big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1455: A once and for all warning!

Chapter 1455 A once and for all warning!

Looking at Xiao Gao who had put back on the eunuch uniform, Qin Mo was in a trance and even felt that he had had a long and ridiculous dream.

But the delicate voice and Hanchun's beautiful eyes brought him back to reality.

He pulled Gao Yao into his arms and kissed her regardless of Sanqi 21.

"Master, uh~"

After a while, Gao Yao helped Qin Mo get up.

"How about you take a good rest these two days and stop following me!" Although Gao Yao looked calm, he still walked a little out of shape.

It's just that he was too reckless. After solving the worries in his heart, the worry of "breaking him off" was gone.

I just want to show myself hard.

Gao Yao blushed, "No, it's okay, Master, I don't care!"

"No, you're tight!"

Qin Mo's cold joke made Gao Yao blush with embarrassment. Her face looked like azalea in February!
It was obvious that Gao Yao had been following him for so long, but he still couldn't help teasing him, even if he shook his head casually, it wouldn't work anymore.

"Could it be that you've been holding it in for too long?"

Qin Mo thought so, and he suddenly remembered the story Xiao Gao told last night.

It's really just pure storytelling, and I cried while telling it.

Even if she touches her lightly, she will cry violently.

He touched his chin, smacked his tongue secretly, and decided to wait until Gao Yao got better to test his thoughts.

He came to the study room in the front yard, where he usually received unimportant guests. Real acquaintances would not wait for him here. He had already asked his servants to prepare food and started eating and drinking on his own.

"Sorry, I was too drunk yesterday and kept you waiting for so long!" Qin Mo said.

"It doesn't matter!" Li Xin quickly stood up, "I should come over later."

"Sit down!" Qin Mo saw that he was already boiling water, so he added more tea to his teacup, "Tell me, what are you doing here to see me?"

"Let me talk to you about the ending of the book." Li Xin took out the manuscript he wrote, "Do you think this is how it ends?"

Qin Mo read it carefully and found that Li Xin's manuscript was a comedy and quite good.

"That's right, just send this version out!" Qin Mo said.

"Okay." Li Xin nodded and said, "I'm here to come to you for one more thing!"


"Father came to talk to me and asked me if I wanted to return to the royal family. Do you think I should or shouldn't?" Li Xin felt a little uneasy. He wanted to see Qin Mo's attitude.

To be honest, the last time Qin Mo beat him up, he felt confident.

Including Qin Mo asking him to forgive his sins, he also had certain guesses in his mind.

So his father came to him and asked him if he wanted to return to the royal family, but he hesitated.

Although he nodded, it was done, but if Qin Mo didn't nod, it would be useless!

"Why are you asking me if you want to go back to the royal family?" Qin Mo took a sip of tea, "If you want to go back, you can go back. If you don't want to, don't go back!"

Li Xin smiled awkwardly, "Well, then don't go back. Anyway, it's good now. If I return to the royal family, if my descendants are unfilial in the future, I'm afraid they will use me as an example. Don't make such a bad start!" "

"Whatever, it's not my descendants who are unfilial!" Qin Mo said nonchalantly.

Li Xin's mouth twitched, "Jingyun."

"You called me Jingyun, call me Qin Mo!" Qin Mo glared at him, "It sounds like we have a good relationship!"

"Okay Jingyun!" Li Xin wouldn't be stupid enough to change his words. He already knew Qin Mo's attitude when he came here, so he had no reason to stay any longer and stood up to leave.

"You have to drink the tea before you leave!" Qin Mo said.

Li Xingang stood up, then sat back down again, picked up the cup, and drank the tea in one gulp.

"Now, seeing as you know the rules so well, don't say that I, Qin Mo, didn't remind you what you should do and what shouldn't be done. You have an idea in your mind. I've been tired in the past few years, and I've become tired of killing people. Don't You're looking for trouble for me.

If you cause trouble for me again, I will never give your Li family a chance to cause trouble in my lifetime! "Qin Mo said.

Li Xin's heart trembled. What did he hear?
What Qin Mo said was not 'not giving you a chance to make trouble', but not giving 'the Li family a chance to make trouble'! ! !
One word is different, but the meaning behind the words is completely different.

"What did you say?"

"I said, if you find trouble again, don't blame me for not giving you a chance!"

"You said you won't give the Li family a chance?"

"Fart, when did I say such a thing?" Qin Mo said: "You're causing trouble, right? Get out and don't come back again. I don't want to see you!

I finally took three months off, why do you think you came to me? "

Li Xin didn't argue with him. Anyway, no one could defeat him in this great dynasty.

On the way back, Li Xin asked himself, did Qin Mo say the wrong thing, or did he warn him on purpose?
In short, he was really scared about what happened this time.

Whether it was Qin Mo who unknowingly destroyed the Northwest slaves, or Lao Ba rebelled.

Qin Mo would show up before, but now he doesn't even have to show up, turning his hands to make clouds and turning his hands to make rain.

"What do I want to do? No matter how much I think, it's useless. If he really has this idea, will it be my turn to resist?" Li Xin smiled bitterly, and he should honestly follow Qin Mo's words and forgive him.

And Qin Mo naturally said this on purpose.

He is really irritable and is looking for trouble for him, so don't make trouble in the future.

Let’s see if you still bother with it.

Qin Mo couldn't help but think of the troubled Xu Jingzong.

This guy turned out to be one of his.

The task was also set by him, which was to try to provoke a relationship between him and Li Yue, thereby testing Li Yue.

But this person has his own selfish motives.

So he died.

He still wants to engage in Infernal Affairs and be a second or fifth son, is he worthy?
They are all his people outside!
Thinking of this, Qin Mo stretched out and decided to finish the three-month vacation and finish what should be done.

I honestly stay at home with my wife and children.

After Li Xin returned, Shangzou refused Li Shilong's return to the royal family.

Although this was Li Yuan's wish, he refused to return to the royal family on the grounds that he had 'committed an unforgivable sin in the past' and was afraid that future generations would imitate him!

Li Shilong looked at Li Xin's memorial and couldn't help but sigh, "That's right, parents are their children's best teachers. How the parents do, how the children learn.

Although this is my father's wish, I also have to think about future generations.

If you don’t come back, don’t come back! "

He felt a little relieved that at least Li Xin had completely changed for the better. Unfortunately, when he looked back at the past, he felt that things were different and people were different.

The fourth child is gone, the eighth child has escaped, and those naughty little bastards of the past have become the pillars of the country.

All the daughters who should be married have been married.

Even the small ones can’t be kept.

He is also old.

When the meeting came, Li Shilong took Ah Si's hand and walked up.

Although everyone was surprised, they felt that it was expected.

Li Shilong asked Ah Si to sit where Li Yue once sat, "I have something big to announce!"

(End of this chapter)

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