big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1067: There’s so much food that I’m worried!

Chapter 1067: There’s so much food that I’m worried!

Li Shilong nodded. Because there was too much land, these lands were unclaimed.

After all, it is still because the population is too small.

Even prisoners of war and slaves could not farm the land, and these people were mainly building bridges and paving roads.

Moreover, in a short period of time, the land in the country will be in a state of surplus, and more slaves and prisoners of war will be needed to cultivate it for the court.

The 40 households exempted from taxes seemed like the court was losing money, but the benefits brought by these more than 3000 million acres of land were huge.

"After final statistics, the total amount of rice was 3000 million shi, including the 300 million shi rented to farmers on the 700th, for a total of [-] million shi.

These grains will eventually be stored in locally built granaries! "When Zhuge Sui talked about this number, he was loud and excited.

Three years ago, the salary paid out by the state to hundreds of officials was based on the family fortune accumulated by Da Zhou.

When we arrived in Daqian, the population was dwindling, and there were natural and man-made disasters. In those few years, we relied on the capital accumulated by Dazhou to survive.

Especially four or five years ago, there was a large-scale drought, and grain production was reduced. Moreover, there was no tax, and the grain tax was less than 800 million shi.

It is far inferior to the feat of 3000 million stone grain tax during the heyday of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

Of course, this is also related to the high taxes and large population at the beginning.

Everyone took a breath, "How much?"

Li Shilong's eyes gleamed, "Are there really so many?"

"Yes, there are so many!" Zhuge Sui was very excited. "This year, a large area of ​​the country has been exempted from tax, but there are still some places that are not exempt from tax. Therefore, I estimate that the rice tax alone will not be less than 200." Ten Thousand Stones.”

"My dear, isn't this the most powerful period of the Great Zhou Dynasty?"

"What about sweet potatoes?" Li Shilong asked.

“Potatoes cannot be planted next year, so potatoes will not be included in the tax next year. Although sweet potatoes can be planted continuously, the Ministry of Industry said it is best not to plant them continuously as they are prone to pest diseases and will lead to large-scale production losses.

Therefore, sweet potatoes will not be included in the calculation next year. People from the Ministry of Industry will fertilize them one year in advance to replenish soil fertility!

Or grow other crops! "

Zhuge then paused and continued: "Among them, the sweet potatoes cost 500 million shi. After excluding the 250 million shi given to farmers, there are still 250 million shi left!"


Everyone's scalp is numb!

Ten thousand stones?
Is this fucking finished?
The harvest from more than five million acres of land is four times the annual grain tax during the peak period of the Great Zhou Dynasty!
Is this a fucking joke?
Everyone present was shocked and speechless by this number.

Li Shilong was also shocked, "How much did you say? 250 million shi? (One stone is 80 kilograms, and the current domestic production is about 5000 million tons) Are you sure it is that much?"

"Yes, that's for sure!" Zhuge Sui's voice trembled, "But Your Majesty, although these sweet potatoes are good, they cannot be completely used as a staple food. If stored in a cellar, they can be stored for about half a year at most.

Similar to the storage time of potatoes, these are not easy to store in the granary. We are working hard to build the granary below because the harvest is much more than we expected!

Therefore, storage is a problem, and using these sweet potatoes is also a problem. "

I have only heard of people worrying about having too little food, but I have never heard of people worrying about having too much food.

However, what Zhuge Sui said is also true. It's just that the storage time of this thing is too short.

One stone of sweet potatoes is enough for one person to eat for a month and a half. According to the population of 3000 million in Daqian, these sweet potatoes are enough for them to eat for half a year.

"What about the potatoes?"

"Almost, that's it!" Zhuge Sui smiled bitterly and said, "The granary is simply not enough!"

With one-thirtieth of the land in Dagan, it was possible to grow enough food for the people of Dagan for three meals a day for nearly a year, which was simply terrifying.In addition to more than 700 million stones of rice, it is more than enough to last for a whole year.

The huge palace was completely silent.

They knew that the new rice seeds, potatoes, and sweet potatoes could grow, but they did not expect that they could grow so well.

It was Du Jingming who stood up and said: "Minister, congratulations to Your Majesty, Daqian will no longer have food problems from now on!"

Everyone also responded, "Congratulations, Your Majesty!"

The sound almost lifted the dome of Tai Chi Palace.

Li Shilong also came to his senses, and immediately his face flushed with excitement, "They're all flat!"

More food is better than no food, right?
Who would think that they have too much food?
He couldn't help laughing loudly, "I used only one-thirty of the country's land to grow enough food to feed the whole country.

Ancestors bless, God bless, Qin Tianjian chooses a day, I will sacrifice to God! "

Everyone was happy. The court had food and money, and their lives were getting better.

All smart people know that the time is ripe for war with Beinu.

"Jingyun, come out and tell us what to do with these potatoes and sweet potatoes!" Li Shilong shouted several times, but no one came out.

He frowned, "Bitch, did you go to sleep in the corner again?"

Many people looked around, "No, Your Majesty, there's nothing in the corner or outside!"


Li Shilong immediately glanced at the crowd, "Where's Qin Xiangru, why didn't I see anyone else?"

"Your Majesty, Qin Xiangru and his son are not here!" Li Daoyuan said helplessly.

"Didn't come?" Li Shilong was stunned, "I even sent someone to call them. How come they didn't come? Are they sick?"

"Your Majesty, I have this report!" At this time, Dou Xuanling stood up and said, "When I went to court today, I met Qin Xiangru and his son. The father and son went out, but did not enter the palace to go to court. Instead, they went south. Off to morning tea!”

"Yes, Your Majesty, I can testify!" Yu Boshi said.

"My lord, I can also testify!" Du Jingming said helplessly.

Yuchi Nobuxiong said loudly: "Your Majesty, the father and son of the Qin family are extremely arrogant. They went to have morning tea even though they knew that the court would be meeting today.

He also said that if he didn't eat enough, he wouldn't have the energy to go to court, which was extremely arrogant.

This father and son must be severely punished, otherwise it will not be enough to revitalize the emperor! "

"Your Majesty, I am reporting to you that the father and son of the Qin family have despised the king, the court, and the outline of the court. Their behavior is lazy and extremely bad. Your Majesty, please punish them severely!" Dou Xuanling did not submit the petition at the beginning, but waited for Zhuge Sui to finish telling the good news.

In this way, although the emperor is angry, he will not be so angry that he becomes dizzy.

I don’t know what Lao Qin is thinking. If Qin Mo is messing around, just let him mess around. At such an old age, he is still messing around with his son!
Some people had long disliked Qin Mo, but now, nearly half of the people agreed, "Your Majesty, please punish the Qin family father and son severely!"

Li Shilong had a stern look on his face, "Okay, that's okay. I used to forget about sleeping in the court hall, but now I don't even come to the court meeting!"

Wang Gui, go and capture these two father and son for me. If you don't come, I'll give each of you a hundred sticks first! "

Wang Gui was overjoyed, he finally got the chance.

Just when he was about to leave, Qin Xiangru's cursing voice came from outside, "You bitch, it's all your fault. You have to sleep. Now that's it. Are you late?"

(End of this chapter)

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