big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1095 Leveraging Strength to Fight!

Chapter 1095 Leveraging Strength to Fight!

This powerful sentence made Li Shilong not sure how to respond. He could only look at Empress Gongsun in embarrassment, "Is everything this bitch said true?"

Empress Gongsun sighed softly, "Yes, it's all true. The capital is the most kind place. Outside of the capital, I don't know how many such poor people there are.

The more I saw, the more helpless I felt.

Sometimes, they feel embarrassed when they say that I am the queen of Fengyi World. "

"Queen Mother, I am not embarrassed by you, but by those great men!" Qin Mo said: "Even saints will have shortcomings.

It is inevitable that the country will have problems, but when we find problems, we can complain, but after complaining, we still have to solve the problem.

If we can't solve it today, we will solve it tomorrow. As long as we have perseverance, we will definitely be able to solve this problem. "

"Can legislation solve it?" Li Shilong asked.

"It can't be solved fundamentally, but at least there will be laws to follow when encountering these problems in the future!" Qin Mo said: "In Dagan, beating women is a normal phenomenon, but if a wife is filial to the elderly, raises children, and takes care of the family, If you are well-kept and still suffer unprovoked beatings from your husband, shouldn’t you be protected?
Female training teaches girls how to be a woman and a mother, but no one teaches men how to cherish their wives.

Isn't this a mistake?
The saints wrote books to teach people the truth, but the law did not protect the weak in a real sense.

Isn't this a mistake?
The sage said that if the parents who care about the body, hair, and skin are abandoned, the child will grow up with difficulty. So does this sentence apply?

If a child can be abandoned at will, what is the difference between it and intentional homicide?
When the officials detained him, he said, "My body, hair, and skin are affected by my parents. Do you want to detain him or not?" "

Qin Mo paused and continued: "Daqian has a "Qianlu Shuyi" about the adoption of orphans. It is written in the "Qianlu Shuyi" that if the adoptive parents abandon the child, the government will hold them accountable.

If a child is abandoned for adoption, local officials will give priority to the child's food, clothing, housing and transportation.

This is a good idea, but if the biological father and mother write a purchase and sale agreement, they can sell the child to a wealthy family as a slave.

This sparse discussion has also become useless. "

Daqian is still very weak in this area, and there are no explicit regulations.

"The strength of a country, whether it is civilized or not, is not just judged by its military strength. No matter how strong the military strength is, if the people in the country are poor, my father said that it is called militarism.

If we can't even protect our own women and children, how can we use arms to attack disobedient thieves? "

Li Shilong went from being angry and embarrassed at the beginning to thinking deeply now.


Qin Mo started to solve the problems left before.

Not only was he not angry, he was actually a little happy.

This bitch is finally getting down to business.

"You bitch, don't just slap the blame on me. If you have something to say, tell me how to solve it!" Li Shilong said.

"My son-in-law said, legislation, as long as there is legislation, there will be laws to follow.

In the future, if a woman is bullied, abandoned without reason, or abandons her own child, she can be judged according to the law.

However, the Women and Children's Protection Association does not have the right to trial. They can collect evidence and then submit it to the judiciary.

For example, there are six doors, or three offices.

My son-in-law suggested that the judicial power of this basic law should be handed over to local judicial institutions.

For example, if there are six gates, a special interrogation office will be opened among the six gates.

If these disadvantaged people do not have money to hire a lawyer, the yamen will provide special assistance lawyers to provide them with justice.

First, it can show the strictness of Daqian's laws.

Secondly, it can show that the father is caring about the people. "

Li Shilong stroked his beard and thought this suggestion was good. As long as the association is not given the right to judge, the association will always be a auxiliary association.

"You continue!" Li Shilong said. “Secondly, the Women and Children’s Protection Association should let the queen serve as the president, as an example.

With a mother protecting these poor people, those who bully good and fear evil would not dare to bully the old, weak, women and children.

Although the association does not have the right to judge, the Queen Mother can still judge the heinous people among them! "

This is the second strengthening of the queen's power.

"What about Concubine Li?" Queen Gongsun asked.

"Vice president, or director, you can do it. Mother can discuss it." Qin Mo smiled, "Then the most important thing is, the female officer.

My son-in-law believes that every state capital, and even every county, should establish this protective association.

Those who serve as female officials take it as their duty to protect the elderly, weak, women and children, and are judged on this at the end of the year.

At the same time, this should also be used as one of the criteria when judging the promotion of local officials.

The Women's Protection Association does not necessarily have all female officers, but male officers are also required.

The Queen Mother did not intervene in the year-end evaluation, and the Ministry of Personnel was still in charge. "

After finishing speaking, Qin Mo took a sip of soup.

Li Shilong nodded, "I remember that this year the Ministry of Personnel seems to have been promoting official reforms, but this can be added to the official reforms."

"Father, Holy Ming!" Qin Mo quickly flattered him, "So, this stall is the best place to do it.

We might as well unite with the imperial ladies in the capital to do this step by step. After getting started, they naturally don't dare to say anything! "

"Are you going to give these lucky women official positions?"

"It's easy, just give them an association manager!" Qin Mo said with a smile.

How cruel this move is. As long as there is a title in the capital, the wife or mother of the family must be royally appointed.

They certainly won't object.

If they don't object, if others object, just give it a try and it won't kill you.

"I don't care about this, and I don't know how many orders there are. Let the queen do it!" Li Shilong said: "You kid, remember to write a memorial. You asked me to do this!"

Qin Mo scratched his head and asked him to think of a way, but let him do it by himself. Wouldn't that be exhausting?

He didn't want to be a friend of women and children.

This kind of thing is very troublesome.

He thought about it in his mind for a moment and soon had a candidate.

Liu Ruyu must do this.

It's best if she does it.

Liu Ruyu needs fame to support her future position.

This is not only politically correct, but in two or three months, Li Yue will supervise the country. Isn’t it Li Yue who has the final say on how to operate it?
Who is the smart person who dares to take the lead at this time?
Definitely follow and adhere obediently.

He, Qin, is really a genius who uses the least amount of effort to do the most difficult things.

Seeing Qin Mo's evil smile, Li Shilong said: "Bitch, what are you thinking about?"

"No, Father, I'm thinking about how to do this. This is the first time in the world and has never happened before.

If you do it well, it's okay, but if you don't do it well, you will be scolded! "

(End of this chapter)

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