big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1343 I will never look for him, never!

Chapter 1343 I will never look for him, never!

Li Yue glanced at Gongsun Wuji gratefully, "What uncle said makes sense, I should be more calm!"

Li Shilong stroked his beard.

Gongsun Wuji was right, he was going to be outside, and he would not accept his orders.

If the order is given forcefully, unacceptable things may happen.

"Having said that, we still need to send someone over." Li Shilong took a glance and saw that there were many new faces, but there was no one who could be of great use.

"Call Zhang Jing to send [-] troops from Tuyuhun to assist, and let his deputy Zhou Lian temporarily take charge of the army!"

"Your Majesty is wise!"

The people bowed down.

After leaving Tai Chi Palace, Gongsun Wuji strode away.

He is actually more anxious than anyone else.

Gongsun Min serves as a staff officer in the army. If the Soviet Yun army is attacked by surprise, Gongsun Min will also be in danger.

He hit the nail on the head when he told Gongsun Min what happened.

Su Yun really failed in the Western Region.

I just don't know if this somersault will devastate Su Yun.

If so, we're in big trouble.

At that time, not only the big and small Bolu will be unable to protect themselves, but also Nanfan, Tianxiang, and Niboluo will be under Yizhixie's iron hoof.

"Uncle, wait a minute!"

A voice came from behind, and Gongsun Wuji quickly stopped, put his hands in front of him, and bowed slightly, "What are your orders, Your Highness?"

Seeing Gongsun Wuji's gesture, Li Yue was very satisfied. He smiled and said, "Thank you uncle just now."

"This is what a humble official should do!" Gongsun Wuji said humbly.

"There are no generals in the court now, and the only person I can rely on is my uncle!" Li Yue said.

"Your Highness, please be at ease. I have to believe that our generals will definitely have good news coming back to the capital soon!" Gongsun Wuji said with a smile.

"Then just wait for the good news!"

The news of Su Yun's defeat could not be concealed, and for a moment everyone in the capital was silent.

The lives and deaths of three generals, Li Yongmeng and Cheng Dabao, are uncertain, and the whereabouts of five thousand elites are unknown.

The main force encountered a surprise attack.

This succession of bad news has stunned the people of the capital.

How could it be defeated so suddenly?
You know, Daqian has not suffered such a useless defeat for many years.

If Qin Mo had led the troops, he would have killed the most people with the fewest casualties.

Dissatisfaction and uneasiness spread among the masses.

For a time, the capital was undercurrents.

And this uneasiness and dissatisfaction reached its peak five days later!

Another urgent report came from the Western Regions. The Soviet Union's large forces retreated and were bombarded by Yizhixie, resulting in more than 3 casualties.

Li Daoyuan led troops to assist, but was injured and his life or death was unknown!

Li Daoyuan, a man who could be a marshal, went to assist Su Yun, but he was bombed to the point of death.

At this time, people in the capital were panicked.

Although Li Daoyuan is not as good as Qin Xiangru and Liu Chenghu, he rarely loses.

I actually suffered such a big loss this time.

The emergency reports sent back twice revealed that Daqian had lost more than 6 elite men!
A quarter of the 25 troops were lost!

Isn't this a big defeat?
In the more than 20 years since the founding of Daqian, there has never been such a defeat.

We have never lost so many elites!
He, Su Yun, is a sinner!

After hearing the news, Li Shilong sat on the dragon chair for a long time, and then sighed: "Go, call me, Liu Chenghu, into the palace!"

"Your Majesty, the prince is here!"

"No, I don't want to see anyone except Liu Chenghu now!" Li Shilong said coldly.

Gao Shilian bowed slightly, stepped back and left, came outside and looked at Li Yue, "His Royal Highness, Your Majesty is not in the mood to see you now, so please come back later!"

Li Yue became anxious, "Mr. Gao, how is your father?" Gao Shilian smiled bitterly and said, "Your Majesty is in a bad mood. Your Majesty, it is better not to bother your Majesty at this time, so as not to"

Before Gao Shilian finished speaking, Li Yue sighed and immediately knelt outside Tai Chi Palace, "Then I will kneel here. Whenever father sees me, he will get up!"

He is no longer alone now. After such a defeat, he still has some dignity.

The specific casualty report was not included in the emergency report, but he made a rough estimate and it would not be less than 7 people.

Moreover, who knows if Su Yun concealed anything.

Such a great defeat has never happened since the founding of the People's Republic of China.

Now he has the heart to eat Su Yun.

Believing in him so much, putting all your efforts into it, only to get this result.

Who can accept it?
If Su Yun can turn the situation around, he can make up for his crime by killing everyone.

If he couldn't, he would kill all nine of his clans, and Li Yue would not vent his anger.

Father, he must be very disappointed at this time, right?

Li Yue's confidence was gone. At that moment, he felt that everyone would isolate him.

The words that I was ridiculed for not making progress in the past, and being unfit for the future, seemed to be lingering in my ears again.

It was like poison eating away at his heart.

Even the guard's eyes made him feel like he was mocking.

After thinking about it for a long time, there were footsteps behind me.

He suddenly looked back, who could it be if he wasn't Liu Chenghu, who was stumbling?

He seemed to have seen a savior. Yes, he still had someone he could rely on, and that was Liu Chenghu, the powerful God of War.

He is the only one who can compare with Qin Mo in Daqian.

If he takes action, he can definitely turn things around!

"Father-in-law!" Li Yue shouted hurriedly.

However, Liu Chenghu walked over slowly, swaying every step he took. He looked as if he had aged by more than ten years.

"Father-in-law, you, why are you like this?" Li Yue was horrified.

"Ahem!" Liu Chenghu coughed dryly, and then he cupped his hands and said, "I have seen His Highness the Crown Prince. I am getting old, and my health is not as good as before. I get sick as soon as I say I am sick. I have been tortured quite badly these days, cough cough."

The light in Li Yue's eyes quickly disappeared, and the corner of his mouth twitched, and he didn't even want to talk to Liu Chenghu, "Oh, then my father-in-law needs to have a good rest!"

The change in Li Yue's expression and attitude caught his eye, and Liu Chenghu just smiled faintly.

It's useless.

Inferior and arrogant.

Cowardly and blind.

Selfish and self-reliant.

Mud won’t go up the wall!
This is his evaluation of Li Yue.

If he had revealed his true face ten years later, he might have been a greater king than Li Shilong.

But now, he personally ruined this opportunity.

"Thank you for your concern, Your Majesty. Your Majesty asked me to go in first!" Liu Chenghu cupped his hands and walked slowly inside.

Li Yue's originally straight back suddenly became rickets.

Liu Chenghu was like this. It was difficult to walk, let alone lead the troops. It was impossible to go to the Western Regions. He was afraid that he would die on the way before leaving Jingzhao Mansion.

Then who can he rely on?
Who else can help him?
He passed countless people in his mind, but found that no one could reverse the decline.

Suddenly, he thought of Qin Mo.

His eyes suddenly became gloomy.

Then an inexplicable anger was ignited from his chest.

"No, I will never look for him!" Li Yue gritted his teeth, "If he knows about this, he will definitely take pleasure in his misfortune, right?"

He had already seen Qin Mo laughing at him in Lingnan.

The image stimulated his nerves.

"I will never look for him, never!"

(End of this chapter)

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