big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1398 I have more principles than you!

Chapter 1398 I have more principles than you!
Qin Mo put out his cigarette and walked to the carriage, feeling that politics was dirty.

Pity these soldiers.

Qin Mo knelt on the ground and kowtowed respectfully.

Seeing Qin Mo kneeling on the ground, the people who followed him also knelt down one after another.

Even Li Sixun, who had come with him, knelt down.

They are worth it.

While still in Longyou, he knew how tragic this battle was. 10,000+ people stayed in a foreign land forever. This was the most painful lesson since the founding of Daqian.

Those are the best of the best.

After Qin Mo kowtowed three times, he said loudly: "Brothers, welcome back, come home with me tomorrow!"

That sound is so heart-wrenching.

Qin Mo was most afraid of seeing this kind of scene.

One general's success will cost thousands of bones, but in this battle, no one is the winner!
All losers.

Did Qin Mo win?
He lost too!

As solemn music sounded, Qin Mo stood up and watched the carriages entering one after another until the end.

"Have Su Yun's bones been collected?" Qin Mo said.

Li Yongmeng sighed: "His bones were chopped into pieces by Yi Zhixie's order and fed to the dogs. The skull was used to make wine glasses. He only had one skull left!"

Qin Mo nodded silently. He and Su Yun had no hatred, just competition.

It's a pity that he was unlucky, that's all.

"Don't send him back, he will be buried in Tianxiang!" After Qin Mo finished speaking, he turned around and entered the city.

"Why?" Cheng Xiaobao was puzzled.

Cheng Sanxu sighed: "Su Yun is the commander-in-chief and exhausted the entire army. If he doesn't take the blame, who will take the blame?

Do you think he can be buried in a grand ceremony after he returns?

Jingyun pities him! "

To be honest, Qin Mo can do this, who can say no?

When they were defeated, Su Yun hinted, secretly or openly, that Qin Mo was the traitor.

Could Qin Mo not know about this?

He must have known.

So, he chased after him, patted Qin Mo on the shoulder, gave a thumbs up and said: "You are not a bad boy, you are open and bright, I admire you!"

Qin Mo smiled, "That's right, who doesn't know that I, Mr. Qin, am magnanimous?"

Cheng Sanaxe rarely responded, but nodded with a smile.

Cheng Xiaobao also reacted, "If I had the big brother's mind, I would definitely be handsome too!"

The three brothers hurriedly chased after him.

Later, Qin Mo greeted them at the Marshal's Mansion.

These years have also been a good experience for the three of them, and they seem to be more mature than before.

But when they were around Qin Mo, the three of them seemed to have made no progress at all. They were just fooling around and not doing anything right.

Especially for Li Yongmeng, the commendations from the capital came even before he returned. Not to mention the various rewards, in terms of official positions, he was first granted the title of Minister of the Ministry of War, and after that, he was appointed as the Minister of the Ministry of War.

Then there are the civil and military casual officials, directly reaching the second rank.

Immediately following was the reward for Li Yongmeng's wife and children.

This is not a formal reward yet, and there will definitely be another reward after I return.

Brothers Cheng Dabao also benefited a lot.

There was no reward for Cheng San's axe, and the Duke of E became the Duke of Chu, which could be regarded as a secret promotion.After the reception banquet, Cheng Sanxu went down to rest, while the three brothers accompanied Qin Mo to soak in the hot spring.

"Idiot, I can't hold this breath in my heart!" Li Yong slammed his fist on the water, "10,000+ people's lives, this matter can't be revealed like this!"

Qin Mo glanced at him and said, "Then tell me what you want to do!"

Li Yongmeng glanced behind him and said: "We are all brothers here, and I don't hide them anymore. I have been thinking about this for a long time.

He is not worthy of being our brother. Even if you call me a fool, I will say so!

What stupid things he has done over the years, brothers and sisters don't want it, and he makes stupid moves all the time. I know all the stupid things he has done in the Western Region.

It wasn't like this when he was little.

Why, it floated when you went up?
Did he forget how he got up there?

Isn't that what brothers, you and I pushed up one at a time? "

Cheng Dabao also said: "Fool, we three brothers have been planning this for a long time. If he really wants to go up, we will not have a good life.

You have so many apprentices, don’t you just choose one at random?
Anyway, the new law is here, and the capable person will be in it. If we work together, I don’t believe that we can’t defeat him! "

Seeing that Qin Mo still didn't speak, Cheng Xiaobao became anxious, "Brother, just say something, aren't you also foolish and loyal?
You see, whether you are brave or a member of the royal family, he has spoken! "

Qin Mo glanced at the three of them, "If one day he deals with me, what will you three do?"

"He dares!" Li Yongmeng's eyes widened, "You defy him, and we praise him because of your face, even though the world belongs to the Li family.

But that’s not how humans do it!
Whose credit is it for Daqian to be where he is today?
Is that not your credit?

If he dares to do the thing of killing a donkey, I will dare to do it to him! "

"That's it, get him!" Cheng Dabao said with an evil look.

Qin Mo smiled.

What does it mean to be a brother? This is a serious brother!
"Okay, the words of you three are enough!" Qin Mo said: "But you three want me to be a traitor and a traitor, I'm afraid that won't work!"

"Oh, idiot, please don't be so stubborn, please!" Li Yong was anxious.

"Brother, the three of us are begging you, don't be stubborn and be obedient!"

"Okay, what can you all think of, can I not think of? Do you remember that I asked you to go to Lingnan before?" Qin Mo asked.

"Remember!" The three of them nodded in unison.

"I already have a countermeasure, but I can't say it yet!" Qin Mo said: "You three, don't think too much, just listen to me honestly when you go back.

Some things don't necessarily require a knife to be solved, do you understand? "

The three of them looked at each other, but on second thought they could only nod.

If Qin Mo said this, there must be a reason for it.

"Anyway, silly boy, I'm going to tell you the truth today. If you want to go out, then my buddy will help you too!" Li Yong said fiercely.

"In your eyes, I will definitely rebel?" Qin Mo said with a playful smile.

"The Emperor is good to you, His Majesty is also good to you, and the Queen is also very good. If you want to go out and become your own king, don't go to the big cadres."

If you want to do this, no one can stop you! "Li Yongmeng scratched his head in embarrassment.

"You have a certain bottom line!" Qin Mo raised his head and laughed.

"As a human being, one code equals the other!" Li Yong said fiercely.

"Don't worry, I have more principles than you. If I wanted to be the emperor, I would no longer be called Li Qian in this world!" Qin Mo stretched out, "I would rather recommend you to be the emperor than sit on it. ,understand!"

"Ah? You want to push me? If it doesn't work, then my father will kill me!" Li Yong shook his head fiercely.

"Bitch, have you really thought about it?" Qin Mo's eyes widened and he slapped him with his backhand, "I don't want to, and you don't want to either!"

Li Yongmeng covered his head in grievance, "Can't I make a joke to liven up the atmosphere?"

"Idiot, don't listen to him. You will be the emperor and we two brothers will support you!" Cheng Dabao's eyes lit up. "When the time comes, you can make me a one-word king. It will also make me happy!"

(End of this chapter)

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