cheng!" Yalkin quickly stepped out of the queue. He knew the equipment of the thousand cavalry and the power of the rifles, so he immediately whispered a few words in Yi Zhixie's ear.

Yi Zhixie changed his expression several times, looked at Yalkin again, and whispered: "Seriously?"

"Well, really!" Yalkin nodded.

Yi Zhixie was a little unsure. If he accepted the imperial edict, he and Longting might completely break up.

He understands his father's temperament, and once he doubts it, it is not a sin, but it is also a sin!

(End of this chapter)

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