big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1258 Low-level provocation!

Chapter 1258 Low-level provocation!

"Then I'll try my best to see!" Qin Mo really wanted to see how Lao Du treated Li Chuanyu.

Although Lao Du was cheated by him every day, this old boy has been sitting in the position of Minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs for many years, and he didn't have a few brushes. How could it be possible?

Now that the official reform is at a critical juncture, Lao Liu must rely on him.

Lao Du said that the change was a real change, and he offended all the petty officials in the world. There was no ambiguity in the least.

This iron fist and courage are not something ordinary people have.

Rabbits bite people when they are anxious, not to mention the offspring. Which man is willing to raise children for others?

What Dorgon couldn't handle, could Lao Du handle it?
Seeing Du Youwei chatting and laughing with Qin Mo, Li Chuanyu felt a little unhappy and said, "Mother, the third brother-in-law has not published a poem for several years. Today is such a beautiful day, why not let the third brother-in-law recite a poem?"

Logically speaking, this is a happy thing, but Empress Gongsun is still more worried about Qin Mo's health, "If your third brother-in-law wants to compose poetry, he must drink. If he doesn't drink, he can't do it.

He suffered from soul-leaving syndrome, and the imperial doctor said that drinking alcohol would be harmful to the body, so from then on, your father did not allow him to drink and write poems. "

"I only write poems occasionally, not every three days. Everyone is here on this happy day, why not make everyone happy?"

Li Chuanyu said shamelessly: "My daughter also wants to ask the third brother-in-law for a poem, which can be used as a good talk in the future!"

Li Yushu frowned and said: "It's a good thing that you are happy, but my father has said that there is no need to not allow him to write poetry. You can't let my husband get hurt just for a poem!"

Li Lizhen also said calmly: "Writing poems is done occasionally, not deliberately. If so, it is also a waste of time.

If Thirteenth Sister wants poetry, your Seventh Sister, Third Sister, and I can write it.

Of course, there is no comparison with your brother-in-law. "

Li Yulan drank tea and said nothing, but looked at Li Chuanyu with a hint of warning!
Li Chuanyu was extremely angry.

I originally wanted a poem, but in the end I didn’t give it any face.

"How dare you dislike me? I just envy Third Sister. My brother-in-law has written so many poems for Third Sister, and all of them are masterpieces that will last forever.

The guy in my family is quite talented, but his poems are not worth mentioning.

By the way, Sixth Sister, Seventh Sister, did your brother-in-law compose poems for you two? "Li Chuanyu winked at the two of them with a smile on his face.

The expressions of everyone present changed. Who wouldn't understand such an obvious provocation?
However, apart from Li Yulan, I have never heard of Qin Mo writing poems for Li Yushu and Li Lizhen!
Li Yulan was also defeated. If she said it was not important, wouldn't it be too pretentious?
Li Lizhen didn't care, that night, she was already "drunk and didn't know the sky was on the water, and the boat was full of clear dreams that overwhelmed the stars"!
She had never told this poem to anyone else, but it was a love poem between Qin Mo and him.

Just thinking about it, it's so beautiful.

But Li Yushu really never accepted Qin Mo's poems.

If you don’t want it in your heart, it’s fake.

She accidentally saw the letters and many poems between the third sister and Qin Mo, which made her feel sour.

This idiot is stupid, he obviously hasn't found anyone he likes.

Although she gets the most every time, that woman doesn't like her husband to compose poems for her?

While feeling envious in her heart, she could also tell where this place was, and said, "Of course it exists, but the secrets between husband and wife are not enough for outsiders to know!"

She thought that by saying this, Li Chuanyu would stop.

Unexpectedly, Li Chuanyu continued to ask: "There are no outsiders here. Please tell me the poems my brother-in-law wrote for you!"

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of the surrounding princesses lit up.

Xiaojiu sat next to Empress Gongsun. From the yellow-haired girl she was at the beginning, she gradually became more and more graceful.

13 years old, cardamom years.

In the past, he always liked to pester Qin Mo, but now he only dared to stare at Qin Mo from a distance in a daze.There seem to be thousands of things to say, but I dare not say them.

In the past, I kept talking about wanting to marry my brother-in-law, but every time I think about it, I always feel blushing. .

But the persistence in my heart has never changed.

Her brother-in-law likes girls who are independent, well-behaved and not clingy, so she should work hard to become the kind of girl her brother-in-law likes.

"Seventh, seventh sister, come and listen to me!" Xiaojiu stretched out his chin and said yearningly: "I have memorized all of my brother-in-law's poems by heart."

Li Yushu's face suddenly turned red, and he stuttered: "Oh, these are some disgusting love poems, it's hard to say them out!"

She felt aggrieved because the fool's poems to her third sister were known all over the world, but she still wanted to make a fool of herself.

This fool has a heart and a heart, and they are treated differently!
"Only those who are disgusting need to listen!" Li Chuanyu coaxed: "Mother, look at how stingy the seventh sister is. I even shamelessly asked my brother-in-law for a poem, but I was not allowed to do this or that.

Now I just ask the seventh sister to talk about her brother-in-law's old works, but she is always rejected.

Too stingy. "

Li Lizhen knew Qin Mo. He did like to say some disgusting things, especially to them in private.

He thought that Qin Mo had composed a poem for Li Yushu, but it was hard to explain, so he took the initiative to take over the topic, "Okay, don't embarrass Qimei. Let me tell you. Lang Jun once wrote a poem for me." , then let me tell you!"

Li Yulan breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that Qin Mo only wrote poems for her, otherwise there would be a real fuss after today.

Now it seems that she was worrying too much.

That bad guy has so many skills, how could he treat one person favorably over another?

Li Yushu felt a sore nose.

You Qin Mo actually wrote a poem for Sixth Sister.

He said how much he loved her and doted on her on weekdays, but it was all lies.

Liar, big liar!

Thinking of this, she suppressed her discomfort and said, "Okay, then let Sixth Sister say it!"

Queen Gongsun also shook her head. She glanced at Gao Yang's position and was afraid that something would happen to her, so she asked someone to follow her.

Immediately I was looking forward to Qin Mo's masterpiece.

Especially Xiaojiu, who said anxiously: "Quick, Mr. Feng, give me a pen and paper, I want to write it down. Sixth sister, please speak more slowly!"

Feng Jin also hurriedly brought a pen and paper.

Others also looked forward to it.

The originally lively atmosphere suddenly became quiet.

The Prince Consort who was drinking next to him couldn't help but look over. He didn't know why there was no sound there, and he didn't dare to express his anger.

Only Qin Mo and Du Youwei were chattering, "Men, they just want to eat big mouthfuls of meat, drink big bowls of wine, have fun, haha, feel good!"

Du Youwei was also tipsy. It was indeed a pleasure. However, the scene suddenly became quiet. He hurriedly said, "There seems to be something going on over there!"

"what's going on?"

Qin Mo was also a little surprised. He turned around and saw Li Lizhen standing up.

She blushed a little, "Then I'll show my shame!"

(End of this chapter)

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