big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1072: Stunning policy for governing the government!

Chapter 1072: Stunning policy for governing the government!
The smile on Zhuge Sui's face gradually shifted, and then he vomited again.

Li Shilong snorted, "Stop talking nonsense, excrement is poisonous. It's really stewed in excrement. Do you dare to eat it?"

Qin Mo didn't say anything and took the stinky tofu back, "Never again eat my tofu!"

Li Shilong was so disturbed by this that he almost forgot what he was here for, and then said: "You are so joking, I ask you, how to store those potatoes and sweet potatoes?

This year's potato and sweet potato harvest is almost over 2 million yuan. There is not enough food in the granary to store this much food.

Is there a good way to store it?Can waste be reduced? "

Qin Mo didn't continue to make trouble. After all, food is more important than the sky. He sighed, "If you ask me, the household department is really useless. It can't make money and can't make food. Now I have helped you get the money and the food. You’ve done it, but you’re still not good enough.

What exactly can they do? "

Zhuge then vomited uncomfortably and became even more angry, but Qin Mo would definitely remain silent if he spoke to him at this time.

Forget it, just be patient and get the solution.

This bitch was beaten, it took a lot of effort, and they took advantage of it. Isn't it also a kind of revenge?
Thinking of this, Zhuge Sui suddenly felt much better.

As long as one's principled position remains unchanged, appropriate concessions are acceptable.

"You are so rude, speak up quickly!" Li Shilong said.

“Sweet potatoes can be washed into sweet potato flour, but this is a bit environmentally damaging and a bit smelly, but the washed sweet potato flour can be stored for a long time if stored properly.

The washed sweet potato residue can be used to feed pigs.

Another way is to make sweet potato vermicelli and potato vermicelli. After drying, it is easy to store and tastes good.

These are finished products made directly from sweet potatoes and processed many times.

It can also be canned, which can be sold at a high price and can be stored for a long time. "

Qin Mo dug out of his pocket again and took out a piece of paper, "Hey, I've already written it all down. As long as you follow what's on it, more than 2 million rocks of sweet potatoes and potatoes should be consumed."

Looking at the paper handed over by Qin Mo, Li Shilong was stunned, "Have you already written it?"

"With all these careless colleagues, how can I not make preparations in advance?" Qin Mo sighed and said, "I'm so convinced that I have to go to work even though I'm in jail!"

These words made Zhuge Sui extremely ashamed!

And Li Shilong also loves and is angry with this piece of shit. When he is reliable, he is really reliable, but when he is stupid, he wants to be beaten to death.

He took it and looked at it. There were dozens of different things written on it.

Li Shilong handed the paper to Zhuge Sui calmly.

Zhuge Sui sighed after looking at it. Although the two had different political views, Qin Mo did have great talents.

"What about the price of rice?"

Li Shilong said: "Half the world is exempt from taxes and corvee. As long as there is no natural disaster, the food will inevitably pile up. By then, the people will not be able to eat it all, and they will not be able to sell it at a high price."

"Didn't the imperial court guarantee the price?" Qin Mo said: "Although the yield of sweet potatoes is high, sweet potatoes cannot be used as a staple food. Although potatoes can be used as a staple food, they consume land.

In the end, rice and noodles will become the mainstream on people's tables.

At this stage, we are all trying to get rid of hunger. In two or three years, we will have food in our warehouses.

Will pursue wealth.

So the second stage is to get rid of poverty!

When people no longer worry about food and have spare money, they will have higher pursuits of food, clothing, housing and transportation.

Although potatoes are good, who would eat fine noodles instead of polished rice?

Can the common people not eat what the nobles eat?
It's like the nobles always support each other when traveling and have their own cars. But when ordinary people become rich, can they also pursue independent cars?My father said that when any dynasty reaches its peak, it must entertain itself to death.

You will see scholars everywhere, having sex with prostitutes in brothels, pursuing people's livelihood.

Ordinary people, on the other hand, wander around the streets and listen to the low-class tunes, which is also a spiritual pursuit.

Therefore, in the third stage, when everyone has a full stomach and money in their hands, they will pursue material refinement and spiritual satisfaction.

After the third stage, a person is very empty, so he will definitely set a goal for himself.

For example, I have achieved the first three stages, and now my only wish is to retire, live and die! "

"You just say what you say, and don't bring anything personal!" Li Shilong listened with great concentration. He listened to Qin Mo talking about his ideals without hesitation, and almost laughed out loud.

"Father, this is my ideal, why is it mixed with private goods?" Qin Mo said: "If I want to retire, then I must work hard for this goal.

Just like you, what else are you pursuing now?
Loving the people like a son and making decisions for the people are all your duties as an emperor.

So if you don't have a goal, you will be very empty and tired.

But once you have a goal, no matter how tired or tired you are, you will feel fulfilled and you will not feel like you have wasted your time every day. "

Everyone present was silent.

Qin Mo was not wrong. In the final analysis, isn't it just these stages?

Just like Qin Xiangru, at first he just wanted to have enough food to survive.

Who would have thought that he would now become the first county king with a different surname in Daqian?
Li Shilong was touched in the heart and nodded secretly.

"So, you see, those stupid emperors generally have no goals, so they are ridiculous.

Because in their eyes, the emperor is just a mascot and has nothing to do at all.

So either defeat the country and build a large-scale construction project, or pursue beautiful women.

What's more, they even indulge in miraculous tricks!

Therefore, the fourth stage is personal self-satisfaction.

After it is completed, this person will basically have half of his feet in the ground, and he can just enjoy the happiness of his family.

Therefore, the court must guide them and discover them in time.

If the vast majority of people in the capital are in a wealthy state and you are calling for overcoming hunger and poverty, isn't that two hundred and fifty? "

Qin Mo uses life stages as a metaphor for social phenomena, and further extends to imperial policies. How transparent is this?
Li Shilong was immediately stunned.

Can this be done to govern the government?
How can we explain the appearance of this society from such a tricky angle?

Even Zhuge Sui couldn't help but want to impress him.

While laughing and scolding, he described all kinds of things in the world, and from a perspective that is difficult for ordinary people to understand, he talked about the five flavors of life.

He is worthy of being a pioneer.

Even Qin Xiangru was shocked by his son.

“So, this is how the imperial government governs.

If you act recklessly, it will be counterproductive!

You must know what the people want at all times. Only in this way can you guide them to achieve staged victory.

Just like Daqian, although Daqian is now the most powerful country, in my eyes, it is always poor and weak, and it is far from being the most powerful country in the true sense! "

(End of this chapter)

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