big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1366: Damn, you are really good!

Chapter 1366: Damn, you are really good!

"The first battle of the station, as the name suggests, is to kill the enemy leader. This requires a lot of intelligence and careful preparation. There are also many spies on the northwest slave side who have penetrated hard. In fact, the fighting is always there where you can't see it.

Many people only saw the glory of my victory, but did not see the sacrifice in the darkness.

So you remember, you should look down upon yourself when you are humble, and you should look up to others when you rise. "

"Follow the teachings of the ancestors!"

Everyone bowed down sincerely.

Yuan Dazhen quickly recorded Qin Mo's words.

The happiest days are when I can accompany my mentor.

"Don't just bow down. We are new to this. If you respect me, just give me my hand. If you don't respect me, even if you kowtow nine times, it will be of no use!" Qin Mo waved his hand, "Remember Yes, the new learning cannot become an overly dogmatic doctrine. We can restrain our own behavior, but we cannot restrain the world through these dogmas.

To be honest, whether it is the teachings of the Ji family or the teachings of hundreds of schools of thought thousands of years ago, most of them teach people to be good.

Are you tired of these rules and regulations restricting you?

It must be inclusive of all things, embrace all rivers, absorb the strengths of each school, and maximize the potential of each school.

What I say today cannot be regarded as a standard. People in the future must have the courage to dare to break it.

In this way, new learning will continue to progress.

Otherwise, you will live under my words your whole life, and that is not what I want to see. "

"Yes, Patriarch (mentor)!"

This time, everyone did not kneel down, but raised their hands in gesture!

Qin Mo nodded with satisfaction. To be honest, it was quite satisfying to be the leader of a faction.

Looking at their hungry eyes, Qin Mo continued to explain how to win this battle, "In short, the news of my expedition will definitely reach the northwest slaves. At that time, Yi Zhixie will be ready and will definitely try his best. Various ways to deal with me.

Then he will definitely ignore his rear area!

Paving the road to victory with a strong intelligence system, beheading people to cause chaos, and spreading smallpox in a small area, making the northwest slaves unable to defend themselves.

All our soldiers have been vaccinated against cowpox, so don’t worry!

In addition, there are things more serious than smallpox, which can be poisoned to achieve our goals.

So, never underestimate the shadow.

Maybe under the sun, your shadow is not conspicuous, but when it gets dark, it melts into the darkness, and there are shadows in all directions! "please
Everyone was also stunned by Qin Mo's strategy.

Thousands of miles away, a large number of traps have been laid waiting for the enemy to step into them.

What really impressed them was Qin Mo's precautions.

"Is it possible?" A disciple asked in disbelief.

"[-]% sure!" Qin Mo said.

"Isn't this too cruel? If smallpox or other diseases affect civilians,"

"So I said, beheading tactics, attack and kill the elite slaves in the northwest on a small scale, and reduce civilian casualties as much as possible.

And death in war is inevitable. Once upon a time, I was just like you.

But when it comes to an avalanche, no snowflake is innocent! "

Qin Mo said coldly: "In the battle of Moyan City, the Northwest slaves used more than [-] people as shields to blast away Moyan City.

Those people are not slaves from the northwest, they are traitors to the Yueshi and Dashi people!
The relative weight of two benefits should be the most important, and the relative power of two evils should be the least important.

This is a no-brainer.

Compassion does not control soldiers, and righteousness does not control wealth.What I can do is not attack and kill civilians when I get to Yuezhi and Dashi. That's enough! "

The disciple who just spoke had a look of shame on his face. Compared to the Patriarch, he was still too naive and childish.

"Yes, I will teach you!" said the disciple.

"Soldiers are deceitful and have been like this since ancient times!" Qin Mo stood up, "That's all for today. Let's go back and digest it. Although I am sure that the battle will end before we arrive, after the battle is over, it does not mean that we Really nothing to do.

Yuezhi and Dashi must be taken down, you have to cheer up! "

"Yes, Patriarch!"

The crowd shouted in unison.

What Qin Mo didn't notice was that a petite big-headed soldier was staring straight at him not far away.

After Qin Mo left, everyone did not disperse. Instead, they started brainstorming and digested as much as possible everything Qin Mo said just now.

Yuan Dazhen said to Bai Yi: "Let's go back and compile the teacher's quotations into a volume, and then send it back to Lingnan as quickly as [-] miles away!"

"How about waiting? Eight hundred miles will be used urgently for the war. If it is used on this..." Bai Buyi always felt bad.

"What you said makes sense. There are many caravans here in Liuzhao. Let the caravans take them back." Yuan Dazhen nodded. He knew that Qin Mo was in a bad situation now.

The traitors in the imperial court were in power, and they all knew the news about the mistress's bullying. If they hadn't been suppressed by Duke Qin, they would have brought someone to settle the score.

New students say it’s three thousand, but these three thousand are the backbone.

In just a few places in Lingnan, there are more than one million people who have started learning in elementary school.

Although the Ji family's teachings are still dominant in the north, the new schools are already competing with each other, and they are not at all disadvantaged.

After completing a journey of hundreds of years in a few years, all they lacked was precipitation.

Give them ten years, and the new learning will inevitably become the most mainstream at that time!

Qin Mo returned to the military tent, still feeling uneasy, "Xiao Gao, go and call Xiao Dou and let him sleep next to me at night. If this bitch has a brain, it will easily cause trouble!"

Gao nodded and walked out immediately, but soon came back, "Master, General Dou hasn't come back yet!"

"Damn, didn't we come back together just now?" Qin Mo cursed, "This bitch will never be able to change his problem!"

With that said, he walked out of the camp and asked a few soldiers, only to find out that Dou Yiai had gone to the residence of the new leader of Nanzhao.

At this time, the leaders of Nanzhao were only in name only, and those who managed the six ministries were still officials from Daqian.

The relocation process went smoothly.

Ninety percent of the local famous people have been transferred to Lingnan to study.

It is impossible to put it back without passing the transformation.

He angrily walked to the residence of the new leader of Nanzhao. Before he got close, he heard conversations coming from inside.

There was also a delicate woman talking inside, and Qin Mo was completely furious.

He walked over, kicked the door open, and strode in.

In the bright room, Dou Yiai and a soldier were seen sitting face to face.

The soldier had a dark face and a thin body. His armor seemed to be held up, but if you looked closely, you could see there was stuffing inside.

Not only that, those big eyes were flickering. When he saw Qin Mo coming in, he was so frightened that he stood up quickly, his dark face turned red from holding back.

Qin Mo was stunned for a moment, then kicked Dou Yiai away, "You bitch, you're so good, you even brought women to the barracks!"

(End of this chapter)

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