big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1449 The last test!

Chapter 1449 The last test!
"It has changed the world, it has completely changed the world!" Li Shilong was trembling with anger. He wanted to speak several times, but looking at Qin Mo who was sleeping soundly on the ground, no words came out.

Looking back on everything Qin Mo has done over the years, which one was not for the good of the country?
Which of the words he said did not come true?
But he forgot how naive this kid was.

If he is tired, will he be relaxed?
Every time he said a word, he left eagerly. He was nowhere to be found in Nanfan, Wozhou, Gaoli, Tianxiang, and the grassland.

In order to provide disaster relief, he traveled across the ocean to fish and saved countless lives.

He pushed Da Gan to a height that was unimaginable.

Now he wanted to rest, to sleep, wasn't that what he expected?
Since ancient times, heroes have been afraid that their achievements will shock their masters. If they resign and go home, the emperor will reject them three times, and then they will create a good story. How wonderful?
He just thinks Qin Mo is too young. Why rest at such a young age?
He also felt that Qin Mo was his confidant and should understand him.

But he didn't seem to understand Qin Mo.

He sat on the dragon chair and looked at Qin Mo, who was sleeping soundly, in a daze.

Gao Shilian secretly waved towards the guards.

The guards understood and retreated silently.

"This bitch is right, what drives him is never power and wealth, but responsibility to his family!" Li Shilong thought to himself, every time he unconsciously showed his so-called imperial majesty.

But is this dog capable of being afraid of people?

He will not be afraid!
If he was afraid, he wouldn't be sleeping soundly.

He suddenly felt a little sorry for Qin Mo, for using those daughters as bargaining chips to drive him.

Just like this time, Xiaojiu, he also thought so unconsciously.

Thinking of this, he walked down, listening to the thundering shouts, he thought, probably only this dog dared to sleep here.

Seeing the drool at the corner of his mouth, he was both amused and angry, "Go and get a recliner and lift him up. How decent is it to sleep here!"

Gao Shilian's palms were sweaty. When he heard this, he hurriedly said: "Slave, please wake up the Prince Consort right now!"

"No, let him sleep here. I want to see how long he can sleep!" Li Shilong said.

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Gao Shilian wiped the sweat from his forehead, hurriedly asked someone to lift a large recliner, and then carefully lifted Qin Mo up.

Qin Mo opened his eyes slightly, looked at Gao Shilian and muttered something, then turned around and fell asleep.

Gao Shilian thought to herself, "Little ancestor, I was almost scared to death, but you still sleep so soundly!"

The big dog gasped, "Damn, I'm afraid he is the only one who can truly stand upright in front of the emperor!"

Qin Mo slept very deeply, sleeping from mid-morning to sunset.

He stretched, hit Hatch, scratched his belly lazily, and muttered: "Hey, is this the underworld? It's not scary at all!"

As he was talking, he heard footsteps, and then an angry face appeared in his sight, "Bitch, why don't you get up quickly, do you want to spend the night in the palace?"

Qin Mo was slightly stunned, "Father, why are you dead too?"

Li Shilong angrily kicked him off the couch, "Originally, I wanted to kill you, but thinking about your contribution to Da Qian and thinking about Jingyang and the others, I will spare your life. If you talk shamelessly in front of me again, I will kill you without mercy!"

Qin Mo fell to the ground and said, "Oh, so you mean I'm not dead?"

He hurriedly got up, "Father, I'm sorry, I didn't sleep enough this morning, I woke up too angry!"

Seeing his heartless look, Li Shilong was furious and said, "Two-skinned face!"

He snorted and said, "I'm hungry, come eat something with me!"

"Any elbows?"

"You won't eat if there's no elbow?"

"Eat, eat, eat!" Qin Mo couldn't help but nod.Immediately afterwards, someone brought the food, and the first one to bear the brunt was the big elbow.

Qin Mo patted his belly, then picked up the big elbow and gnawed on it, "I'm starving to death!"

Li Shilong didn't stop him, knowing that he was so virtuous, "Aren't you afraid that this will be your last meal?"

"Father is reluctant to kill me!" Qin Mo said vaguely.

"Be proud of being favored!"

"Anyway, I've never heard of a father-in-law killing his own son-in-law!"

Li Shilong snorted, picked up his chopsticks and started eating, "It's my misfortune to have a son-in-law like you. Have you ever seen that son-in-law take advantage of his father-in-law's wool?"

"That means I'm excellent!"

Li Shilong couldn't refute for a while and secretly sulked.

Qin Mo didn't say anything either. The two of them seemed to be angry, and neither of them spoke.

In the end, the two began to compete with each other about who could eat faster, staring at each other. In the end, their stomachs were full and they both burped.

Qin Mo whistled and patted his belly gently, "Comfortable!"

Li Shilong didn't dare to move, for fear of spitting out, "This time, I won!"

"You can win if you win. Who wants to argue with you? You are such an adult, how can you be childish?" Qin Mo picked up a toothpick and picked his teeth.

Li Shilong slammed the table and glared at Qin Mo, "Damn, did you forget something?"

Qin Mo sighed, then knelt on the ground, "Thank you father for not killing me!"

"I tell you, this is the last time, there will be no next time. If there is a next time, you will, you will..." He thought for a long time, but couldn't say anything cruel.

The worst thing is to nod, will this guy be afraid?

He's afraid of shit!
"I will let you not retire until you die, and I will let you never have a vacation in your life!"

"Father, you are too cruel!" Qin Mo took a breath.

"Go away, I'll give you a month's rest!"

"Half a year, at least half a year!"

"A month and a half!"

"Four months, no more!" Qin Mo said: "I really don't have the mood to work now. Even if I do, I can't do it well!"

Li Shilong glared at him and said, "Three months, three months later, you bring me the plan!"

"Father, Holy Ming!" Qin Mo repeatedly handed over his hands, "Father, nothing happens. I'm going to leave now. In these three months, you must not come to me. Just treat me as if I'm dead!"

With that said, he quickly ran out of the Longevity Palace.

"This bitch really makes me angry to death!" Li Shilong sighed heavily, "That's all, he deserves this. If I had known it would be like this, why bother in the first place!"

When Qin Mo returned to the house, he broke out in a cold sweat, "Well, the last test is completed, how great is this, you are still my father-in-law, and I am still your good son-in-law!"
But don’t take such risks next time! "

He told himself so in his heart.

At this moment, Xiao Liuzi hurried over and said, "Master, you are back. She, she, she. She is back!"

(End of this chapter)

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