big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1049: Digging a pit for the boss!

Chapter 1049: Digging a pit for the boss!

"How can a country's important weapon be lent to a businessman?" Li Daoyuan said: "Jingyun, you have to be careful about this kind of thing. What if they raise the price on the ground?

Does the court care about it or not?
Let's just say it's more than 3000 miles from the capital to Jingzhao Mansion, and it costs [-] taels per mile for the imperial court to come forward.

They have to at least double it, which will cost 30 to [-] taels of silver, and I'm afraid it will be more than that!
How many merchants can take it? "

In fact, Daqian is at the forefront, and everyone is novel and cautious about new things.

"Okay, since you said so, let me use Jingzhao Mansion as an example!"

Qin Mo said: "For example, if the imperial court paid for the construction, it would definitely cost 3 to [-] taels of silver, and it could be completed in half a year at most.

During this period, the imperial court used state-owned steel, plus slaves and prisoners of war to complete the corvee, and even Hua Chao would not exceed it too much.

However, this process may involve the construction of mountains and flat fields, which need to be compensated for the common people. For the common people, this station is not built in front of their homes, and some of them are just in the way.

So compensation must be in place.

If the court is allowed to do it, the cost will increase!

But if you let businessmen do it, everything will be easier to say. "

Gao wanted to put the peeled lychees in the ice pan and put them within Qin Mo's reach.

Qin Mo stuffed two into his mouth and said vaguely: "First of all, after the businessman won the bid, if he did not complete the work within the contract, he would have to pay liquidated damages, and the court could even take back the contract.

When starting work, a full deposit must be paid. If the work is not completed as agreed, the deposit will go directly to the court.

The deposit will not be returned until the contract expires.

If any illegal operation occurs during operation, part of the deposit will be deducted.

It means that even before the construction of the railway from Beijing to Jinzhao Mansion started, the imperial court had already made a wave of deposits.

Secondly, such a large project requires tens of thousands of workers.

Based on the principle of proximity, they must recruit workers from nearby. Doesn't this provide tens of thousands of jobs?

Secondly, we need to compensate for the expropriation of mountains and land, so businessmen have shouldered the risk for us.

However, in order to avoid forced conscription, the court must accompany the people and must be on the side of the people.

Of course, it must be reasonable.

It’s not that the people are demanding high prices and the tigers are opening their mouths, but the businessmen can only grit their teeth and accept.

Everything is ready. After the construction starts, the required steel and stone need to be purchased.

The imperial court could sell it to them at a low price, which made another wave of money and raised a group of people.

After completion, the court will inspect and accept it, and the unqualified areas will be rebuilt to ensure that there are no problems with the quality of the railway. "

Qin Mo spit out the lychee kernels in his mouth and rubbed his sore calves. Gao Yao understood this and knelt down next to Qin Mo. He put his feet on his lap. He didn't mind that his feet smelled so he started pressing them. stand up.

Seeing Qin Mo enjoying himself, Li Shilong was so angry that this dog enjoyed it better than him!
"Stop inking and tell me quickly!" Yu Boshi said impatiently.

The more anxious he became, the more Qin Mo refused to say anything, anxious to death!

There was nothing he could do about it later, so Yu Boshi could only say soft words, "Jingyun, I was wrong. I won't rush you. You can think of your words before you speak!"

Qin Mo hummed and then said slowly: "Then the most important thing is to buy a steam locomotive.

Steam locomotives were jointly developed by Qinzhuang and the Ministry of Industry. The prices start at ten thousand taels. If you want to make more money, buy a few more.

In this way, Qinzhuang and the Ministry of Industry have another long-term business.

After everything is ready, Jingcheng and Jingzhao Prefecture will choose a place to build a station. Once this station is completed, it will have extraordinary benefits.

It is conservatively estimated that the development and completion of the railway will benefit hundreds of thousands or even millions of people.Although the businessman spent money, he still made a sure profit by getting the right to collect fees for 10 to 30 years.

A large number of people have poured into the capital in the past two years. According to statistics from the Ministry of Household Affairs, there are 400 million people.

There are tens of millions of people in Jingzhao Mansion. In addition to pulling people, they can also pull goods. It is easy to earn 10 to 6 taels a year.

The capital will be paid back in a few years. Although many people are still needed to maintain and repair the roads, I calculated that the capital can be paid back in five to eight years, and the rest is pure profit.

After the contract expires, if the court is unwilling to operate it, it will continue to auction the operating rights, and then it will make another wave of profits.

If we want to take back state-owned enterprises, that’s no problem. "

After hearing this, everyone was in awe, "Isn't this the same as those chambers of commerce in the capital developing buildings?"

“It’s almost the same, except that railway projects involve more aspects than developing buildings.

But one thing is that the pricing of fares must be determined by the court. It should not be too expensive or too cheap. It should be determined according to the distance traveled.

If it’s too expensive, the people can’t afford it. If it’s too cheap, it will be slow to recover the original cost. We should pay attention to this point. We can discuss the pricing power together, but we must not leave it to them!

Secondly, every station must be equipped with a railway patrol station.

The steam locomotive must also be equipped with several permanent bad guys. "

Everyone is digesting what Qin Mo said. If you look at it this way, the court will not only not lose money by building the railway, but it will also make a lot of money.

While making money, it can also allow ordinary people to make a fortune and increase their control over the local area, killing three birds with one stone.

When the contract expires and the railway is taken back, the court gets a complete railway for free and makes a fortune.

"That's a good idea!" Li Shilong stroked his beard and said, "I read in the new journal that the steam locomotive will be tested in the next two days. Let's go and take a look!"

Qin Mo didn't refuse. He had been waiting for this moment for several years.

Although he only provided ideas and unclear drawings, the efforts put in by the research team deserve recognition.

He met Qin two days ago. The boy was younger than him by a month and had a lot of gray hair, which showed the hardships involved.

As an uncle, I have to go and support him.

"By the way, the railway from the capital to Jingzhao Mansion must be built by the imperial court as a model for those people to see.

Otherwise, the intended effect may not be achieved. "

Qin Mo added, "In the future, the railway will be a major financial revenue source for the imperial court. It may make money in the early stage, but it may lose money in the later stage.

Because the longer the railway, the more expensive it is to maintain, and it is impossible for every route to be profitable.

Therefore, we can find ways to graft out the losses in the early stage. By then, when we have a mature system, we won’t have to be so anxious. "

The cost is grafted by merchants, and slaves and prisoners of war are used to reduce costs. Not counting long-distance railways, there will be no loss in building railways in a few cities with large populations around Beijing.

Using the money earned to build long-distance railways should be able to offset this loss.

It can be said that Qin Mo dug a big hole for the court. After they entered the hole, they would not get out again.

With this prospect of huge domestic demand, Daqian will be in a state of rapid development in the next few decades.

The railway economy and direct roads, coupled with navigation, will bring Daqian to a point that no one can imagine.

That was Qin Mo’s dream of heaven.

In the future, the railway will take Qin Mo to the Western Regions thousands of miles away. Maybe he will be able to see airplanes and soar thousands of meters in the sky in his lifetime!

(End of this chapter)

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