big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1234 Stay up late!

Chapter 1234 Stay up late!

Tianxin finally came down, but there were two bright red slap marks on her buttocks.

After beating Qin Mofei, he ran away quickly.

Chickens and dogs jumped in the yard.

He now seriously doubted that this melon was born by Xiao Yurou to treat him.

But after dinner was served, this brat knelt on the ground again and begged for forgiveness.


After all, he is a child without a mother. Qin Mo is still his own child.

Li Yulan said that the child didn't say anything, but he was very stubborn in his heart.

The wet nurse said that he would cry secretly while sleeping at night, saying that he missed his mother.

Qin Mo felt uncomfortable.

Children are the most sincere. If he is so naughty, there is a high probability that he is not really naughty. It should be to attract his attention and make him pay more attention.

Otherwise, why would the old man love him so much?

If he was really just a naughty and naughty kid, Li Yuan would definitely not let him go.

Qin Mo touched his head and hugged him, "From now on, you can climb trees, but you can't go to the house and lift tiles."

"I know dad!"

Tianxin said with a smile.

Then he quickly ran to the table next to him and started eating with his brothers and sisters.

Then, like a little adult, correct their mistakes while eating.

After eating, the Qin family became lively.

In the inner and outer courtyards, the sound of mahjong continues.

The billiards room was also bustling with people.

In the second half of the night, the old people, women and children all went to rest.

Lao Qin was lying in the rocking chair, and Qin Mo was sitting on the fire bed. "Dad, why don't you stop watching and go to sleep earlier!"

"What do you know? This is a rule!" Qin Xiangru glared at him, "Dad is old. When dad is gone, you will be the one to take your son to watch the New Year.

Flowers bloom and fall one year after another, and flowers bloom again. No one is young anymore. The inheritance must be done well, do you understand? "

"Hey, Dad, that's okay. When I went to the Young Master's Office, my speech became more and more formal."

"Stop flattering me!" Qin Xiangru said: "Do you really think your father and I are made of iron and will never grow old?
There are now nearly ten thousand people in the Qin Mansion, including the Qin clan.

That all depends on us, father and son.

Your father and I are gone. From now on, you will be the head of the Qin family and the backer of the Qin family.

You have to be more reliable in what you say and do, you know? "

"Nonsense, my father is still young and will live to be a hundred years old!" Qin Mo got off the fire bed and looked at Old Qin's increasingly gray hair, feeling unhappy in his heart.

He brought the soft pillow, put Lao Qin's feet on his legs, and gently rubbed him.

He asked Xiao Gao to bring him foot-washing water.

"Dad, it's getting cold. Let's soak your feet and feel comfortable!"

After pressing it for a while, Qin Mo took off Lao Qin's socks and put Lao Qin's feet into the water. "Dad, is the water temperature suitable?"

"Why is the water so cold? Add more hot water!"

Qin Mo touched the water temperature and found it was a bit hot. It is said that older people are more resistant to heat and their senses have begun to deteriorate.

Why are the dishes cooked by the elderly very salty, and the more they eat, the saltier they become?

Because the sense of taste has also deteriorated.

"Is that all right?"

"Well, just right!"

Qin Xiangru let out a sigh of relief.

Qin Mo didn't mind that Old Qin's feet smelled bad, so he knelt down and carefully soaked Old Qin's feet, "Dad, is this the first time I've washed your feet?"

"No, I've been your father for more than 20 years. Isn't this the first time?" Qin Xiangru's eyes were full of pride and joy, and his eyes even shone a little. "Dad used to give you a bath and wash your feet. You kid?" When I was a kid, I could eat and defecate. I often pooped all over my body, and I wanted to beat him but I couldn't bear to.

When I pooped, I cried, and when I cried, I fed him something to eat, and he made a fussing sound, as if he had never eaten in his life! "

Qin Mo grinned when he heard Lao Qin talking about his childhood.

He suddenly thought of a sentence: his parents are living Buddhas, so there is no need to travel thousands of miles to worship the spiritual mountain.

Gao Yao stretched her chin. For some reason, she always felt like crying when she saw this scene.

The housekeeper also bit her sleeve to prevent herself from crying, "Madam, have you seen it in heaven?

Master, he has really grown up! "

"Old Qin, you don't know how to cut your toenails when they are long? Look at the old skin on the soles of your feet. They are like cement. Is it uncomfortable to walk?"

"How can a grown man care about such trivial matters?" Qin Xiangru said indifferently: "In the past, when we were poor and had no shoes, we would run around naked on the ground. Whose child didn't have calluses on his feet?
Your father and I have been able to win so many battles, and these feet are the biggest contributor! "

"It's so painful to have paronychia!" Qin Mo took the scissors and carefully repaired Lao Qin's toenails, and then repaired the soles of Lao Qin's feet.

Qin Xiangru felt extremely comfortable. He had suffered so much to bring up this fool.

How proud and proud he is now.

Whose son washes my smelly feet?

"What are you mumbling about?"

"I said your feet are smelly, so you need to soak them with alcohol!" Qin Mo put down his feet, washed his palms immediately, and then got on the heated kang again.

"After His Majesty's fiftieth birthday this year, he may have the idea of ​​coming down," Qin Xiangru said.

"How do you know?" Qin Mo said, "Did Lao Liu say it in your ear?"

"Intuition." Qin Xiangru said: "I have been with him for most of my life, and I know him quite well. It was already obvious that he was in charge of politics in the side hall of Taiji Palace before.

We want to make the King of Yue the crown prince.

But it seems to me that it is a bit anxious and runs counter to the new law.

This is not just about establishing a crown prince, I think it is about abdication. "

Even though Qin Xiangru was silent and quiet on weekdays, in Li Shilong's heart, he was the No. 1 person besides the emperor's relatives.

Listing him as the third among the 24 heroes is enough to explain everything.

“If this is true, then Daqian will see a prosperous era of three emperors, unprecedented.

But a new problem will also arise.

Is the transition of power going smoothly?

Will the Eighth Prince be able to adapt after he suddenly ascends to the throne?

Supervising a country and being an emperor are two different things.

It’s the hardest thing when you’re in the middle. Qin Xiangru said with some worry: "You and the Eighth Prince grew up wearing crotchless pants. This kind of friendship is something that no one else has."

It is your advantage, but sometimes it can also become a trouble.

We Qin people are too ambitious.

And now the new generation has not grown up yet.

The older generation has a lot of power, so he may not be able to overwhelm them.

If this happens, there will probably be a new round of power struggle in the court. "

"Why are you thinking so much?" Qin Mo lay on the fire bed and stretched out comfortably, "He is a good emperor, so naturally there are people who will praise him.

If he doesn't act well, the two above will naturally scold him.

Why do we worry about this?

It’s time to eat, drink, and play, but anything about fighting is not allowed.

He will promote whomever he likes, and we won't sing the opposite, right? "

"Hey, you don't understand." Qin Xiangru sighed: "After a blind man regains his sight, the first thing he does is to throw away the crutch in his hand."

Qin Mo laughed and said: "Are you afraid that Lao Ba will blow out the lamp and pull out the wax? Then he must have that ability!"

(End of this chapter)

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