big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1291 The Way Out of Buddhism

Chapter 1291 The Way Out of Buddhism

Hearing this, Tian Xin turned pale with fright, "I won't tell, Dad, I won't tell anyone else about my mother, not anyone!"

Qin Mo nodded.

Soon, Xiao Yurou changed into a set of clothes and came out. Although they were just ordinary clothes, Xiao Yurou always had an aloof aura when she wore them.

The years seemed to be frozen on Xiao Yurou's face.

Seeing Qin Mo staring at her, Xiao Yurou rolled her eyes at him, "What are you looking at, haven't you seen it?"

Qin Mo looked away, picked up Tianxin, let him ride on his neck, and immediately took Xiao Yurou's hand.

Xiao Yurou still wanted to pull it out, but Qin Mo held it tightly.

"Stop fussing, just follow me!"

Qin Mo said something and left the capital with Xiao Yurou.

In Qinzhuang, Qin Mo's private land, this is where Qin Mo takes his vacation.

He set up a barbecue stall, and Tianxin jumped into the swimming pool under Gao Yao's care.

Xiao Yurou looked at Qin Mo's prepared words of "Don't worry" and blushed. She didn't change her clothes and sat by the swimming pool, her white and tender feet lapping in the water.

The wind was gentle and the sun was getting stronger. There happened to be a big tree like a canopy above the head, blocking the scorching sun.

"Mom, come down quickly!" Tianxin swam to Xiao Yurou's side, took Xiao Yurou's hand and dragged her into the water!
Xiao Yurou fell into the water and her clothes were soaked.

Now even if Xiao Yurou didn't want to change her clothes, she had to.

However, her broken hand made her feel a little inferior and she was afraid of scaring her children.

Fortunately, Qin Mo prepared another long-sleeved coat for her to cover her broken arm.

She did not wear the clothes Qin Mo prepared, but chose the most conservative one.

Looks quite old-fashioned.

But the flawless white skin shines in the sunlight!

"Xiao Gao, come and grill the chicken wings!"

Qin Mo said something, and Monza jumped into the pool.

For a while, laughter continued.

For two days in a row, the three of them did not leave Qinzhuang.

Tianxin is very satisfied, but he still has to go to class, and it is not good to be away for too long.

There will definitely be suspicion at home.

Although Xiao Yurou was reluctant to part with it, she still understood the importance.

After sending Tian Xin away, there were only two people left in the yard.

She was far away from Qin Mo and looked like she would not let strangers in.

Qin Mo didn't bother to go over, so he dove into the swimming pool, swam two times, and then landed, "I'm going to be busy, you can move around as you please, there will be someone secretly protecting you.

Remember, don't show your head anymore. What I told you will come true sooner or later.

Don't make it difficult for me! "

Seeing Qin Mo leave, the coldness on Xiao Yurou's face disappeared.

She couldn't describe what she felt.

There was no more hatred for Qin Mo, but love was also buried with Wei Xiaobao's death.

But the family of three is very warm together.

That feeling made her sink.

But the pain of the broken arm made her complain again.

The most ruthless person in the world is still the same as before, being unkind and leaving as soon as he wants.

Maybe this is good, as long as the child is happy, she is happy.

Maintaining this status quo is not a bad idea.

Qin Mo lived a comfortable life for a few days, but people were killed in the capital.

Almost all the monks in Huichang Temple were cold.

There is only one Daozang left.The movement to suppress Buddhism intensified. A large number of monks lost their lives in the movement to suppress Buddhism. At the same time, a large number of black households and the darkness hiding under the Buddha statues were also exposed.

Anyway, Qin Mo didn't feel bad.

But what hurt Qin Modan was that when he got off the carriage, he saw Daozang kneeling at the door of Qin Mansion.

This guy has been kneeling here for three days and three nights, without eating a grain of rice or touching a drop of water. He was exposed to the scorching sun and almost passed out.

The skin was red and chapped, and there was even blood oozing out.

Hearing the movement, Daozang turned around slowly and was overjoyed to see Qin Mo getting off the carriage.

But before he could speak, his vision went dark and he passed out.

"Come here, rescue her. If you can, save her. If you can't, bury her!" Qin Mo was very worried.

Daozang was also very lucky. After rescuing him, he slowly opened his eyes, but he was very weak.

Seeing Qin Mo, he held his numb legs and knelt on the ground again, "Qin Prince Consort, please save the Buddha, please, save the Buddha."

"Daozang, I've talked to you a long time ago. It's you who failed to live up to your expectations!" Qin Mo said: "If you had gone to my father earlier, maybe this wouldn't have happened."

Daozang said bitterly, "It's the poor monk's fault!"

"Don't say you don't know about Bianji. Even if you retreat every day, you should still be able to smell the feminine scent of Daozang.

You are not unjust at all in this matter, but killing your monk from Huichang Temple is considered restraint.

I have long said that the only way out is to regulate the sect.

The country is not on the other side of the sky, where politics and religion are integrated.

This is where imperial power reigns supreme.

The sky needs Buddha to rule those stupid people, but Daqian doesn't need it. You can't see through this. Even if I help you today, other emperors will destroy the Buddha tomorrow. "

Daozang gave a wry smile. He did notice the scent of Bianji.

I just never thought about it.

In other words, I don’t want to believe it even after thinking about it.

After all, he is his apprentice, and I always feel that he would not do such a sinful thing.

"Please, Lieutenant Prince Consort of Qin, I will definitely do what you said and save those innocent people."

"It's too late. If it is not broken, it cannot be established. The bill issued by the court is also very good. Let's go back and translate the remaining Daqian Western Regions.

Take this book and go see my father. Give him the management method I gave you. Maybe there will be a turn for the better! "After Qin Mo finished speaking, he left.

Daozang was helpless when he saw that Qin Mo was unwilling to wade into the muddy water.

But who can be blamed?
If he had gone to see Li Shilong earlier, maybe this thing wouldn't have happened.

He was silent for a long time and finally left Qin Mansion.

Qin Mo is right, Da Qian Xi Yu Ji is the last hope.

Moreover, Qin Mo had already given his life to him.

That management method is the way out for Buddhism.

Daqian Buddhism is not the Buddhism of other places. Everything must make way for the service of imperial power.

Daozang became enlightened.

It's a pity that I understood it too late.

The next day, Qin Mo came to the suburbs of Beijing again and asked Liu Wanche to measure the place he had chosen last time.

"The speed must be fast, and the foundation must be laid well. I will leave the capital in a while, and you must have some snacks."

Liu Wanche was stunned, "Where are you going?"

"Go and explore Southeast Asia!"

"Hey, are you promoted again?"

"Okay, stop flattering me. I'm just a governor this time. I've done all the governor-general duties before. How can I be promoted to such a high position!" Qin Mo threw a Qinzi and asked, "How is the railway track construction in the capital now?"

"The speed is quite fast. In two months, the first railway track will be operational. Fortunately, there are biogas lamps. Otherwise, lighting will be a big problem!" Liu Wanche said: "Can you wait until the first railway track is opened to traffic?" go?"

(End of this chapter)

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