big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1058 Fool, you are the best!

Chapter 1058 Fool, you are the best!

As soon as these words came out, both women were surprised.

"Master, don't you think about Daqian's national destiny anymore?" Fang Chun knew very well that from the time she could remember, Yuan Tiangang had been trying to find his destiny.

After finding the man of destiny, he secretly fought with Yao Guangzhi from afar, and finally won.

Over the years, Yuan Tiangang has been really tired, but now he actually says he doesn't want to deduce anymore.

"Well, there's no need to deduce any more!" Yuan Tiangang put away the compass, "It's a foregone conclusion that the dragon will dominate all directions. The length of Dagan's kingdom is beyond my ability to calculate.

If that's the case, what's the point?
I don’t care about things that will happen hundreds of years from now. I don’t want to, let alone can’t. "

His voice was filled with indescribable relief. For the past 30 years, he has not dared to stop for a day, just for this reason.

As for Xiao Yurou, that was the reason why he returned to Dazhou.

"From now on, I will be writing books in Qintian Prison. If you have nothing to do, don't disturb me.

If you run into any trouble, solve it yourself.

It’s been 30 years and it’s time for me to take a break! "

Yuan Tiangang turned around and walked in, leaving the two women looking at each other.

"Master will no longer care about worldly affairs?" Xiao Yurou asked.

"Maybe?!" Fang Chun said uncertainly. It felt like the parents had retired, and they would be the only ones to support the family in the future.

"Then, my Lord!"

"My lord!"

The two looked at each other and laughed.

After lying at home for a few days, Qin Mo still took people from Qinzhuang and the Ministry of Industry to start surveying and mapping the capital.

Originally, he had planned everything: two days of horse racing, two days of storytelling, two days of going to the opera house to cultivate sentiments, two days of writing novels, and two days of free time to educate furry children.

In this way, ten days passed.

In the middle ten days, I would spend two days with the ladies at home, another two days with the old man to build a manor, and another two days to go sketching in the wild, let the ladies draw lots, and take the two of them away.

For the remaining four days, I spent time with Uncle Liugen and the others at home, making inventions, researching some delicious food, and adjusting their tastes.

The last ten days were also full of arrangements, including tiger riding, mule riding, entering the palace to chat with the queen, taking Dou Yiai and the others to run wild and develop some new sports.

If you meet No. 31, he will be alone that day and don’t want to see anyone!
This is the perfect life in Qin Mo's heart.

At this time, he was squatting on the ground. Gao Yao was holding a fan in his hand to prevent Qin Mo from being burned by the harsh sun. He was also holding a cattail leaf fan in his hand, "Master, are you feeling better?"

"Hey, I'm so annoyed!" Qin Mo felt uncomfortable all over.

Duan Lun on the side was even more excited and breathed out, "Jingyun, why don't we take a break? Qiu Laohu is so powerful!"

"Hurry up and take the test. After the test, I want to give myself a holiday!"

In fact, the planning of the capital is quite good. Although it is divided into four cities, each city is divided into several squares.

This workshop is actually an area, which is conducive to management.

Square and square.

Since the railway is to be built, it must be repaired. Fortunately, cement technology has gradually matured. There may be engineering problems, but we can find ways to overcome them.

"You are young, I am getting old. If you don't rest, you will die here!" Duan Lun couldn't stand it any longer, so he sat down on the ground, picked up the kettle and started drinking!
Qin Mo didn't bother to pay attention to him and looked at the drawing. This route must follow the central axis of the imperial city.

But it cannot appear on the avenue outside Chengtianmen.After thinking for a long time, Qin Mo wrote and drew on the drawing, "Let's go to the next place."

"Duan Shangshu, the Prince Consort is gone!" a minister reminded.

"Go and catch up!"

Duan Lun got up with difficulty and chased after him, "Jingyun, how many years will it take for this project to be completed?"

"It can be completed within two years, and hundreds of thousands of workers will be invested." Qin Mo pointed at the drawing and said: "The station should be set up behind Baihu Gate, it is more convenient.

Given the size of the capital, it is estimated that six to eight routes will be opened.

I'll draw the drawings when the time comes, and I won't care about the rest. I'll just be responsible for the acceptance inspection. If it doesn't pass, you can figure it out yourself! "

After speaking, Qin Mo left.

"Jingyun, aren't you supervising?"

"You are the Minister of the Ministry of Industry and I am the Minister of the Ministry of Industry? Anyway, you can take care of the quality yourself. I have done all the credit. The worst I can do is get a beating, or you might lose your head!" Qin Mo couldn't bear the heat anymore, so he got on the carriage and left. .

"This bitch is threatening me!" Duan Lun's teeth were almost broken, but the key point was that he was not wrong.

With all Qin Mo's achievements, as long as he doesn't make principled mistakes, no one can do anything to him.

He can't, he has to get things done honestly.

After spending two or three days, Qin Mo completed the drawings. The people from Qinzhuang were responsible for the construction of the railway tracks. They were professionals.

The railway should avoid houses as much as possible, so as to provide convenience to the people but not burden them.

The line behind Baihumen is Tianzi Line [-], and so on.

After doing this, he called Xiao Liuzi over, "Go, send it to Qinzhuang and let them complete the plan as soon as possible!"

After Xiao Liuzi left, Qin Mo was finally free.

I was planning to go and see Zhao Manyun, but Dou Yiai came.

"What are you doing?"

"Brother, are you busy? Can you accompany me to a place?" Dou Yiai took Qin Mo's hand and asked.

Qin Mo suddenly became alert, "The place you are going to must not be a good place, right?"

"How about you be the eldest brother and I am the younger brother!" Dou Yiai said, "You accompany me to Ganye Temple and bring Gao Yang back!"

"I'm not going, I'm not going!" Qin Mo refused without thinking, "Brother, I won't go to that unlucky place!"

"Brother, it was you who asked me to pick up Gao Yang. I don't have any confidence in my heart." Dou Yiai directly hugged Qin Mo's thigh, "My father has gone to the palace today to tell His Majesty that he wants to pick up Gao Yang. , His Majesty agreed.

As long as Gao Yang is taken out, my children will be able to recognize their ancestors and return to their clan. Please help me! "

"That's your child, not mine. It's none of my business!" Qin Mo was speechless. He said it when he was in Lingnan, but he hasn't even taken her back yet!
"Then can I ask them to recognize you as their eldest father?" Dou Yiai said: "When you die in the future, I will ask them to sweep your grave. If that doesn't work, I will adopt two sons for you and adopt all the daughters for you. Okay?"

"Go away, I have more sons than you. If you want a daughter, my wife will give birth to her!" Qin Mo slapped him with his backhand. If my wife can give in to this piece of shit, so can my son and daughter. It's really good!
Dou Yiai has a thick skin and doesn't care how many times he gets hit.

Besides, he was willing to be beaten by Qin Mo!

Qin Mo was really entangled by him and had no choice but to look for Zhao Manyun. "I'm really afraid of you. Let go now. Can't I go?"

Dou Yiai sniffed and said, "Idiot, you are the best!"

(End of this chapter)

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