big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1426: Work hard and go to see Emperor Taizu as soon as possible

Chapter 1426: Work hard and go to see Emperor Taizu as soon as possible

Even the wine he drinks is specially arranged and different from others.

He closed his eyes, and the past flashed through his mind.

When they woke up again, most of the people were drunk.

The sun was shining slantingly, Li Shilong had already left the venue to rest, and Li Yue received everyone on his behalf.

The elderly people also left.

As the palace servants collected the leftovers, Qin Mo couldn't help but look at Li Yongmeng, "Damn, why didn't you wake me up?"

"You slept so loudly that I couldn't wake you up!" Li Yongmeng said helplessly.

Qin Mo wiped the sweat from his forehead. If something unexpected happened, wouldn't it be cool?

However, after sleeping for such a long time, he felt a lot more energetic, and he also had a manager to deal with the next thing.

He glanced at the others. Dou Yiai and Cheng Xiaobao were as drunk as dead pigs, each one snoring louder than the other.

When Chai Rong saw Qin Mo wake up, he moved to his side and whispered a few words.

Qin Mo nodded, "Don't worry, everything is under control!"

He calculated the time and the dinner was probably about to start.

So I went to the Rishengden Hall to have a look. The women were actually having a good time. There were dozens of mahjong tables in the Rishengden Hall.

Those stupid kids were even more dominant, and the Imperial Garden was almost covered by them.

Feng Jin became the nanny, pulling hundreds of palace maids and eunuchs to take care of those furry children.

His old bones were almost exhausted.

"My dear ancestors, don't climb the rockery, it's easy to fall!" Feng Jin said in a hoarse voice.

Qin Mo withdrew his gaze and paid no attention to them.

This was probably the last time they played so happily in the Royal Garden.

Immediately, he entered Da'an Palace, where Li Shilong and Princess Jing'an were also there.

Li Daoyuan, Li Cungong and other royal family members guarded Li Yuan's side.

"Father, aunt" Qin Mo came in, greeted each other, and walked over, "How are you, old man?"

The atmosphere was dull, no one spoke, and Princess Jing'an's eyes were red.

Qin Mo glanced at Li Yuan and then at Zan Ying beside him.

Zan Ying shook his head slightly, indicating to him that Li Yuan's condition was not good.

He hurried over and said, "Isn't this a good morning?"

"It took too long to present the gift. Although it was in a cool place, the heat was too strong and I suffered from heatstroke!" Zan Ying explained.

Qin Mo was also helpless. In fact, Li Yuan's ability to survive until now was entirely due to Zan Ying's medical skills and those precious medicinal materials.

He had already run out of oil and dried up, and his skin and flesh were sticking to his bones, which was shocking.

The blue blood vessels are also very clear, and you can even see the flow of blood.

Li Yuan opened his mouth and breathed hard, his chest rising and falling weakly.

"No matter what, survive today!" Li Shilong said: "Go and call the children over and stay here!"

"Wei Chen must do his best!" Zan Ying said with cupped hands.

He wasn't sure if he could survive until tomorrow, but if he could survive until the early morning, he would definitely be fine.

When the time comes, it will be the second day.

If Li Yuan is Luo Qi by then, he will still be happy and mourning.

Jing'an gently held Li Yuan's hand, tears streaming down her face.

Li Shuangan made room for Qin Mo, "Brother-in-law, sit here!"

Qin Mo sat silently next to him. This position was very good. It was next to Princess Jing'an. If Li Yuan woke up, he could see him at a glance.

Soon, Queen Gongsun and others also came over. Looking at Li Yuan who was so angry on the bed, they all sobbed and did not dare to cry loudly.The atmosphere in the entire Da'an Palace was terrifyingly depressing.

Li Yue was also beside him. He looked blankly at Li Yuan on the bed, his eyes empty, and he didn't know what to think about.

Liu Ruyu also came. She sat next to Li Yue. She was neither happy nor sad. She seemed to be very close to Li Yue, but in fact, she was like a gap in the sky.

"Don't cry!" Li Shilong said: "Don't disturb the Emperor's rest!"

Everyone held their breath and concentrated, not daring to breathe.

The saddest among these people is Tianxin.

He wiped his tears very diligently, but he couldn't stop the tears at all. Even if his father beat him, he had never cried so sadly.

It was like my heart was clenching, and there was pain.

"Emperor Taizu said that men don't shed tears easily. He doesn't like boys crying!" Tianxin thought of this and burst into tears, her face turned red from holding back her tears.

In the end, snot and tears spurted out, turning him into a big-faced cat.

Qin Mo waved to him, and Tian Xin flew towards him, burying his face in his father's chest. His clothes were soaked with tears, and Qin Mo's body was covered with snot bubbles.

In the past, he would definitely have been beaten.

At this moment, my father's palm as big as a cattail fan gently patted his back and touched his head, very gently.

It was like his mother was touching his head while he was asleep.

He stopped crying and looked up at Qin Mo, "Dad, Emperor Taizu will be fine, right?"

"Of course, death is another kind of rebirth!" Qin Mo said: "The old man is the Supreme Emperor, the most powerful person in the world, and even the King of Hell can't control him.

When he goes down, he will be the grandfather of Lord Yama, and he will live forever in the future. "

Qin Mo is a reborn person, but he feels that death is another kind of rebirth.

He believes that people have a next life.

Thinking about it this way, it seemed that he couldn't accept the fact that the old man was about to leave him.

"Then can I go and accompany him?" Tianxin sobbed.

"Okay, let's talk about it in another seven to eighty years!" Qin Mo said: "If you leave too early, your Emperor Taizu will be unhappy, do you understand?

There are many delicious and fun things in this world that you haven’t seen yet.

You are about to go down, how can you tell him about the fun things on the ground?

How much does he dislike you?
Therefore, you have to live every day happily and wonderfully, and when you go down later, you have to tell him about the strange things on the ground.

Or one day, if he entrusts you with a dream, you must be able to explain it.

When you have seen enough, played enough, and have the capital, you can go down and accompany your Emperor Taizu! "

Qin Mo's words made people infinitely sad.

Li Shilong put his hands on his knees and covered his face, so that no one could see the expression on his face.

"Really?" Tianxin stopped crying, "Then I miss him and want to read to him, what should I do?"

"Didn't I tell you that you can dream about him in your dreams? When the time comes, tell him what you want to say in your dreams. Not to mention how happy it will be!"

As soon as the words fell, the girls burst into tears again, unable to hold back their cries.

"Why are you crying!" Qin Mo looked at them, "Today is my eightieth birthday. What a wonderful day. Do you people have such low tears?

Please be happy, the old man is the most annoying and cries. He doesn't want to wake up if you do this.

It would be very disturbing if I saw you peeing when you woke up.

Then you scold me and say I didn't make you happy. How wronged am I? "

Tianxin felt a heat on her head, and touched Qin Mo's face with her flat lips, "Dad, we two have to be strong. You are older than me, and you will definitely go to accompany the Emperor Taizu before I do.

Wouldn't it be okay if you work hard and get there a little earlier? "

(End of this chapter)

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