big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1424 How to discipline a rebellious son?

Chapter 1424 How to discipline a rebellious son?

"My son, I wish my father a long life!" Li Shilong took the lead in kneeling.

Li Yuan was half-lying on the dragon chair with vacant eyes. Sitting above him, he looked particularly helpless.

"Father, you can skip the gift-giving part if you can. The old man's body can't bear such a torment." After Li Shilong knelt down and worshiped, Qin Mo walked over and said.

Li Shilong nodded and knew Li Yuan's situation very well, so he asked people to send Li Yuan back to Da'an Palace.

He didn't want a happy event to turn into a bad thing.

Li Shilong has been waiting for this day for a long time.

But the three emperors' rule he wanted still didn't come.

He looked at Li Yue.

Li Yue's expression was neither happy nor sad, but his eyes were full of confidence, as if he had a winning ticket.

Li Shilong was a little helpless. He thought he could do whatever he wanted, but now he was still controlled by Li Yue.

It's not so much a matter of playing it safe as it is that he compromised with reality.

Qin Mo's new law restricted him, and Shi 56 would not cooperate with him.

It would be difficult for him to establish others.

The unhappiness in his heart was suppressed in his heart, and if Li Yue could convince him, it wouldn't matter to him.

That's enough proof of his skill.

But if he couldn't, the consequences would not be what he wanted to see.

Li Yue seemed to feel something, and turned to look at Li Shilong, with a smile on his face. Standing there, he was the center of attention besides himself.

Envoys from the small countries in the Western Regions all circled around him, as if he had become the center.

Immediately afterwards, hundreds of officials kowtowed to present gifts outside the Tai Chi Palace. Even if they couldn't see Li Yuan, they kowtowed meticulously.

Some people even thought that even if Li Yuan was buried at this time, he would have to wait until the birthday ceremony was over.

After kowtowing and offering gifts, everyone moved to Chengtian Gate.

In order to wipe away the decline of Su Yun's defeat, Li Shilong specially arranged a grand show.

However, after doing it again and again, Qin Mo played the remaining tricks.

It's pretty good, but Zhuyu is ahead of him, but he can't surpass it.

After the program ended, Li Shilong announced the banquet. No less than three thousand tables were set up from inside the palace to outside the palace.

Li Shilong also invited more than 70 elderly people over the age of [-] to form a banquet for the elderly.

Dozens of painters worked together to paint this magnificent scene.

After the banquet was over, Qin Mo wanted to pick him up, but Li Shilong refused, "You have done enough, please don't pick him up!"

"Father, it's not enough!"

"I said enough is enough!" Li Shilong was very tough and decisive this time, "Your merits are not enough to take the Supreme Emperor out of the palace. Go back. It's getting late and the palace will be locked soon!"

Qin Mo frowned and felt a little uneasy, but Li Shilong had already made up his mind and he couldn't be forceful.

Moreover, the women and children at home were still there, so he definitely couldn't leave them at home alone.

After leaving the palace, there were many guards cleaning up outside.

By this time it was getting dark, and the biogas lamp on Chengtian Gate had also been lit.

Gao Yao always pressed his hand on the handle of the knife.

Qin Mo's eyes kept lingering on these people. They were holding dustpans and brooms, but they were not moving very fast, as if they were working hard.

When he walked into the crowd, someone glanced at him inadvertently, and Qin Mo's heart rang with alarm bells.

He grabbed Gao Yao and quickened his pace.

The guards around him also protected him tightly.

After running out of the circle, Qin Mo entered the carriage, his back already soaked with cold sweat.

"Quickly, go back, go back quickly!" Qin Mo shouted loudly.Dou Yiai and others were puzzled, "Idiot, what's wrong?"

"Don't ask so many questions, go back!"

The coachman sped up, and the kerosene lamp hanging in front of the carriage swayed as if it would go out at the next moment.

The carriage came to the street, and the originally lively streets fell silent.

Off the beaten track.

The area illuminated by the dim methane lamps on the street seemed to be compressed into a very small area by the darkness.

The moth flew up without fear of danger, was scalded to death by the scorching heat, and fell to the ground.

Qin Mo was sweating profusely, and the car was extremely stuffy.

It was like someone was holding him by the throat.

He kept urging the groom to go faster.

The expressions of the people around him became serious.

Subsequently, countless gunshots rang out, accompanied by violent explosions.

The carriage shook violently.

The specially-made carriage can block bullets, but it cannot block the scorching heat of grenade packs and white phosphorus grenades.

The next moment, their whole bodies were on fire, and the searing pain made them howl.

Qin Mo trembled and woke up suddenly.

Li Yong pushed him fiercely, "Idiot, today is the [-]th birthday of the Supreme Emperor. How can you fall asleep?"

Is it a dream?
Qin Mo rarely dreams, and even when he does dream, they are all beautiful dreams.

But this was the first time that I had such a real and tragic dream like today.

He wiped the sweat from his forehead and said, "You try to stay up late every day!"

These days, he stayed up so well that he could almost fall asleep standing up.

Li Yongmeng said: "What do you plan to give to the Supreme Emperor?"

"I've given away everything that needs to be given. The Emperor is like this. It's useless to give anything, just a thought!" Qin Mo suppressed the uneasiness in his heart and his eyes wandered.

Li Yongmeng saw the exhaustion on Qin Mo's face, and knew how hard he had been these days, "I have the Celestial Elephant Pill, which is very refreshing. Do you want to take two pills? I guarantee you will be strong and powerful!"

"Go away!" Qin Mo said angrily: "Brother is in good health, do you need this thing?"

Li Yongmeng sighed, "You don't know, my father has given me a few more big-butted wives. If this continues, I'm really afraid that I will die young!"

"You deserve it. Who told you that you can't give birth to a son? If you have more sons, your father will not let you have concubines!"

"I have experience in this area!" Dou Yiai liked this topic the most. Since he learned the method from Qin Mo, the number of his sons has also increased. Although they are still not as good as Qin Mo, they can also stand up, "You Beg me and I’ll tell you!”

Looking at Dou Yiai's dark circles and sunken eye sockets, Li Yong fiercely said, "You paid for it with your life, I won't learn from you!"

The two brothers Cheng Dabao were also listening to the excitement. At this time, Liu Rujian came over and said, "What are you talking about? You are so excited!"

Chai Rongnu pursed his lips, "I'm about to have a son!"

"Hey, I have experience in this matter, but it's not good to have too many sons. If you give birth to a rebellious son, wouldn't you be mad to death?" Liu Rujian looked at Qin Mo, "Jingyun, you have the most sons, what do you mean? , what’s the best way to deal with a traitor?”

Good guy, there is something in this.

Qin Mo touched his chin, "If you don't obey, hang him up and beat him. If the beating doesn't work, then beat him to death. If it doesn't work, beat him to death."

The son can be regenerated even if he is gone! "

"This method is good!" Liu Rujian nodded.

At this time, Li Yue also came over, "What are you talking about?"

Liu Rujian smiled and said: "Let's talk about how to deal with the traitor!"

Li Yue's mouth twitched, "Really?"

(End of this chapter)

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