big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1043: I don’t care about my sons!

Chapter 1043: I don’t care about my sons!
Seeing Qin Mo and Li Yuan talking and laughing, Li Shilong couldn't get a word in, so he could only smoke and sulk alone.

Or Dou Xuanling walked over, took out the new journal, pointed to the headline of the industrial section and said: "Is this steam locomotive real or fake?"

Qin Mo glanced at it and said, "Really!"

"It says that as long as there is water and coal, this steam engine can pull people and goods thousands of miles away. Is it true?"

"Isn't it written very clearly above?" Qin Mo said: "It's just that the power of the second-generation steam engine is still too heavy. Even if it can pull the car, the speed will not be too fast. It is estimated that the fastest speed can only be as fast as a horse. Roughly the same!"

"Isn't this fast?" Dou Xuanling was stunned, "You mean, this steam engine can run faster than a horse in the future?"

"Yes, but it will take time. The industrial level has been reached, but the principles inside are a bit complicated!" Qin Mo is a history student, not an engineering student. If he can draw a simple schematic diagram, he has already learned it.

So it depends on professionals like Qin Kong. Qin Mo mostly starts the project, pulls it off, and then lets them conquer it on their own.

He doesn’t understand the details, but he understands the general direction. “It is estimated that after the third generation steam engine comes out, even if the horse has eight legs, it will not be able to keep up.

And it can also pull a lot of cargo.

For example, if we want to fight against Beinu now, then this steam car can be done in two or three trips.

When pulling the baggage, they also took the people along with them. You could reach the Beinu border in a few days, which saved a lot of time and food loss! "

"What you are saying is too mysterious. This steam engine only pours water and burns coal. How can it be so powerful?" Li Daoyuan said in disbelief.

"I've already said that we need to develop further." Qin Mo lay on the lawn and said: "It's like transporting supplies now, using horse-drawn carriages produced by Qinzhuang, and the load-bearing capacity is five to ten times that of before. The transportation time is shortened and the labor is reduced.

The emergence of steam vehicles will reduce this time cost and baggage loss to a minimum, and may not even use one-fifth of the original.

However, the initial investment in development is huge, and if you want this steam locomotive to run fast, you need to build a railway.

The cost of building one mile of railway is 5000 taels in cost alone, and this is when slaves and labor reform prisoners are used.

If workers are hired, the cost per mile is about 6000 taels! "

As soon as these words came out, everyone took a breath.

"My dear, how much money does it cost to build one mile of road? Can these 6000 taels be enough to build a ten-mile road?" Yu Boshi was shocked by this number.

"This is the result of cost reduction. Without cost reduction, one mile would cost at least 7000 taels!" Qin Mo curled his lips and said, "With all the current fiscal revenue of the imperial court, we won't be able to build many roads. But the advantage is that the imperial court will There is an iron ore factory, and we can make iron and steel by ourselves, so if we calculate it, two or three thousand taels for one mile is enough!"

"Do you know how far the capital is from Beinu? It's more than a thousand miles. Even if it's 3000 taels a mile, it's still more than 300 million taels."

"Absolutely, and this railway is more troublesome to build, and the speed is far not as fast as the road!

However, troubles still have to be built. Only with this railway can Daqian truly achieve complete rule! "

At this time, even Li Yuan became interested, "Jingyun, please talk carefully!"

Qin Mo glanced at Lao Liu and saw that he was listening with great interest. He waved to Li Daoyuan and the others, "Come on, you three, come and listen!"

Li Daoyuan and the others quickly picked up the big rocks and went over, sitting down in front of Qin Mo.

"Jingyun, here's a Qin Zi!" Li Daoyuan took out the specially provided Qin Yan.

Du Jingming thought for a while, took out a match, struck it and lit it, "Here, light it!"

Qin Mo exhaled a puff of smoke and said, "Okay, let's get on the road!"

Seeing his arrogance, Yu Boshi quickly urged: "Okay, hurry up!"

Qin Mo deliberately lowered his voice. Several people sitting close could hear clearly, but Li Shilong couldn't hear him.

He couldn't help but move towards Qin Mo.Qin Mo's eyes were sharp and he quickly closed his mouth.

"Say, why didn't you say it again!" Li Daoyuan frowned.

"Someone is eavesdropping!" Qin Mo teased.

Everyone looked at Li Shilong, and Li Shilong flicked his sleeves in embarrassment, "Who eavesdropped? It's sunny over there, but it's shady over here, why don't I come over?"

Li Yuan pointed to the haystack ten meters away, "That's where the wind blows. It's cool and refreshing. Go over there and enjoy the breeze!"
Don’t you know that the Dharma is not spread to the six ears? "

"I don't care about you!" Li Shilong's balls hurt and he glared at Qin Mo fiercely. This bitch is really good at getting revenge on him.

He was so happy when he was beaten, but now he is so angry!

He walked over unhappily.

Gao Shilian wiped the sweat from his forehead and said, "Your Majesty, how about I go over and listen to it and come back and tell you?"

"I'm not surprised!" Li Shilong was walking up and down the field ridge. Seeing them chatting so happily, and several of them clasping their hands in praise from time to time, he felt very itchy!

Sometimes, the emperor just wants something if he says he doesn’t want it.

Gao Shilian understands!

He quietly walked over and squatted to listen. After listening for a while, he ran to Li Shilong and roughly repeated what Qin Mo said.

"What? You want to build it all over the country, not even the Celestial Kingdom? You need to build it for at least 20 miles?" Li Shilong estimated in his mind and found that he couldn't calculate how much money it was.

Even if the imperial court collects taxes for 100 years, it won't be enough to build the railway, right?

"Yes, that's what the Prince Consort said!"

"He didn't say why?"

"This slave didn't hear it, it was missed in front!"

"Then you go and listen again!" Li Shilong didn't care at the moment. Hearing something with only half-understanding is not to mention how uncomfortable it is.

"Slave, go now!" Gao Shilian trotted over and listened for a longer time this time before running back to repeat.

"He wants to contract out the railway? Isn't that a way for businessmen to make profits? No, absolutely not!"

"The Prince Consort seems to have a relatively complete plan, and I didn't hear it very clearly!"

"I didn't hear clearly what you came here to do. Come over and listen!" Li Shilong got angry.

Thinking that he is a powerful emperor, rich all over the world, and a future Khan, he actually wants to quietly listen to his son-in-law's plans.

Who can believe it?

But this scene really happened to me.

"Hey, if I had known that when Qin Xiangru invited me to beat people, I would have refused!" Li Shilong sighed, feeling a little regretful.

But after I smoked it, I felt so comfortable and refreshed.

If there is such an opportunity next time, he will definitely not be able to refuse it.

So confused and uncomfortable!
In the face of attacking Qin Mo and national policy, he seems to be more inclined to the former!
(End of this chapter)

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