big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1190 Who is at the bottom?

Chapter 1190 Who is at the bottom?
This third person seems to be third, but in fact, in Li Shilong's heart, he is number one.

Gongsun Wuji was too scheming and Li Cungong was one of his own. Only Qin Xiangru followed him when he was a teenager and risked his life.

"I thank you, Your Majesty!" Qin Xiangru also sighed in his heart.

After retreating, everyone cast envious looks.

This third weight is too heavy.

Soon, subsequent lists continued to be released.

The fourth is Liu Chenghu.

The fifth Du Jingming.

The sixth is Liang Zheng who died.

The seventh is Dou Xuanling.

The eighth is Li Daoyuan.

The ninth is Yuchi Nobuo.

The tenth Chai Shao.

This surprised Chai Shao, and everyone around him was stunned.

But if you think about it carefully, you will understand.

Chai Shao was considered a representative of the old ministers of the previous dynasty. This time Xiao Xuanji returned, and many old ministers of the previous dynasty stood up and recognized Li Qian's orthodoxy.

Therefore, placing Chai Shao in the tenth place is also the result of many considerations.

The old hatred towards Chai Shao also faded away.

As long as Chai Rong and Chai Sitian can live well, that's all.

He quickly bowed down and thanked the Holy Grace, and his words were much more sincere.

After giving thanks, Gao Shilian continued to chant.

Eleven is Cheng Sanaxe.

Qu Tu Ba ranked thirteenth.

Yu Boshi ranked fifteenth.

There are others who have not returned, but are among them.

Each of them has made great achievements and deserves to be worthy of the Qiankun Pavilion.

After reciting 23 people in one breath, Gao Shilian swallowed and moistened his dry throat.

Everyone remembers the top five, but the middle ones are generally difficult to remember.

In addition, the last person is also the easiest to remember.

After all, he is at the bottom.

Everyone was thinking about who could be the last hero.

They were all wondering if it could be Li Sixun, Duke of Longyou County.

After all, Li Shilong's awards were basically from those who had made great contributions to the dragon or were veterans who had been in the court for many years.

It seems that only Li Sixun is qualified.

They were very anxious, but they didn't dare to rush.

Especially those ministers who thought they were qualified were even more anxious.

Gao Shilian couldn't help but laugh when he looked at the last list, and immediately chanted loudly, "No. 20, four lucky stars, Qin Mo!"

As soon as these words came out, there was silence in the huge Tai Chi Palace.

Everyone looked at Qin Mo dreamingly.

Even Qin Mo was a little surprised.

He, a new generation general, is actually on the list of heroes?

"Ah, my brother-in-law is so awesome!" Li Xuan screamed at the side, extremely excited.

Li Ankang also touched his palms, "Okay, he should be there!"

Li Yue couldn't stop laughing. With Qin Mo's achievements and deeds, he ranked 24th on the merit list, which was more than enough.

He even felt that Qin Mo was too wronged.

"Idiot, just wait. One day, I will make you the number one hero!" Li Yue thought to himself.Qin Xiangru looked at his son in surprise. Seeing that his face was indifferent, he went up and kicked him, "You bitch, why don't you go and thank me!"

Qin Mo rubbed his buttocks and knelt on the ground, "Father, how come everyone has an official title, and I am just a lucky star? Isn't this too much?
Compared with Da Gan Lucky Star, I prefer the title of Da Gan Macho Man! "

Li Shilong was both angry and funny, "What, do you still think I ranked you too low?"

"That's not the case!" Qin Mo shrank his neck, "Father, can you change it?"

"Okay, I will satisfy you!"

Li Shilong was so angry that when others thanked him, they burst into tears and offered various excuses.

It's good for him. If he is not satisfied with this one, then he is not satisfied with either one.

"Gao Shilian, behind Da Qian Fu Xing, add Da Qian Fool!"

Everyone around was stunned, and then started laughing.

"Your Majesty, this is good, it suits Qin Mo very well!"

"What a fool. There will never be another person like him in the past!"

Qu Tuba jumped out and said: "Your Majesty, Han originally meant stupidity, but Qin Mo relied on his own efforts to force Han to mean loyalty and filial piety.

Therefore, I think that this Daqian fool is very appropriate. Not only is it not a mockery, but it is an approval of him! "

Gongsun Wuji also raised his hand and said: "Shang Shu Qu Tu is right, I second my opinion!"

Dou Xuanling exchanged glances with Du Jingming and others, laughed, and said with cupped hands: "I second my opinion!"

Let your little bitch cause trouble, fight, and trick you to death!

Qin Mo became anxious and shouted: "Fuck you, I, Qin Mo, are the smartest and most handsome of Dagan. What fool are you? If I keep talking nonsense, I will never stop talking to you!"

Seeing Qin Mo jumping around, everyone felt very happy.

Li Yue couldn't help but laugh and wanted to speak for Qin Mo, but he also thought it was appropriate.

The word "silly" changed its meaning because of Qin Mo.

"Father, please think twice!"

"You're making it very difficult for me. You don't have any official position now. Apart from the title of Prince Consort, you really don't have any good position." Li Shilong said: "Besides, I also think what they said makes sense. After Da Gan Fu Xing, it would be great to add Da Gan Hanzi!"

Qin Mosheng has no love, you old man, you should have said that the reward would be this.

He also gave a shit.

Among the 24 heroes of the Qiankun Pavilion, it’s okay for him to be at the bottom. He still has such an unpleasant title. He will be laughed at for 1000 or 1 years!

"Father, what do you think?" Li Shilong asked Li Yuan.

"Old man, you have to make the decision for me!" Qin Mo ran up in two steps, knelt in front of Li Yuan, and hugged his legs, "It doesn't matter if others laugh at me, he, the father-in-law, still laughs at me. , everyone rewards based on merit, but when you come here, it’s punishment based on merit!”

Li Yuan stroked his beard and said, "Actually, it's nothing. Didn't I also write a book called Da Gan Han Son-in-law? That book is selling like crazy now.

A silly son-in-law is a fool, and a fool's son is also a fool. They can't be washed away.

Moreover, this word has indeed changed from a derogatory meaning to a positive meaning because of you.

This is a great honor. "

Having said this, Li Yuandao said: "Moreover, I think it is not enough, so I will add two more titles."

Everyone was curious, wondering what other titles Li Yuan would add.

"You also need to add Da Qian Han Son-in-law, and add it after Da Qian Fu Xing to show your identity.

For the last one, I think Daqian the Prodigal Son is more appropriate. "

The crowd burst into laughter again.

The laughter spread from Taiji Palace to Chengtianmen.

Even the envoys from the vassal country couldn't help but laugh.

Especially Queen Deshan, she covered her mouth and laughed.

As early as Huang Luo, he knew Qin Mo's reputation and was extremely curious about this person.

Seeing him punching his uncle, being awarded 24 meritorious ministers, contradicting the emperor, and acting coquettishly to the Supreme Emperor, we knew how powerful he was in Daqian.

It's a pity that the purpose of her visit this time is Li Yue.

By finding Li Yue as a backer, her Jin family can completely take root in Daqian!
(End of this chapter)

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