big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1089 Prime Minister without Officials!

Chapter 1089 Prime Minister without Officials!

Sometimes, Li Yue felt that Qin Mo was his father's biological son, and he was like Qin Mo's gift.

Looking at the whole Daqian, I am afraid that only Xiaojiu and Ah Si can make their father do this, and now there is another Qin Mo.

This shows Qin Mo's status in his father's heart.

"This kid is very stubborn. Even though he makes me almost mad every time, he always quietly helps me get things done.

I don’t know how many times you have helped me relieve my worries.

Sometimes I encounter some problems that I find difficult, but when it comes to him, he solves them easily.

Yuan Tiangang said that he was the destined person of Daqian. I didn’t believe it at first, but later I did.

Yuan Tiangang said that there were several great catastrophes in Daqian, but they were able to resist them, but the country of Daqian was still in ruins for twenty years.

I don’t know if you know about these catastrophes, but I know it in my heart, and every catastrophe should be accurate.

Every calamity, this bastard is the one who stands up to stop the calamity! "

Li Yue was stunned, was his father telling him?
He looked around and saw that in the Imperial Physician's Office, only Qin Mo was sleeping and Gao Shilian was silent. The imperial physician had withdrawn, and he was the only one still standing.

"I am deeply grateful to him, and I sincerely regard him as my own son-in-law. You and he have been playing together since we were children, and we have a friendship like wearing crotchless pants.

This is your luck, something many people want but don’t have.

A few years ago, I said that Jingyun will slowly change you.

Jingyun did it, and so did you.

He didn't let me down, and you didn't let me down either.

This is great! "

Li Shilong handed the towel in his hand to Gao Shilian, and then tucked Qin Mo into the mattress, "They all say that sweet potatoes and potatoes are the auspiciousness of Daqian and Dingguo.

But in my eyes, it's neither.

This boy is the real auspiciousness of the country. He is the best gift God has given to me and to Daqian.

Don't think that I let him go, pampered him, and made him arrogant and rebellious.

Anyone can think this way, except you! "

"I don't have my son. Jingyun and my son have grown up. He is the one who made my son a success. How can I miss him so much!"

"Stop talking and listen to me!" Li Shilong interrupted him and continued: "You remember, if Jing Yun had other intentions, the world would have changed his surname long ago.

Whether he is arrogant or rebellious, it is because he does not want to get too close to the court.

Your grandpa Huang has long said that he has a temperament like a wandering cloud and a wild crane. I have been holding him down and forcing him to do things he doesn't like to do.

If someone criticizes him in the future and attacks him in groups, what should you do?
Will you send him to prison or demote him to a commoner? "

Li Yue smiled bitterly and sent the fool to prison and demoted him to a commoner?

He had never thought about it in his life.

To put it bluntly, even if he shares the world with Qin Mo, so what?

With Qin Mo's ability, if he really wants to be the emperor, who can stop him?

He understands Qin Mo just as Qin Mo understands him.

The two brothers are tied together and cannot exist without the other.

"Just remember, this child will send your grandpa away in the future, and he will also send me away.

Da Qian will not be destroyed in one day, but Huang Li will not be able to touch the Qin family in one day.

If the Qin family is in trouble in the future, please spare the Qin family for once. This is what our Li family owes them and their son.

You need to keep it in mind.

It is easy to conquer the world, but difficult to defend it. The Qin family will be the most trustworthy right-hand man of our emperor. "

"Yes, I will definitely keep this in mind!" Li Yue said seriously.

"No fifth person is allowed to know what I said today!"

"Yes!" Li Shilong looked at Qin Mo who was sleeping soundly and couldn't help laughing, "This bitch is sleeping soundly. You can't wake him up like this!"

It wasn't until noon that Qin Mo woke up comfortably. As soon as he woke up, he saw Li Shilong standing by, "Father, why are you here?"

"Captain Prince Consort, you have been sleeping for an hour, and His Majesty has been watching over you here, and even wiped your sweat himself!" Gao Shilian reminded.

"Is he so good to me?" Qin Mo squinted his eyes, "Father, do you have something to ask me about again?"

Li Shilong groaned angrily, "If I hadn't seen that you were just right, I would have given you a beating!"

He stood up and left, "Go back to the palace, I'm hungry!"

Qin Mo touched his stomach, "Father, I'm hungry too!"

With that said, he rolled out of bed and hooked Li Yue's shoulders, "Old man, let's have some drinks at noon!"

"You got the injection, so you can't drink!" Li Yue smiled bitterly.

"Oh, I forgot!" Qin Mo scratched his head and then blinked at Gao Shilian.

Gao Shilian couldn't help but stretched out his finger and whispered: "You little naughty boy."

He was certain that he heard clearly what Li Shilong said just now.

Moreover, Gao Shilian knew Li Shilong's character well, and if Qin Mo couldn't hear it, he would never say those words.

This not only stabilizes Qin Mo's heart, but also tells Li Yue how to get along with Qin Mo if he becomes Zhang Ji in the future.

The depth of good intentions is beyond the reach of most people.

After having a meal in the palace, Qin Mo came back to life full of blood, "Father, if there is nothing else, I will go back first. I wish you a happy new year!"

Li Shilong was stunned for a moment, "Send me away just by saying auspicious New Year's greetings? It's all for nothing that I'm hurting you, you piece of shit!"

"Then let me say one more thing?"

"Go, go, go, I'm annoyed when I see you!"

"My son-in-law has resigned. Oh, by the way, father, don't call me if you have nothing to do before the Qingming Festival. After the Qingming Festival, my son-in-law will accompany you on the expedition!" Qin Mo cupped his hands and trotted away from the Manna Hall.

"This piece of shit." Li Shilong also reacted, "You're still bargaining with me!"

"Father, I agree with you to go on the expedition!" Li Yue said with a smile.

"If he doesn't agree, shouldn't I go on an expedition?" Li Shilong said unhappily.

Li Yue suppressed a smile. If Qin Mo disagreed, there was a high probability that the subjects would not agree either. No one would make fun of the emperor's health.

But he dared not say it.

To put it bluntly, Qin Mo is just a prince-in-law now and does not have any official title with any real power.

But the three provinces and six ministries, and the high-ranking officials Wang Jue, all lowered their heads and discussed with him when they saw him.

If he is unhappy, you have to make him happy.

When he said no with a straight face, the emperor and I were both worried and secretly angry with him.

It is said that he has no real power, but the power in his hands is very great.

In one sentence, thousands of people rush for it.

Countless wealth rolled in.

Li Yue thought of an official position that had been abolished by Li Shilong: prime minister!
It is not an exaggeration to say that Qin Mo is a prime minister without an official.

But this guy doesn't like power at all.

Probably, this is the most convincing thing about him.

No matter how close I am to the ministers, I never worry that I will be labeled as forming a party for personal gain.

Because this guy doesn't hesitate to mess around, and his own people are angry with him.

"Father, we will go on an expedition in April. I am willing to ride for my father, serve as a general in the army, and fight for my father in battle to kill the enemy!"

(End of this chapter)

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