big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1064 The positioning of the Qin clan!

Chapter 1064 The positioning of the Qin clan!
"Bo Shi, it depends on whether Qin is willing to do this." Li Shilong actually had his own considerations for these prominent Qin people.

The Qin clan is both a relative and a royal clan. Although they are not relatives of the Li family, there is no reason to let Qin Mo go as he is.

Why he wanted to grant the marriage was not a temporary decision, but a matter of careful consideration.

The Qin family must be used by the royal family and must be firmly tied to the victory of Daqian.

Just like new learning, it has already become popular.

The most powerful thing about it is not its exclusivity, but its inclusiveness.

New learning does not exclude dissidents, but allows their existence and absorbs their essence.

In order to achieve the scene of a hundred schools of thought contending,

The day when Xin Xue reaches the top will be the day when the reputation of the Qin people reaches its peak.

What should he do then?
Perhaps he had died of old age by then.

But how will his descendants deal with this matter?
Killed or demoted?

That's too low-level.

Moreover, the power of the Qin family is attached to the imperial power and has penetrated into every level.To weaken the Qin family is to weaken the royal family and to become enemies of these new nobles.

This power is even more terrifying than the previous family.

So he thought of some ways.

For example, refer to how previous dynasties treated the Ji family.

Moreover, Qin Mo is his son-in-law, so he can tie these reputations to the royal family.

"Did you hear that?" Qin Mo looked at him with his nostrils, "Everyone, if you have a young girl in your family, you can sign up. She must be beautiful, knowledgeable, gentle, and in good health, not sick. .

It's best to arrange another blind date to see if you are right.

Our Qin clan members include not only Qin, but also Qin Wei and Qin Hei, who are the mainstays of our Qin clan. "

Yu Boshi's nose was so angry that he said, "Qin Mo, do you think your Qin clan is the only one in the world with men?"

"Go away, your daughter is ugly, don't talk!"

Hearing this, Dou Xuanling and others couldn't help laughing.

"You guys are laughing so hard, my daughter is not ugly!" Uncle Yu was furious.

"Okay, the marriage of these three people will be left to me!" Li Shilong looked at the food on the ground and sat down directly.

Gao Shilian then stepped forward and handed the basket over, "Captain Prince Consort, this is a pastry made by the Empress herself!"

Qin Mo happily took the basket. As expected, they were all his favorite pastries. He divided them one by one, and his mood became better. He even liked the sight of Lao Liu.

"You send the birthdays and horoscopes of the three of them to the palace later, and I will help them choose a suitable woman!" Li Shilong reminded again because he was afraid that Qin Mo would not take it seriously.

"Okay!" Qin Mo muttered in his heart, there was something wrong with Lao Liu, he actually paid so much attention to the marriage of the Qin people.

He thought for a while and found a clue. This seemed to be a favor.

He looked at Li Daoyuan again and reacted immediately.

Understand, it is to show kindness, but also to promote the Qin clan.

Thinking about how much Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty valued the Huo family, he truly trusted the Huo family to the extreme. First he had Huo Qubing, and then he had Tuogu Huo Guang. This kind of favor is similar to the Qin family now.

Li Shilong wiped out the aristocratic family, will he allow a more terrifying family to emerge than the aristocratic family?
the answer is negative.

His involvement in the Qin people's marriages was also sending a very clear message.

Even Yu Boshi came to his senses now and never mentioned marriage again.

"You kid, you really know how to enjoy it, and you want me to come and find you myself!" Li Shilong said.

"It must be nothing good!" Qin Mo muttered softly.Li Shilong resisted the urge to pull his belt and said: "I came here today not to cause trouble for you, but to come down incognito for a private visit to see the harvest!"

"Who believes it?" Qin Mo believed him!

Seeing him like this, Li Shilong remembered Li Yuan's words and said, "I'm in a good mood today, so I won't slap you!"

With that said, he stood up and said, "Let's go back to the palace!"

"Your Majesty, can we eat here and go?"

"I'm so angry after seeing that piece of shit, how can I still eat it?" Li Shilong snorted and left immediately.

This made Qin Mo a little unbelievable, "Isn't Lao Liu really here to cause trouble for me?"

"Little ancestor, Your Majesty didn't come here originally. It was the Queen who made the cakes, so he went around to give you the cakes!" After Gao Shilian finished speaking, he hurriedly chased after her.

Li Daoyuan also said: "There are still some imperfections in the Prince Management Act. I asked His Majesty to call you into the palace to discuss it. He said you were too tired and asked you to rest before talking.

You kid, don’t be ignorant of blessings when you are in the midst of blessings. Among us old guys, when we were young, which one of us was not in a hurry?

Li Cungong was transferred to Tianxiang Kingdom by your letter, and you are still showing off here!
Even if it's going to be messed up, you have to finish your own thing before talking about it. "

He picked up a can from the ground and said in a low voice: "The Prince Management Act is fine, but what about the harem?
The Queen Empress recently established a Women's and Children's Protection Association and hired some female officials to manage it together with the imperial concubine.

If Lao Ba really comes up in the future, what do you want the queen to do?

What is the identity of the imperial concubine?
Have you thought about this problem?
When doing things, you should not only take care of the head, but also the tail.

Do you know what many people say about the Queen now?

They said that the queen was crazy and wanted to be the empress.

Who did this? Isn’t it you?

If you are truly filial, you will solve all these problems.

I don't have the ability to take care of this matter, and I can't handle it well.

The queen won't listen to me either. "

Qin Mo frowned, "Which bitch is chewing his tongue behind you?"

"If you pulled out their tongues, wouldn't they stop talking?" Li Daoyuan snorted, "You were the one responsible for the new law, and you pushed us to the forefront.

You don’t need to interfere with everything. At least you have to pay attention to the trends.

There are many smart people in this world, but they are smart, but no one wants to listen to them.

No one wants to believe them either.

Those fools hold the right to speak. Even if they are wrong, most people will stick to them.

We are all grasshoppers on the same line. If you don’t seize such a good opportunity and continue to innovate deeply, then what’s the point of working our butts off?

You feel that if you don’t show up, you don’t need to be the leader.

But the facts are there, can you hide them if you want?

You just retired and didn't care about everything. Have you ever thought about us people?

Do you think His Majesty is willing to force you?

He doesn't want to.

No one knows what the future will be like, but you know, you have painted an unprecedented picture.

What do you want him to do?
Do you pretend to understand if you don’t understand?
You are his son-in-law, the person he trusts the most. If he can't even trust you and can't afford you, then who else can he trust?
Who can use it?

Who can be his support?
I know you are tired, but the most tired person is not you, but everyone who charged into battle because of your words. "

(End of this chapter)

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