big dry son-in-law

Chapter 112 Qin Mo suffered a big loss?

Chapter 112 Qin Mo suffered a big loss?
"Forget it? Of course we can't forget it!"

Gongsun Chong smiled, "If Qin Mo doesn't come out, it's a means of lowering the price. Since he's purchasing on a large scale, he won't give up halfway.

Since we are here to kill Qin Mo, we might as well kill him at the same price. If he dares to enclose the land, we will dare to cause trouble. Who is afraid of whom?
Even if we cause trouble to His Majesty, we are still justified! "

Hou Yong secretly gave a thumbs up, "Brother Gongsun is right."

With that, he turned around and said to Yang Liugen: "Okay, then I won't talk nonsense. The price is 3 taels of silver. If you agree, sell it. If you don't agree, forget it.

If Qin Mo dares to enclose the land, I will go to His Majesty to sue Yuzhuang and see who gave your Qin family the courage to enclose the land.

You have raised thousands of victims of the disaster in Xishan, but you still don't allow them to pass by. Is there any secret? "

Yang Liugen's pupils shrank, and his heart was filled with anger.

Why didn't he grab 3 taels of silver?
"Young Master Hou, 3 taels is too expensive. We sold the entire Xishan Mountain for only 3 taels."

"Stop talking nonsense, at this price, I won't even sell it if it's one less Daqian Tongbao!"

Hou Yong sneered.

Yang Liugen glanced at the housekeeper, confessed, and hurried into the study, "Master, Hou Yong quoted 3 taels!"

"Hehehe, I knew this kid was up to no good!"

Qin Mo sneered, "Okay, promise him, 3 taels is 3 taels, let him write a transfer contract, and it must be stamped with the seal of Duke Lu!"

"Master, their open-pit mine is only a hundred acres, and there are only twenty or thirty mines. The maximum value is 3000 taels."

"It doesn't matter, my young master's money is not that easy to get. When the time comes, even if he begs me for ten times the money, it will be useless!"

Qin Mo knew that the entire capital was watching his joke.

Then wait and see!
Seeing that Qin Mo was determined, Yang Liugen had no choice but to do it.

He asked people to move out the money, "Young Master Hou, our young master has agreed. You need to get the land deed and go to the government for certification. The final transfer contract must be stamped with the seal of Duke Lu!"

Hou Yong was stunned. He thought Qin Mo would bargain.

Unexpectedly, he agreed immediately. He suddenly regretted that his quotation was too low.

"Here are 3 taels. If you agree, this money is yours!" Yang Liugen felt distressed. These are all money in vain.

"What 3 taels? The 3 taels I mentioned is a deposit. If you want to buy it, you must come up with 5 taels!"

Hou Yong sat on the ground and raised the price, Yang Liugen's eyes were about to burst, "How can anyone raise the price temporarily, Mr. Hou?"

Gongsun Chong also frowned slightly, but thinking that this was killing Qin Mo, he helped: "The Hou family's mine is rich in ore, far beyond what other mines can match, 5 taels is not a loss at all!

If you can't make the decision, go ask Qin Hanzi and stop wasting your time here! "

Yang Liugen suppressed his anger and came to the study again.

Qin Mo said directly, "For 2 taels, ask them if they will sell it. If they don't sell it, get out of here. I'll let them get used to it and get in trouble!"

"Yes, Master!"

Yang Liugen had wanted to do this for a long time. He returned to the main hall again, "Our young master said that in business, one must have integrity. Originally he agreed to 3 taels, but Prince Hou raised the price and broke his promise. The price is 2 taels. If it doesn’t sell, I’d better ask others if they want to buy it!”

"What, 2 taels?"

Hou Yong was anxious, "Do you want it or not?"

"I have made it very clear. If Prince Hou thinks the price is too low, he can sell it to others. Maybe someone else will pay higher than ours?"

"Brother Gongsun!"

Hou Yong looked at Gongsun Chong.

Gongsun Chong frowned. He didn't expect that Hou Yong had messed up. In fact, 3 taels was already a huge profit. It would be shameful to talk about a temporary price increase.

"Well, what Qin Hanzi said makes sense, so let's give it 3 taels. We'll accept the loss!"

"Prince Gongsun said this, our family doesn't dare to ask for it, how can we let you lose money!" Yang Liugen said with a smile: "Since you have lost 3 taels, you will definitely not ask for 2 taels. In this case, That villain will go back to his life!"

Yang Liugen was not used to them and would go back after saying this.


When Hou Yong saw that he was really leaving, he hurriedly stopped him, "2 taels is 2 taels!"

Yang Liugen stopped and asked someone to take out the extra silver from the box.

The silver in the box was instantly reduced by one-third, and Hou Yong felt so painful.

"Please, Prince Hou!"

Yang Liugen was in a good mood after saving 1 taels.

Hou Yong snorted coldly and had the money taken away. He also had people go to his house to take out the land deed, register it with the government, and then secretly stamp it with Hou Gennian's private seal.

After doing this, Yang Liugen hurriedly left.

Looking at the white money, Hou Yong felt very happy, "Haha, this Qin fool's money is so easy to make!"

Gongsun Chong also sneered: "Qin Hanzi spent 11 yuan to buy the Xishan Coal Mine. I'm afraid it won't make people laugh to death. I want to see what the use is of spending all his money to buy these useless coals!"

Soon, news spread throughout the capital that Qin Mo spent 2 taels on selling a [-]-acre coal mountain from the Duke of Lu.

Everyone laughed at Qin Mo, saying that he was stupid and had too much money.

On the street, Li Yue frowned, "What on earth are you doing?"

On the side, Li Zhi's eyes flickered, "Qin Mo is really rich, 11 taels of silver. Where did he get so much money? Is Haidilao so profitable?"

"I don't know, and I never ask!"

Li Yue relaxed his brows, smiled and said.

"Then why did I hear that you also have shares in Haidilao?"

Li Yue laughed, "Fourth brother, stop joking, how could I do business with Qin Mo!"

"is it?"

Li Zhi smiled and did not continue to ask. This Qin fool is really good at making money. If he had a friend who was stupid and made a lot of money, wouldn't he die?

He thought for a while and decided to find a way to get close to Qin Mo.

On the other side, the Duke's Mansion of E State.

The wails of Cheng Dabao and Cheng Xiaobao resounded throughout the palace.

"Oh, daddy, Qin Hanzi spends money randomly, why are you hitting us?"

"Dad, are we your biological children? Qin Mo has money. It was you who gave it to him, not us!"

The two brothers were extremely wronged.

"I gave birth to you, so I can beat you if I want!"

Cheng Sanaxe flicked his whip, "You two are worthless, look at Qin Hanzi, you can take out 10,000+ silver as soon as you ask for it, but you still earn it by your own ability.

You guys know how to reach behind my butt every day to ask for money. If you don’t make progress, I’ll be so angry! "

Cheng Sanxu became more and more angry as he talked.

"Father, then you also give us money and let us spend money!"

"I'll beat you to death. I'm warning you. You must not imitate Qin Hanzi. He will definitely suffer a huge loss if he sells Xishan Meishan!"

(End of this chapter)

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