big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1417 Are you a eunuch worthy of saying filial piety?

Chapter 1417 Are you a eunuch worthy of saying filial piety?
Everyone listened carefully, and Qin Mo spoke very seriously.

The content in the book makes people laugh.

But they listened with great interest.

After talking about the content of three chapters in one breath, Qin Mo was also thirsty, but considering Li Yuan's body, he did not continue speaking, but cupped his hands in front of everyone, "Everyone, please listen to the next chapter. break down."

He jumped off the desk and pushed Li Yuan inside.

Everyone was a bit unsatisfied, but no one respected him.

The biogas lamp in the yard went out.

Everyone was still thinking about it, "This story is good, but I still think "The Silly Son-in-law of Da Gan" written by the Supreme Emperor is better than this one!"

"Of course, it was written by the Supreme Emperor, can you do it?"

"Fart, my eldest brother must have written it best!" Dou Yiai muttered in a low voice.

"Everyone, please disperse. It's getting late. The Emperor is going to rest. Please be quiet at night!" Wei Zhong said, and immediately closed the courtyard door.

"Let's disperse!" Li Daoyuan stood up, carried the horse and walked towards the carriage.

Everyone left, but gathered together in twos and threes, some chatting, some drinking, but their voices were deliberately suppressed.

Dou Yiai glanced at Li Yongmeng and others. They all nodded, climbed onto the roof of their respective carriages, and then began to keep vigil.

There is a small box on the roof of the car. There are grenades, crossbows and guns in the box. Anyone who dares to lean in at night will be killed!
After Qin Mo and Li Yuan took a bath, they returned to the study room and started to massage him, "Old man, did you enjoy yourself today? The feedback on the new book is pretty good, but without your opinion, I have no direction to change it!"

But the big guy still gives you face! "

As he said this, Qin Mo couldn't help but laugh. They gathered here and there to take care of Li Yuan. To put it bluntly, they were still protecting him.

Loyal enough!
After coaxing Li Yuan to sleep, Qin Mo drank a cup of strong tea and started to stay up late reading a new book.

At this time, the palace.

Li Shilong had no intention of sleeping.

"Gao Shilian, hold the lamp!" Li Shilong said.

Soon, the lights came on.

Li Shilong sat next to the dragon bed, and Gao Shilian asked softly: "Your Majesty, do you want convenience?"

"No, I can't sleep, and I don't know if the Supreme Emperor is resting well outside!" Li Shilong put on his shoes and walked out of the palace in light pajamas. The moon was bright and the stars were sparse outside, and the silver light reflected on the glazed tiles of the palace.

Gao Shilian followed, not daring to speak, until he came to a pavilion and Li Shilong sat down, "It's much cooler outside than in the palace. This summer seems to be hotter than last year!"

"It's a lot hotter, so I had to wear a thin shirt at this time last year!" Gao Shilian replied.

"I heard that many people went to the tree house today to serve the Emperor. I think that bitch won't be in a hurry when he comes!" Li Shilong said with emotion.

"Yes!" Gao Shilian smiled slightly and felt relieved. As the saying goes, the law does not blame everyone. With so many people waiting in front of him, even if Qin Mo is to be blamed, the risk is minimized.

This kid has this kind of power that makes people involuntarily come over to help.

"Hey, it seems a little unfilial to me if they do this!" Li Shilong said.

"Your Majesty has many things to deal with every day, serving the country and the people. In the face of family ties and state affairs, you must always make a choice!" Gao Shilian said: "Qin's Prince Consort Du Wei said that it is rare to have the best of both worlds in the world, as long as you follow your conscience!"

Li Shilong glanced at Gao Shilian and felt that there was something in Gao Shilian's words, "Just follow your conscience!"

"I can't bear His Majesty's praise!" Gao Shilian bowed slightly.

"That evil is still at the gate of the East Palace, right?" Li Shilong asked, changing the subject.

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Gao Shilian sighed. "His father-in-law has to take care of the Supreme Emperor even when he is sick. He is very good with hands and feet, but he wants to meditate like a Taoist priest. He even forgets about filial piety. You tell him tomorrow and ask him to go to the tree house and take care of the Supreme Emperor on my behalf.

If he doesn't go, it doesn't matter, then let him sit and die in the gym! "Li Shilong said.

"Your Majesty!" Gao Shilian knelt on the ground, "In fact, His Royal Highness is very filial, but he was also confused for a moment. Your Majesty must not say that!"

Looking at Gao Shilian lying on the ground, Li Shilong sighed: "You are a good dog, but it's a pity that you are not good at judging people!"

Gao Shilian said: "The most correct time in my life for this slave was to follow His Majesty. The rest of the time, I was in a daze and only knew how to act according to His Majesty's orders.

This is enough, no need to think too much, just serve His Majesty well, and the slave will be happy! "

"Humph!" Li Shilong snorted coldly, but felt very comfortable in his heart, "Get up, you just need to bring the words to him!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Gao Shilian stood up.

Li Shilong stood up, and when he was blown by the cold wind, he sobered up a lot. He couldn't help but smile bitterly, thinking, "After all, he is getting old. He is not as decisive as before. He is soft-hearted again and again, and always wants to give in to that person." Bad opportunity.

Anyway, it's the last chance. If he can't seize it, forget it! "

Li Shilong was actually afraid that he would become faint in his later years, so he always restrained himself. After all, he still had the desire of the Three Emperors to rule the world.

If this development continues, I'm afraid there will be no hope in this life.

He regretted it.

The human heart cannot withstand temptation.

Early the next morning, Gao Shilian came to the Taoist temple in the East Palace.

"I have seen His Highness the Crown Prince!" Gao Shilian looked at Li Yue who was sitting on the futon meditating, and hurriedly knelt on the ground.

At this time, Li Yue was wearing a Taoist robe and had his eyes closed, unaware of Gao Shilian's arrival.

In Gao Shilian's view, Li Yue was trying to rectify the Ziwei Star Sect.

A prince escaped into Buddhism, and if he were an ordinary emperor, he might be able to vent his anger on Taoism.

This kind of thing is not unheard of.

Seeing that Li Yue was silent, Gao Shilian smiled bitterly and said, "Your Majesty, your Majesty asked your servant to come."

Hearing this, Li Yue slowly opened his eyes, "What's the matter?"

"His Majesty asked you to go to the tree house on his behalf and take care of the Supreme Emperor!" Gao Shilian said.

Li Yue said calmly: "I am no longer the prince, can those brothers just pick whomever my father loves?"

Gao Shilian sighed, "Why should Your Highness be angry or disobey His Majesty?"

"All you need to say is this. If he wants to kill me, he can come anytime!" Li Yue said.

Gao Shilian was also annoyed. He knew very well that Li Yue was sure that Li Shilong would not touch him at this juncture, so he acted unscrupulously.

But why is Li Yue so confident?

The bad thoughts in his mind became more and more serious.

"Your Highness doesn't even want to be filial?"

"A eunuch like you is worthy of saying filial piety to me? Have you ever thought about your parents?" Li Yue sneered: "What's the use of pretending to be filial piety!"

Gao Shilian was speechless for a moment, then stood up immediately, "Well, if I can't persuade His Highness, then I'll leave!"

(End of this chapter)

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