big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1219 Poor and pathetic!

Chapter 1219 Poor and pathetic!

"Then why did you come here?" Zhao Manyun gritted his teeth.

"Should I stop talking? Being soft-hearted is my only fatal weakness." Qin Mo sighed, "Get up and put on your makeup. I want to see how you've been practicing in the past two years."

"What if I pass?"

"If you pass, you are allowed to follow me." Qin Mo said: "After all, you are already this age, so it would be rude to go on stage.

Moreover, the pillars of the opera house have been replaced a long time ago, and now no one remembers you, Mr. Zhao.

I will reluctantly be your audience. "

"You won't let me go on stage?"

"But you can be asked to work behind the scenes of the opera house, such as training new singers. How can you have ageless beauty, but your skills will be eternal!"

Zhao Manyun stood up and said, "Then wait for me and don't leave. I'll put on makeup and change clothes right now. It's cold outside. Come inside, there's a fireplace and it'll be warm!"

When she entered the bedroom, she couldn't help but cheer in her heart.

She put on Qin Mo's favorite clothes and began to look in the mirror and dress up carefully.

"Master, are you sure you want her to leave here?" Gao Yao said, "This woman is not honest!"

Qin Mo said: "Do you think she is still arrogant now? She is helpless now, so what can she do?"

Hearing this, Gao Yao didn't say much.

Soon, Zhao Manyun changed clothes and put on makeup.

Qin Mo entered the bedroom and stepped on the soft carpet. The room was as warm as spring.

After getting on the heated kang, the newly replaced glass windows let in light and keep you warm.

On the small table of the fire pit, a new pot of tea was smoking.

"You can start!"

Qin Mo was leaning on the kang. Gao Yao poured tea for Qin Mo and carefully placed the snacks within Qin Mo's reach.

Zhao Manyun looked at Qin Mo, his eyebrows lowered, and his eyes that were originally full of sorrow became lively.

With three points of joy and even a little bit of shame.

It had been a long time since anyone had watched her perform, so she became nervous for the first time in a long time.

However, it soon became better.

Qin Mo also hummed, tapping his fingers on the table, holding the small teapot, taking a sip, then stuffing two small snacks into his mouth, it was so deliciously bubbling.

Zhao Manyun wanted to show his best side to Qin Mo.

All the grievances and hardships disappeared in the dance and singing.

She only had eyes for Qin Mo.

It took half an hour for Zhao Manyun's performance to end.

At this time she was out of breath and sweating profusely.

Her fair face was rosy.

She wrung her fingers until her knuckles turned white.

After many years of studying art, she has long lost her youthfulness, but now, she is like a little girl just starting out, waiting for Qin Mo's comments.

Qin Mo put down the teapot and clapped his hands, "Yes, you are indeed more mature than a few years ago. I like it!"

One sentence I like.

Zhao Manyun was happy, but he didn't dare to show it too much, "Yes, really? Are there any shortcomings?"

"It's not bad. It's much better than before. I've put in a lot of effort in the past few years!"

Qin Mo felt a little sleepy.

He patted the fire bed.

Zhao Manyun was stunned for a moment, then walked over and knelt down on the fire bed, "Master, let me squeeze your shoulders!"


Qin Mo nodded and immediately enjoyed Zhao Manyun's service.

Gao Yao always holds the handle of the knife with her hand. If Zhao Manyun does anything wrong, she will draw the knife without hesitation.

Zhao Manyun pinched his shoulders carefully, then brought hot water to soak Qin Mo's feet.

After a while, Qin Mo fell into a deep sleep.Seeing Qin Mo sleeping and looking at the sky, Zhao Manyun knew that Qin Mo would most likely not leave tonight.

When she thought of this, she felt nervous and a little scared.

But otherwise, how could Qin Mo trust her.

She wanted to leave this terrible courtyard, even if she stayed with Qin Mo and became a little slave!

"When you go out from now on, dress me in a more serious manner. Just show me such sexy clothes in private to the young master.

Hairpins are not allowed in the future, and any sharp objects are not allowed to be carried.

Cut your fingernails for me.

From now on, I can take care of the young master with peace of mind, otherwise, just wait! "

Gao Yao warned.

Zhao Manyun knew that Gao Yao was Qin Mo's most trusted person, and he did not dare to disobey her. She nodded and said, "Don't worry, little Eunuch Gao, I have absolutely no doubts about Master Qin."

"I'm not afraid to tell you that the world is at peace now. Bei Nu was destroyed by the young master, Gao Li was also destroyed, and Nan Fan is about to be annexed.

Tianxiang Kingdom was also defeated.

This year, the young master drinks Ma Xiaohai, strangles Shi Yanran, seals the wolf as his Xu, and is named the 24th Hero of the Qiankun Pavilion by His Majesty.

The fourth prince is dead, and if nothing else happens, the eighth prince will come up.

The aristocratic family was wiped out, and all the remnants of the previous dynasty were exterminated by the young master.

Oh, and most importantly, the princess of the previous dynasty also stood up and recognized Daqian's legal rule! "

Zhao Manyun was stunned.

In the past few years since she was in the courtyard, has the world become like this?

The fourth prince is dead?
Gaoli was destroyed, Beinu was destroyed, and Nanfan was about to surrender.

The aristocratic family is gone, and the remnants of the previous dynasty are dead.

Is the former princess mentioned by Gao Yao her aunt?

Zhao Manyun's head felt like paste.

She, wasn't she already killed by Qin Mo?
But apart from my aunt, who else could be a princess from the previous dynasty?
Could it be that the news of the aunt's murder was used by Qin Mo to trick Xi'er and the others into throwing themselves into a trap?
Thinking of this, she was extremely excited, "Isn't the previous princess dead?"

"He's not dead, he's alive again. You'll know after you get out." Gao Yao didn't bother to explain too much.

Knowing that Xiao Yurou was not dead, Zhao Manyun was indescribably happy.

Great, my aunt is still alive!

But since her aunt is still alive, she can no longer hate Qin Mo in her heart.

But immediately, she felt lost again.

Since my aunt is alive, why doesn't she look for me?
It's ridiculous, she still remembers her in her heart and wants to avenge her.

Now it seems that she is being sentimental.

Maybe he doesn't mean anything to her.

She herself has acknowledged the legality of Daqian. Doesn't that mean she admits that the thief is the father?
Thinking of this, the motivation to support Zhao Manyun's revenge was gone.

She suddenly felt confused and everything was not worth it.

"Is that so? After staying in the courtyard for too long, the world has become unfamiliar to me."

"Yes, the world is changing so fast." Gao Yao looked at Qin Mo, his eyes full of tenderness. It was all thanks to the young master that such a beautiful scene in the world existed.

If the young master had thought about it, he would have become the common master of the world.

It's a pity that the young master doesn't have this ambition. He just wants to live his life happily.

Then she must protect him vigorously.

"Remember what I said, don't cause trouble, otherwise, I will make your life worse than death!"

Zhao Manyun laughed at himself, "What tricks do you think I can do if I'm like this?"

She suppressed the sore nose and looked at Qin Mo, who was sleeping soundly. Maybe it would be good to accompany him, at least it would be a place of belonging.

At the very least, you can be needed.

"As long as you understand." Gao Yao stopped talking, but drank tea quietly.

(End of this chapter)

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