big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1453: The Man in the Picture!

Chapter 1453: The Man in the Picture!
She thought for a while and finally nodded, "Okay, but not so fast. I need to take a shower first."

Gao Yao felt particularly nervous and at the same time a little expectant.

Which girl is not pregnant?
Although she has become an old girl after being with Qin Mo for almost ten years, she still hopes to show him her most beautiful side.

"Okay, I'll wait for you!" Qin Mo felt hot in his heart.

After Gao Yao left the room, Qin Mo was waiting in the room. He was just thinking about how to deal with this matter, including what should Lao Gao say?

Gao Yao must be given a status.

In his heart, Gao Yao's weight is no less than that of the third sister.

Accompanying him through life and death these years, how can the word loyalty be explained?

But he was thinking about how the third sister and the others would react when they knew Gao Yao's identity.

At this time, Gao Yao returned to the room and took out the set of clothes hidden at the bottom of the box.

There is also a long-lost makeup box.

She fetched water, sprinkled flower petals in it, and took off her clothes that smelled of urine.

From now on, she no longer has to pee on her clothes to hide her identity.

She looked at the smooth skin, immersed her whole body in the water, and washed away whatever was applied to her face.

Then carefully clean every part of your body.

It's just that she sometimes laughs, sometimes gets nervous, and sometimes is stunned. She doesn't know when there are more people around her: "Hey, where are you taking a shower?"

The sudden sound startled Gao Yao. He turned around and saw who it could be if it wasn't Fang Shun.

She gritted her teeth and said, "Why should you tell the truth to the young master!"

Fang Shu walked to the bucket and swiped her hands in the water, "It's been almost ten years. It's been long enough. How many more decades do you have?"
Do you really want to wait until you are old to tell him?

That's not fair.

Moreover, I know Miaoyun, he is not a stingy person! "

"I said, you have to tell the young master that I hate you forever!" Gao Yao gritted his teeth.

"Hate it if you hate it. You can't touch me anyway, and I won't lose a piece of flesh!" Fang Shun smiled and looked at Gao Yao, "Look, what a pretty person, no matter who you look at it, you won't be confused. ? With you like this, let alone Miaoyun, even I can’t help but feel excited!"

"Try touching me again!" Feeling Fang Chun's mischievous hand, Gao Yao Emei frowned.

Fang Shun grabbed a handful hard, and then quickly backed away, "Consider this as my reward for helping you, so don't thank me too much.

Also, you've been the one listening to me every time, and today it's my turn! "

Gao Yao's face turned red, but he immediately reacted, "Did you not go far just now?"

Fang Shun smiled, "This is my home, I want to be there!"

"Fang Nuguan, I should have killed you with one blow from the beginning!" Gao Yao said angrily.

Fang Shun didn't say anything. He followed Qin Mo's example and sniffed his hand, "It smells so good!"

"Ah ah ah, I'm going to kill you!" Gao Yao angrily slapped the water, picked up the towel on the side and wrapped it around his body, then rushed out of the water.

But when he rushed out and took a look, Fang Shun was nowhere to be seen.

She stamped her foot angrily, and then glanced aside from the corner of her eye. There was a set of clothes, and even a complete set of hair accessories and jewelry.

All new!
She was afraid that she would be embarrassed in front of Qin Mo if she didn't have new clothes or jewelry.

It seems that she has already prepared these clothes and jewelry!

Gao Yao was stunned for a moment, then pursed her lips and stared at the direction Fang Chun left with complex eyes, "Humph, you stinky female crown, don't think so, I will thank you!"

She closed the door, wiped her body clean, and applied the body lotion left by Fang Xuan on her skin, and a faint fragrance spread instantly.Make her skin become delicate.

Qin Mo said she had good skin, but that was just to coax her.

Over the years, following Qin Mo's ups and downs, it's no wonder that my skin has gotten better.

She bit her lip, dried her hair, and looked at the clothes Fang Yu left behind. They were indeed more beautiful than hers.

Her set of clothes was left over from when she was a teenager. Now that she is in her 20s, if she wears them again, she will be suspected of looking young.

Moreover, her figure is plumper now than before, and her clothes may be tight.

She put on the clothes. The clothes were extremely soft and fit perfectly.

She pursed her lips and looked at the beautiful and charming person in the mirror, and for a moment she was fascinated by it.

She stared blankly for a while, then sat down, looked in the mirror and put her hair up, looking charming.

She put on makeup, hair accessories and jewelry meticulously.

That woman doesn't love these glittering treasures?
Of course she likes it too.

But in the past, I could only wear it secretly at night when no one was around.

But now, she can finally wear it openly.

Moreover, it is in front of the person you love most.

She looked at herself in the mirror and turned around repeatedly, fearing that there was something wrong there. After checking again and again to make sure there was no problem, she mustered up the courage and walked out of the room.

Arriving at the door of Qin Mo's room, she took a deep breath and knocked on the door.

Qin Mo also recovered from his random thoughts, "Come in!"

When the door opened and he looked at the people walking towards him, Qin Mo felt as if his heart was pinched by something.

You know what kind of person that is, but just one glance made Qin Mo fascinated.

All of his wives are extremely beautiful, and they have a high immunity to so-called beauties.

But at this moment, the person walking out of the painting turned him, a veteran of flowers, into an innocent newbie.

He even swallowed subconsciously and said with some difficulty: "Xiao, Xiao Gao!"

Gao Yao didn't dare to look at Qin Mo at all. He just lowered his head and looked at Qin Mo's feet with watery eyes, his heart almost jumping out of his throat.

When she was a few steps away from Qin Mo, she stopped. She didn't even know where to put her hands. Her eyes drifted here and there unconsciously, and she asked nervously: "Young Master, Xiao Gao, is this the case?" , isn’t it particularly ugly and weird?”

"Who said that?" Qin Mo hurriedly denied, "Who dares to say that I am not good-looking? It is definitely because I am blind. Who can look at such a beautiful beauty and not be haunted by it?"

He took a deep breath and held Gao Yao's hand excitedly.

Darling, God is really not too kind to him.

He only regretted that he was too stupid for not discovering it earlier, allowing Gao Yao to hide the best part of his youth.

Gao Yao's heart was trembling. She timidly raised her head and looked at Qin Mo, "Really, really?"

"Of course it's true!" Qin Mo hugged her, "To be honest, I regret it!"

"What do you regret?"

"I regret letting you reveal your true form!" Qin Mo said.

Gao Yao's heart skipped a beat, thinking that Qin Mo didn't like her like this, and almost burst into tears, "Well, I'll change it back right now!"

(End of this chapter)

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