big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1278 A gentleman kills without blood!

Chapter 1278 A gentleman kills without blood!

Li Chuanyu hunched over, bleeding heavily, making her vision blurry.

The severe pain tortured her nerves, "Save me, father, save me. My daughter knows her mistake, and she will never dare to do it again!"

The big dog took out a razor and slowly shaved his nails, "I have no chance in this life. Be a good person in the next life!"

Li Chuanyu was in special pain and a lot of blood came out.

In less than a quarter of an hour, she fell into a pool of blood.

The big dog put away the razor and said, "Come out and wash the floor. The princess was bewitched by the demon monk Bianji, causing her to be stillborn and die of massive bleeding."

After saying that, the big dog left, and soon someone came out to collect the bodies and wash the floor.

At this time, in the courtyard, all the monks of Huichang Temple were kneeling on the ground.

They were terrified and didn't know what mistake they had made.

They only saw the old host Daozang kneeling in front of the man.

"Your Majesty, please do not increase the karma of killing. These poor monks are willing to die. Please spare them."

Li Shilong looked at Daozang. Monk Daozang was indeed a virtuous and eminent monk with great perseverance and great wisdom.

At this moment, the big dog came over crying and knelt on the ground, "Your Majesty, the Thirteenth Princess listened to the words of the evil monk and had an abortion and died of massive bleeding."

After hearing the big dog's words, Daozang's heart sank completely.

The princess is dead?

"Starting from today, we will purge Buddhism and transform Buddhism into the people. If you resist, you will be killed!" Li Shilong said without any emotion.

"His Majesty."

Daozang sat on the ground, and what he feared most came true, destroying the Buddha!
However, it was not Qin Mo's fault, but the fault of Bian Ji.

He thought of Qin Mo's words.

The quality of monks varies greatly. If they do not engage in production, lending, rent-free, or tax exemption, they will become a disaster sooner or later.

Now it's a prophecy.

He didn't think this matter had anything to do with Qin Mo.

The princess died in Bianji's Buddhist hall.

The princess comes to Bianji every day to listen to Buddhist lectures.

The princess has just become pregnant.

Wei Guogong was so angry that he fell into a coma.
A terrible thought flashed through his mind.

No, it can't be!

His eyes were horrified.

All the strength in his body was drained away at this moment.

Who will save the Buddha, and who can save the Buddha?
A person flashed in his mind.

Qin Mo.

Only Qin Mo can save Buddha.

He has prepared the Buddhist code, and obviously will not destroy the Buddha at the cost of the princess's death.

For that kind of existence, all it takes is a word, or even an unfounded frame-up.

Your Majesty will definitely listen to him.

But now that Huichang Temple has been surrounded, how can he see Qin Mo?

At this time, on a tall building not far away.

Qin Mo put down the telescope and couldn't help but click his tongue.

"Uncle, is this drama good to watch?" Du Youwei said with a smile.

Qin Mo said: "It looks good, but it's a bit useless as a monk, but Lao Du is really ruthless!"

A trace of hatred flashed in Du Youwei's eyes, "I, the Du family, are loyal and sincere. If I didn't take action myself, I would already be restrained."

Qin Mo patted his shoulder and said, "Okay, everyone is calm now, any resentment or hatred is over.

Come with me to Nanyang, work hard for two years, and then marry seven or eight of his women there to carry on the family lineage. Wouldn’t you like it? "

"Uncle, that's right!" Du Youwei smiled and nodded, "Uncle, it's time for me to appear next. This scene isn't over yet. It's time for me to finish it."


"Farewell!" Du Youwei cupped his hands and immediately went downstairs.

Qin Mo was sitting on the recliner, looking at the sun outside, "This day is really nice!" If you don't break, you won't stand.

Qin Mo actually has no intention of destroying Buddhism, but innovation is inevitable.

He couldn't help but think of Xiao Dou. He gave Xiao Dou a hand, otherwise, he would probably be no better than Du Youwei.

At this time, Du Youwei ran to Du Jingming anxiously, "Dad, what's wrong with you? Dad, what happened?"

He looked at the people around him in panic and confusion, as if he wanted an answer.

But no one told him.

He looked at Li Shilong again, "Your Majesty, what happened to my father? Where is the princess? Why did I just hear that something happened to the princess? Where is she?"
Where is my child? "

Seeing Du Youwei's face full of anxiety and tears in his eyes, he felt unspeakably guilty!

"Chuanyu, she listened to the words of the evil monk Bian Ji, which led to her falling into trouble and bleeding to death."


Du Youwei looked dull, and then said emotionally: "Where is Chuanyu? Your Majesty, why is this happening?"

Li Shilong looked at Du Youwei who was almost crazy. It would be difficult for anyone to accept this kind of thing.

He took a deep breath and said, "I feel equally uncomfortable. The situation has reached this point and there is no way to remedy it. The demon monk Bianji committed suicide.

I will give your Du family an answer on this matter.

As for Chuan Yu, give it a good burial. "

After saying that, Li Shilong seemed to have aged ten years instantly and felt haggard mentally.

It's not over yet.

Queen Gongsun must have received the news as well.

Fortunately, Big Dog did a pretty good job and it was reasonable. Even if Empress Gongsun knew about it, she would be purely sad at best.

It will be fine in ten days and a half.

He was full of bitterness. Yesterday was his birthday, but today, such a big thing happened.


He heard Du Youwei's heartbreaking cries from behind, shook his head, and said to Gao Shilian: "Go and call Jing Yun over, oh no. Call Li Daoyuan."

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Gao Shilian breathed a sigh of relief. He knew very well that Li Shilong wanted Qin Mo to come forward to destroy the Buddha, but such a hateful thing was not easy to handle.

"And Yuchi Nobuo, please call us too!"

Li Shilong took a deep breath. Although Qin Mo paid more attention, he couldn't be allowed to do such dirty hands.

Soon, Huichang Temple was sealed, and the news of Princess Jade's death spread completely.

The Forbidden Army and the Six Gates arrested monks in the capital.

The attitude is tough, anyone who resists will be killed!

In less than two hours, all the temples in the capital were sealed and the monks were forced to return to secular life.

For a time, people in the capital were panicked.

After learning the cause and effect, everyone cursed Bianji one after another.

After all, it is impossible for the emperor to joke with the princess's life, and besides, it would cost two lives.

The Duke of Wei fainted, and Captain Du personally escorted the thirteenth princess back to his home from Huichang Temple.

This is all real and can be seen with your eyes.

Compared with the previous attacks on Buddhism, this time it seems that it does not deserve sympathy.

Although they were implicated, Huichang Temple has replaced the former White Horse Temple in recent years and has become the number one temple in the world. Daozang is naturally the leader of Buddhism.

Bian Ji is also a eminent monk and a great virtue. He seduces the princess, which is a serious crime of beheading.

Your Majesty has exercised restraint if he did not kill all the people in Huichang Temple.

Where do you dare to cry out for injustice?

At this time, the Du Mansion was in mourning, and everyone in the house was mourning and crying.

Du Youwei knelt beside the bed and looked at the awakening Du Jingming, "Father, my child is incompetent and you have been wronged!"

Du Jingming waved his hand, "Are you sure that bitch is dead?"

"Dead, the dead can't die anymore!"

"A good death!" Du Jingming smiled, "She bullied our father and son that we are gentlemen, but she doesn't know that gentlemen kill people without seeing blood!"

(End of this chapter)

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