big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1400 The Uncrowned King!

Chapter 1400 The Uncrowned King!

This is the scene of Qin Mo’s apotheosis.

In other words, Qin Mo has long been a living god.

Li Yongmeng looked at this scene and suddenly felt a little ridiculous.

The time, place, and people were favorable, and Qin Mo took full advantage.

He thought of Li Shilong.

God Khan?
Whether they are on the grassland, in the south, or in the sky, what they fear the most and respect the most is not Tian Khan.

It was Qin Mo!

Compared with Li Shilong, he is more suitable for the title of Tian Khan.

He is a well-deserved uncrowned king!
Dongzan smiled bitterly in his heart. Even if Luo Bu Zhadui was still alive, he wouldn't have such fanatical beliefs, would he?
Qin Mo, a warmonger, actually has so many supporters.

Ridiculous and magical.

He often wonders, what is the charm of Qin Mo?
Let the people fear him and love him at the same time.

Probably because he was victorious in every battle and killed people like crazy, but at the same time he was really doing good for the people.

After all, this is what they do.

When Qin Mo entered Hongshan Palace, the voice was still lingering in the air.

After the banquet was over, Dou Yiai took Cheng Dabao and the other two people to go have fun, and the others also followed.

Li Shuangan was sitting in the study drinking tea quietly.

"Brother-in-law, I've also heard about what happened in the capital!" Li Shuang'an said, "How about you stop staying in the Central Plains and I'll write a letter to my uncle. Will you come to Nanfan to help me?"

"You want me to work for you, right?" Qin Mo said: "After I went back this time, I resigned, and then I took my wife and children to travel around the mountains and rivers every day. Anyway, the world is at peace now, and there will be no need for war even in the future. I came forward.

In the past ten years, I have been too tired, walking here and there! "

"How about I accompany you to Beijing? Anyway, I plan to go back to see my mother this year!" Li Shuangan said uneasily.

He is no longer the ignorant self he used to be. Even without the assistance of Dalu Dongzan, he is still a qualified Zanpu. He is very clear about the court's actions.

He was particularly afraid that Qin Mo would be injured.

Back then, he was surrounded by enemies on all sides, but Qin Mo turned things around for him.

Otherwise, where would he be today?
Didn’t he, the greatest Zamp, get it by standing on Qin Mo’s shoulders?

"What, are you worried that something will happen to me?"

"No, I just want to go back to see my mother together, and I can chat with you on the way. I haven't talked to you for a long time!" Qin Mo's presence made him feel particularly at ease, even if he was the leader of a country.

"Okay, let's come together then!" Qin Mo was lying on the mat. There were some things that didn't need to be said. In short, this brother-in-law's pain was not in vain. "There are still too few people in Nanfan. We need to move more people here in the future." , especially Tulum Moraine, it is a good place and must be developed properly.

If it is developed there, Nanfan will be self-sufficient in food in the future.

It’s hard to say that there is still surplus food to supply the imperial court! "

Li Shuangan immediately listened attentively, and the two chatted until the evening, before Qin Mo went back to his room to rest.

After three days of repairing Luoxue, Li Shuangan also handed over the things in his hands to Dalun Dongzan, and then set off for the capital with Qin Mo.

After passing the Luo period, the road became easier to walk. Within a few days, we entered the Central Plains, and the climate gradually became warmer. Looking at Qin Mo's banner, people lined the road to greet him, eating pots of pulp.

This was unexpected by Qin Mo. He even thought that it was done deliberately by some people, but the news that came later showed that it was done spontaneously by the people.

Because of the failure of Su Yun, there was some turmoil in the country in those days, and the people were uneasy.

After the victory, even if the court vigorously promoted Li Yongmeng, this credit would inevitably go to Qin Mo's head.

This is what the people said: "Qin Shuai went on an expedition, but before he arrived, Yi Zhixie was frightened to death. This is the gap!"

"The Soviet Union has ruined the country, so we have to look to Commander Qin to fight!" In short, the people have a kind of fascinating confidence and admiration for Qin Mo.

After figuring it out, Qin Mo didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and he didn't dare to enter the city. It was so remote that he didn't know where to go.

But he was still stopped by people from time to time.

In just one month, tens of thousands of people were fed and gained weight.

In early April, Qin Mo led his army to Shiliting.

Right now, not far away from Shiliting Pavilion, there was a lot of excitement.

The capital was expanded, and Liu Wanche was in charge of the project. In order to widen the capital, the project was expanded from Shiliting.

After the entire project is completed, the capital will be able to accommodate an additional 400 million people.

The expansion followed Qin Mo's old path, and the court made a lot of money.

Liu Wanche was also a well-known God of Wealth in the capital at this time. He could feed many people if his fingers were leaking.

On this day, the God of Wealth also got up before dawn, and he was also in the welcoming team.

It's just that the prince's face doesn't seem to be good-looking. Who cares, he doesn't care anyway.

If it weren't for Qin Mo, how could he be where he is today?
I don’t know if Qin Mo will praise him when he sees him, but he is inexplicably looking forward to it!
"His Royal Highness, we are here!" Liu Yifu reminded.

Li Yue stood up and saw a large group of people coming from a distance. He quickly said: "The army is here, so cheer up."

Many people came to greet him, including Li Cungong and Dou Xuanling.

"Quick, blow the trumpet!" Liu Wanche said hurriedly.

The festive music sounded, and Li Yue walked out of the pavilion, his expression as usual, but his heart was already in turmoil.

Goodbye Qin Mo, what should he do?
He has laughed at himself behind his back countless times, right?
He must have called himself little trash countless times!
What will he do when he comes back this time?
Li Yue's thoughts were very confused.

Soon, the team came to the front, Qin Mo got off his horse, and Li Yongmeng and others quickly followed.

"Wei minister, please see His Royal Highness the Crown Prince!" Qin Mo knelt down on one knee.

Others also followed suit, "I have met His Highness the Crown Prince!"

Li Yue was also shocked and hurried over, "Han Jingyun, get up quickly. What are you doing? Everyone, get up!"

But Qin Mo can't get up, everyone dares to get up.

They didn't dare to get up until Qin Mo got up.

"His Royal Highness has been kept waiting for a long time!" Qin Mo said with a guilty look on his face: "I should have arrived a few days ago, but the people along the way were eating pots of pulp, which really delayed a lot of days!"

Li Yue's mouth twitched. Is this showing off to him?
Is this slapping him in the face?
He suppressed the anger in his heart and said: "You win this battle because everyone expects you to do so, and the people love you so much that you do this!"

"Your Majesty and the Crown Prince are well-led!" Qin Mo said.

Li Cungong and Dou Xuanling's faces turned red from holding back.

"Damage, this kid is seriously injured!"

"You bitch, you're still as unforgiving as before!"

The two of them thought so.

Li Yue laughed dryly, barely suppressing the anger in his chest. At this time, Li Shuangan came out to relieve his embarrassment.

When Li Yue saw Li Shuangan, he put Qin Mo aside and started chatting with Li Shuangan.

Even Li Yongmeng, the biggest contributor this time, was abandoned and ignored!

Li Yongmeng just kept shaking his head.

He didn’t even do any superficial work!
(End of this chapter)

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