big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1206 The Bottom Line

Chapter 1206 The Bottom Line
Qin Mo entered the side hall of Taiji Palace.

It was blocked by several huge screens in the middle.

"Old man!" Under the guidance of Wei Zhong, Qin Mo came to Li Yuan, but what shocked Qin Mo was that it wasn't just Li Yuan.

Li Daoyuan, Li Anji, six ministers, and nine ministers were all there.

Seeing Qin Mo, many people had smiles on their faces.

Of course, there are also those who frown and look coldly.


At this moment, a cold snort came from the front. Qin Mo looked over and saw Old Qin's cold face and his hand unconsciously placed on his belt.

"Come on!"

Seeing Qin Mo, Li Yuan quickly patted the stool next to him, "Sit here, there isn't enough space here, so there's no reclining chair!"


Qin Mo deliberately avoided Lao Qin and sat next to Li Yuan.

Everyone is envious, only Qin Mo can sit so close to Li Yuan, right?

"Old man, where did this come from?" Qin Mo asked deliberately.

"Where else?" Li Yuan said, "Your father plans to ask questions about politics."

"Is it too urgent?"

Qin Mo said softly.

"Stop talking, eat more, and listen more." Li Yuan turned to look at the others, "Listen carefully."

"Yes, the Supreme Emperor!"

Everyone nodded, but they were actually a little confused and didn't know what to do.

But there are also smart people who seem to have caught something.

At this moment, a voice came from the main hall, "The fifteenth prince is here to appear!"

Hearing this voice, everyone sat upright involuntarily.

The echo in Tai Chi Palace was so good that even if they were in the side hall, they could hear it clearly.

Li Xian walked over quickly and said, "My son, I will meet my father."

Li Shilong nodded, "I haven't seen you for a while. What have you been busy with recently?"

Li Xian was a little confused, so he said truthfully: "Father, the classes for the second half of the year are almost over, and I and my classmates are doing homework summaries and year-end summaries.

This year, Erchen and his classmates developed a new type of fertilizer that can increase soil fertility and reduce insect pests. After testing, it can increase crop yields by 3%-6%.

It has been approved for production by the Agriculture Bureau and will be produced in large quantities next year.

Secondly, a new type of feed was also developed. Compared with ordinary feed feeding, the maturity rate is increased by 5-10 days, further improving the slaughter rate.

Finally, there is the silage method for the grassland people. This method was proposed by my brother-in-law’s teacher. The Agricultural College led a team to overcome the joints and came up with this silage method.

It can improve the current situation of the grassland ethnic groups having no fixed settlement and increase the herdsmen’s ability to withstand risks.

Coupled with our new feed, it can further reduce the pressure on herdsmen! "

Speaking of this matter, Li Xian gushed, "Next year, we will study the use of saline-alkali land, which will be a long research process.

Feed, fertilizer, and silage methods will all be further studied, but they will be studied separately. "

After listening to Li Xian's words, not only Li Shilong nodded, but everyone in the side hall whispered: "The fifteenth prince is devoted to the people, and he is indeed a wise king of the Great Qian Dynasty."

"Yes, I have also heard about this silage method. After the military officials obtained this method, they felt as if they had obtained a treasure, and they are grateful to Your Majesty!"

Li Yuan took Qin Mo's hand and whispered: "Jingyun, I want to thank you. If it weren't for you, it would be difficult for me to become a talented person at the age of fifteen.

I know this kid doesn't have much ability. "

"Old man, I'm often not at home, so it's up to him to do his best."

"The master leads you in, and practice depends on the individual." Li Yuan said: "Take the silage method as an example. You give the general direction, and they only need to practice it.

The final credit belongs to them. You led him through this door. Some people are unable to open this door throughout their lives, so you deserve the most credit! "Serious words, old man!" Qin Mo said with a smile.

At this time, Li Shilong spoke, and everyone quickly shut their mouths.

I heard Li Shilong say: "I read Qin Wei's evaluation of you. You are very good, and what you have learned is also the foundation of the country."

Mr. Li was rarely praised by Li Shilong, so he scratched his head in embarrassment, "Father, I'm too complimentary, my son, I just like to explore in the fields.

I like the process of exploration. Seeing the heavy food in the fields, Erchen felt indescribably happy.

In the past, when I was young and ignorant, I often wasted food and was picky.

In the past, the palace master taught that food was valuable, but it only existed in books.

Only when you plant it yourself can you realize that food is hard to come by.

I better understand the hardships faced by farmers who depend on mountains to feed themselves and water to feed them.

If we can't rely on each other, we can only rely on God.

It won't work if there's a drought, it won't work if there's a flood, it won't work if there's too much sun, and it won't work if there's too little sun.

Difficulties are difficult, and it is difficult for the people.

So I vowed to make farmers live a better life! "

Li Shilong nodded, feeling even more satisfied. He still didn't know what he, the fifteenth son, was like before.

Now it's completely transformed.

Not to mention pragmatism, what I have learned is to serve the people wholeheartedly.

"I am very satisfied that you have this intention!" Li Shilong said: "A few days ago, my imperial commander went on a personal expedition, and you followed your eighth brother to supervise the country. What did you learn?"

Hearing this, Li Xian felt a little panicked.

If you lie, you will definitely suffer.

Thinking of this, he quickly knelt on the ground, "Father, my son has done something wrong, please punish me!"

"Oh? What did you do wrong?" Li Shilong asked.

"My father asked his ministers to help Bage oversee the country, but in the end he left all the heavy burdens to Bage and went to the fields to be happy." Li Xian gritted his teeth and said: "I really shouldn't have done this, please punish me! "

There was no anger in Li Shilong's eyes, but he felt that Li Xian was honest.

"Get up and talk!"

"Father, I have something to say to my father!" Li Xian did not stand up and said: "My son has no ambition to be an emperor and just wants to wander around the fields.

Being able to do this well in my entire life is the greatest achievement.

My son, I don't want to be an emperor, let alone be imprisoned in the palace. Even though there are countless concubines in the three palaces and six courtyards, that is not the life I want.

The son longs for the blue sky and freedom.

I like to see the smiles of the old farmers in the fields because of the bumper harvest.

I like the naked buttocks of young children picking rice ears in the fields.

Erchen believes that as long as the farmers are happy, Daqian will be happy and the country will be peaceful and the people will be safe.

Keeping the people of Daqian fed and clothed is the bottom line.

So when it comes to the bottom line, let your sons and ministers protect it.

I don't have the ability to be too high-ranking, and I am not willing to force myself to be above tens of thousands of people.

Please let your father do what you like. "

Li Xian put his head on the ground and said from the bottom of his heart. He was a little scared and afraid of being scolded by his father.

Call him useless.

He didn't even dare to look up until Li Shilong came down, touched his head and said, "Children, don't you regret it?"

(End of this chapter)

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