big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1333 The Auspicious Omen

Chapter 1333 The Auspicious Omen
"I have something to do for you!" Li Shilong said.

"Your Majesty please order!"

"Forget it." Li Shilong waved his hand, but felt that this was not a good idea.

Gao Shilian felt increasingly uneasy.

His Majesty's temporary change of mind shows that he also feels bad about this matter, and may even cause some chain reactions.

What can he allow himself to do?
It must be related to Qin Mo.

Could it be that Your Majesty?
His heart sank at the thought.

But this is most likely a set.

He said calmly: "What worries does your Majesty have?"

"It's nothing, I just look a bit like those nephews. I wanted you to go to Lingnan to bring him back. Now spring is blooming and the capital is getting warmer.

These furry children are always around my feet, and I miss them very much! "Li Shilong said: "But forget it, the sky is high and the road is far away, Yulan and the others will definitely be worried. "

Gao Shilian said with a smile: "Your Majesty misses my daughter so much that I am willing to go to Lingnan!"

He was extremely uneasy.

"Forget it, don't go. I'm going to write a letter and scold that bitch. If you go, that bitch will slander me!" Li Shilong waved his hand and stopped talking, but continued to pick up the legend of Zhu Chongba. She got excited and said, "This book is really well written.

Zhu Chongba rose from a cowherd boy to an emperor. He was really awesome. "

Gao Shilian didn't insist anymore.

It was night, he was sitting on the kang, looking at the paper and pen in front of him, starting and stopping several times.

"I'm confused, I can't write this letter!" He stuffed the paper into the fireplace, and the paper was ignited in an instant.

"This is a trap, wait for me to get into it!" Gao Shilian figured it out. It was true that the emperor wanted Li Yulan and the others to come back, and it was also true that he missed them.

But he dared not gamble.

Or maybe he has deeper scruples in his heart.

He had seen too many such things in the court.

Why are Dou Xuanling and Du Jingming leaving?

Because they know it too well.

The prince is indeed qualified, but his heart is very cold and unstable.

"Why bother, people's hearts are always so complicated, and they fawn over themselves when they don't have it.

Yes, but I feel like there are enemies all around me. I dislike everyone and want to get rid of them.

Whether you are a human being or an emperor, you must have some bottom line, right?

If he wanted to take it in this world, he would have taken it long ago. Why wait until now?

It’s fine that the prince was deceived by the slander, but Your Majesty, why do you want it too?”

He looked at the raging flames in the fireplace and murmured, "A son-in-law is always a son-in-law, but he can never be compared to a son!"

Su Yun left the capital with [-] troops.

Yizhixie captured the Yueshi, and the events of Big and Little Bolu did not cause any turmoil in the capital.

Still singing and dancing.

In the eyes of the people, Yi Zhixie will be defeated by Da Gan's iron blood sooner or later.

Therefore, there is no need to be too anxious, just wait for the good news.

It is impossible to say that this time, after the destruction of Yizhixie, all the countries in the Western Region will become part of Daqian.

At that time, there were unlimited business opportunities waiting for them.

Many merchants have already spotted the opportunity and started shouting in groups, preparing to trade westward.

They can take the Yumenguan Pass. Anyway, the Lizhidao Road is very convenient now.

Then they will go straight to the Western Regions. When the war calms down, the goods they bring over will definitely be able to be bought at a good price!

In the East Palace, Li Yue seemed to have returned to his former self.But on this day, a double happiness came to the East Palace.

Xu Jing and Xu Mi started working together as if they had agreed.

Two sisters gave birth to twins.

Li Yue was overjoyed.

Everyone in the East Palace came to express their congratulations, "Congratulations to His Majesty the Crown Prince on the birth of twins. This is an auspicious sign and should be reported to Your Majesty!"

Liu Yifu even said: "This is such a great joy, His Highness should entertain everyone!"

Li Yue smiled and nodded, "Leave this matter to Yifu, go and report it to your father!"

With that said, he hurried to Tai Chi Palace.

Li Shilong saw Li Yue's face full of joy and asked, "Give a baby?"

"Go back to my father. I gave birth to two sons. Please give me my father's name!" Li Yue said.

"They are twins, what a blessing!" Li Shilong couldn't help laughing. No one wanted to have fewer sons. For emperors and princes, more heirs meant a more stable status.

If you are childless and have a young son, I am afraid that the young man will be punished by a sinner's edict.

He stood up, also named the two people, and then asked someone to inform the Queen and Concubine Li.

"Come, follow me to Da'an Palace and tell you the good news, Azu!" Li Shilong was also in a good mood.

"Yes!" Li Yue followed Li Shilong.

"In a few days, it will be spring plowing. You will go sow seeds and worship on my behalf. You can't relax in Baiguan Field. You have to go there every now and then to take a look. This is listed as an evaluation.

Du Jingming will step down from his position this year, let’s see who is suitable! "Li Shilong said.

Li Yue was shocked, "What happened to Duke Wei?"

"I'm old, please resign and stay at home to recuperate!" Li Shilong said: "The official reform has begun to bear fruit, and we must deepen the official reform, which is related to the future of Daqian.

Remember, don’t make the decision to initiate official reforms without authorization. At least don’t touch it for 20 years. After the official reforms are formed, innovate within the existing system.

Otherwise, if the order is changed day by day, it will easily break down! "

"My son, I will definitely keep this in mind!" Li Xindao.

"Also, I heard that the Crown Princess is sick again?"

"Yes, I have invited the German prince to come over. This time he is very ill. I am a little worried and want to ask my father for two days' leave to stay with her!" Li Xindao: "The child is with the queen, and the queen is watching. , don’t worry!”

"Liu Chenghu, take some time to go over there and take a look. The Bohai Navy has too much power and is controlling several countries. Do you have any good ideas?"

Li Xin hurriedly said: "Divide and manage them, divide them into the Japanese Navy and the Gaoli Navy to supervise each other!"

"Write a charter and make personnel transfers as perfect as possible. However, the Bohai Bay is an important source of tax revenue for the imperial court, so we must be cautious.

Especially the salt fields, where [-]% of the salt now comes from. "

"I understand!" Li Xin had long wanted to touch the Bohai Navy.

Now the commander-in-chief of the Bohai Sea Division has too much power. He commands that area and has nearly 18 troops.

Especially exaggerated.

The Daqian navy has the best treatment and the best equipment. It is no exaggeration to say that these people have the ability to destroy a country.

No one can rest assured if it is in one person's hands.

"By the way, my father, I want to re-divide Lingnan Road into several roads to facilitate management.

Secondly, the command authority of the Beihai Navy must also be taken back.

Otherwise, the Lingnan Road is too big, spanning nearly two thousand miles from Annan to Quanzhou. The land is vast and fertile, and sooner or later a vassal town will be established. "Li Yue said.

"Okay, write a charter and we'll talk about it at the court meeting. The world is too big and the prefectural roads must be re-divided." Li Shilong said calmly with his hands behind his back.

"I thought I might as well ask Jing Yun what he meant!"

(End of this chapter)

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