big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1283 Qin Mo was tricked again!

Chapter 1283 Qin Mo was tricked again!

"Of course there is someone behind me, don't even think about it in your life!" Xiao Yu said judiciously: "I've already died once, you can do whatever you want!"

"It's a bit difficult to handle if the oil and salt don't come in!"

Qin Mo sneered, "You really think you can control me!"

He walked out of the prison quickly and shouted deliberately: "Xiao Gao, go back and pick up Tianxin for me. Hurry, if you don't pick him up, don't follow me anymore!"

After saying that, he called Xu Que again, asked him to get a stool, and then sat in front of Xiao Yurou with his legs crossed, "Come, fall in love, kill each other, hurt each other, it doesn't matter.

It’s good that Tianxin is my son, but there is a big family behind me.

Don't try to kidnap me, that's impossible. "

Xiao Yurou's heart sank, she didn't speak, and even closed her eyes.

She was betting that Qin Mo was just scaring her.

But not long after, a child's voice came from outside, "Uncle Gao, where is my dad?"

Hearing this voice, Xiao Yurou's heart suddenly sank. She opened her eyes suddenly, "You are so cruel. A tiger's poison cannot eat its own child, and that's your son!"

"I said, don't kidnap me. My son was fine and happy at home.

Either you disappear forever, but you shouldn't jump in front of me.

Mother Buddha is like a mountain pressing on my heart, and I dare not neglect her.

There are too many people behind me.

Tianxin is also one of the people standing behind me.

Do you understand? Zhang Dong said coldly: "The child is coming in soon, you still have a few breaths." "

"Don't, don't let him in!"

Xiao Yurou's eyes were red, "Don't let him see me like this, I, I'm so embarrassed.

If he knew that I was his mother, he would definitely be very disappointed.

Please, cruel Qin Mo, please! "

"Xu Que, don't let the children in!" Qin Mo shouted loudly.

Then Xu Que's voice came from outside, "Yes, Governor!"

Big tears fell from Xiao Yurou's eyes. She was not Qin Mo's opponent and never had been.

As my godfather said, don't go against Qin Mo, she is no opponent.

Qin Mo didn't urge him, but took out the last cigarette in the box. There were piles of cigarette butts at his feet. Excessive smoking made his throat hurt.

There were even blisters on the sides of his mouth.

He squinted his eyes slightly, but they were bloodshot, and the hand holding the cigarette was trembling slightly.

He was getting closer to the truth, and he felt very nervous.

"She is my niece and I am her aunt!"

"Whose daughter is she?"

"My sister, the legacy of Princess Nanyang!"

"Princess Nanyang, is she the one who married the Yuwen family?"


"Wasn't he killed?"

"Illegitimate daughter, no one knows her existence, I raised her by myself." Xiao Yurou lied.

"How to prove it?"

"She doesn't know her identity, I lied to her!"

"You are really interesting." Qin Mo said: "Did you also arrange for Zhao Manyun to be in Tianxiang Courtyard?"

"Yes, she entered Tianxiangyuan when she was eight years old!"

"Who is the person behind you?"

"You have killed them all, who else do you think can be killed?" Xiao Yurou said with red eyes.

"Stop lying, you can't crawl out of the grave." Qin Mo said: "You were seriously injured and your body suffered a lot. If you didn't have a good rest in the past two years, you wouldn't have recovered like this.

It is not that simple for ordinary people to cure you. They must be great doctors who are proficient in medical skills.

You must have been in the capital for a while and have been living in seclusion.

The small one hides in the wild, the big one hides in the city.If no one supports you, it will be difficult for you to survive in the capital if your hand is cut off.

With your appearance, I don’t know how many people you have attracted. "

Xiao Yurou remained silent.

Qin Mo was smart after all, but he was too smart and could see people's hearts too clearly.

"I hid some money, which is enough for me to live a good life." Xiao Yuju said: "Those people have died long ago, and you caught them all in one fell swoop. I just know that Zhao Manyun is still alive, and I want to see if she is doing well.

If it's not good, I will find a way to save her. "

"By you?"

"Yes, rely on me!"

Xiao Yurou smiled bitterly and said: "If I were really someone, do you think I would come forward on my own? How could I be caught by you so easily?"

"It makes sense."

Qin Mo smoked his last cigarette, then took out the key and unlocked the shackles of his hands and feet.

He took out another hair tie, combed her hair, and tied it up.

"Follow me!" Qin Mo said.

Xiao Yurou looked at Qin Mo, wondering what he wanted to do, "You"

"Don't talk, don't ask, just leave!" Qin Mo's voice became hoarse and his eyes were a little tangled. At this moment, he followed the voice deep in his heart.


"A lot of nonsense!"

Qin Mo grabbed her right hand, pulled her out and then took off his sunglasses and put them on her.

The big toad mirror covered most of her face.

Xiao Yurou's hands were pinched by Qin Mo until they hurt, and they were roasted by the shackles for so long that her legs were a little weak.

The most nervous thing is the fear of seeing the children.

But when he walked out, he found that what Xu Que was holding was not Tianxin.

"Quick, the governor is here, call the governor!"

Xu Que quickly said to his son.

"Good supervisor!"

"Yes, that's right. Don't call him the governor from now on, call him godfather!" Qin Mo touched the little guy's head, Xu Que's son!

Xu Que was overjoyed, "Silly boy, call me godfather!"

"Godfather!" the little guy shouted obediently.

Qin Mo thought for a while and took out a jade pendant he was wearing. "My godfather came in a hurry and didn't bring any gifts. This is just a gift. Tomorrow, you and Tianxin and the others will have class together."

"Thank you, Commander!" Xu Que knew exactly what this meant.

Qin Mo patted his shoulder and said, "My maid is ignorant and ran around blindly. I took her away so that she won't cause trouble to you at Six Gates!"

"The Governor is serious. His subordinates are ignorant and have arrested the wrong person. I will give them a good training in a while!" Xu Que said.


"See you soon, godfather!"

"Goodbye godfather!"

Qin Mo smiled and pulled Xiao Yurou away.

Only then did Xiao Yurou know that she was on Qin Mo's big list, and she was furious for a moment, "Qin Mo, you are more cunning than a fox!"

Qin Mo ignored her, walked out of the six-door prison gate, and saw Gao Yao standing at the door with an innocent look on his face.

"I'll take care of you later, go home!" Qin Mo angrily stretched out his finger and flicked her forehead.

This time, Gao Yao's eyes suddenly turned red. Although it didn't hurt, it was more uncomfortable than giving Gao Yao a knife.

Douda's tears fell down quickly, "Master, I'm sorry, I..."

"Is it useful to be sorry?" Qin Mo said: "Don't think I'm a fool, put back your tears!"


Gao Yao held back his tears abruptly, flattening his mouth and tears welling up in his eyes. He looked as pitiful as he could!
(End of this chapter)

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