big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1036: Rebellion against Tiangang 20th Edition!

Chapter 1036: Rebellion against Tiangang 2.0th Edition!
The little old man said red eyes, but they were really red eyes.

The sight made Qin Mo's nose sore. He knelt on the ground and kowtowed to Li Yuan, "Old man, I'm back!"

Wei Zhong also wiped his eyes, "When you are not at home, the Supreme Emperor talks about you eight hundred times a day. Even if he goes to the fields to pull weeds, he never leaves your side.

When he learned that you were going to take risks to counterattack the sky, the Supreme Emperor couldn't sleep all the time. He went to the Governor's Mansion from time to time and scolded Duke Zhao bloody.

It's his fault that he sent too few people. He should have sent more people there! "

"You old dog, you're the only one who talks a lot. It's only human nature for a man to worry about his children and grandchildren!" Li Yuan quickly grabbed Qin Mo, "Okay, okay, your kid is back safely, in my heart, I feel comfortable, the big stone has fallen, and I can have a peaceful sleep tonight!”

Qin Mo looked at Li Yuan, who was getting older, and was glad in his heart that he was right to come back early.

The elders in the family are getting older year by year, and the children are growing up year by year. If he ignores them in order to retire, he will not be happy even if he lives a happy life.

"By the way, Prince Consort, don't you have a few more days before you come back?" Wei Zhong asked curiously.

"Oh, isn't this just to give the old man a surprise?" Qin Mo scratched his head in embarrassment, "If the old man knew I was coming back, he would probably have to prepare several days in advance!"

With that said, Qin Mo took out a box of matches and lit Li Yuan's pipe.

Li Yuan took a few sips and became more and more happy as he watched, "By the way, you just came back to see Yu Shu and the others.

This year, they have worked the hardest, and the children have also given birth!
Although it is good for a grown man to have ambitions in all directions, and it is good to serve the country and the people, but if he does not have a home, he is just a rootless duckweed. "

Qin Mo smiled and said, "Don't worry, always give them some time to put on makeup!"

Li Yuan was stunned and pointed at Qin Mo with a smile, "You brat, you understand women!"

In the room, two old people and one young man burst out laughing.

At this time, in other rooms in the manor, Li Yulan, Li Yushu and others were rummaging through boxes and cabinets.

"Quick, find my new clothes!"

"Mr. Lang likes my appliqués the most, saying it looks dignified!" Li Yulan said.

"Third Sister, you are wrong. Idiots like people who are dignified on the outside but lively on the inside." Li Yushu gritted her teeth and pointed at the seven or eight new sets on the bed. Don't worry, "Third Sister, let's choose one set each!"

Li Yulan blushed, and Li Lizhen on the side told the maid: "The dress should be a little girly, my brother-in-law likes it best!"

Li Xue glanced at them. He and Li Jingya were the youngest, and they still looked girly.

"It's over, it's over, I haven't washed my hair yet!" Li Jingya scratched her head in pain.

Chai Sitian said: "Every costume is fake. I have prepared a new story. It is my turn tonight. No one can compete with me!"

The six women were noisy and the room became a mess.

Some people put stickers on themselves in the mirror, some are worried that they have gained weight, and some are crying and saying that they haven’t taken a shower.

The warblers and swallows are harmonious and harmonious.

Chu Rui and others did not dare to dress too brightly to avoid overpowering the six mistresses.

Although there is no distinction between big and small Qin Mansion, they still know it well.

The naughty children in the manor were also running around.

"Master Tianxin, where have you been? Come on, put on new clothes and see your father!"

In the manor, the servants were in a hurry. Some of the furry children climbed up the trees, and some got into the rockery.

Others were rolling in the mud.

"Wu Gan'er, go take a bath!" The wet nurse pulled the mud-covered calf out of the mud pit, and her big round eyes kept spinning.

"Hey, five, six, and seven, why did you three get into the mud too?" The three little kids who were caught cried as if they knew they had made a mistake.

There is no way, the three of them are younger and less courageous.

Qin Mo saw everything clearly from the railing on the second floor and laughed loudly, "Old man, you taught me well!"

Li Yuan's face turned red, "What do you know? This is called teaching students in accordance with their aptitude. You can't kill the child's nature!"

"Yes, yes, you are right!" Qin Mo glanced around and saw the tree swaying not far away.

His intuition told him that something was wrong with that tree!

He took out his telescope and looked at it. He was scared out of his wits. "Is that Tianxin? You bastard, you are actually swinging around on the top of the tree."

Qin Mo rushed down quickly.

Wei Zhong's eyesight was also not good. He picked up the telescope on the ground and looked at it. He suddenly panicked and said, "Your Majesty, Tianxin is swinging on the top of the tree!"

"What do you say?"

Li Yuan was stunned for a moment, then put a foot on his butt, "Go quickly, if anything happens to my great-grandson, it won't help if you die a hundred times!"

He stopped smoking and rushed downstairs anxiously.

"You bastard, you are really good. I just gave you such a big gift when I came back!"
People are dancing on the grave, but you are young and gentle, but you can take a shortcut and go directly to the top of the tree! "

Qin Mo's throat was dry and he was sweating like rain. The tree was more than ten meters high. His crooked-neck tree was not as tall as this tree.

Moreover, he only climbed half of it each time. This kid was better than his predecessor!
Qin Mo rushed to the foot of the tree and was about to climb up.

Gao Yao quickly grabbed him and said, "Master, no, although this tree is tall, its trunk is thin and it cannot support you!"

A large group of people gathered around.

Wei Zhong said: "Tian Xin, stop being slutty, you will scare your heart out."

"Great-grandson, come down quickly. Grandpa will tell you a story!" Li Yuan was extremely anxious.

"Grandpa, Master Wei, come up and shake, it will be so refreshing!" Tian Xin said happily.

"Little bastard, if you don't come down, I'll beat your butt to pieces!" Qin Mo gritted his teeth angrily, "Hold on!"

Tian Xin looked at Qin Mo with doubts in his eyes, "Hey, where is the black bear? Are you the black bear spirit who stole the cassock?"

Fang Chun looked at Tian Xin and thought to himself, is this the son of the elder sister and the stinky guy?
She looks like Qin Mo, but her skin is exactly the same as that of the senior sister.

This person is more courageous than Qin Mo and will take his own life.

She glanced at Gao Yao, and Gao Yao understood it. The two of them stood aside, taking precautions.

Qin Mo's nose was twisted with anger.

This anti-Tiangang thing actually said that I am a black bear spirit!

This is called tanning, this is called bodybuilding.

If you don't give this little thing a complete childhood today, it won't be enough to show his father's love!
"Hurry up and coax him down!" Li Yuan urged.

Qin Mo was also helpless, "Yes, yes, little cub, I am the black bear spirit, come down quickly!"

Tianxin stabilized his body and said downwards: "You black bear spirit, why don't you kneel on the ground and catch me at your wits' end. Be careful of this great sage's golden cudgel!"

(End of this chapter)

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