big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1462 The final reunion!

Chapter 1462 The final reunion!

In the imperial dining room, Qin Mo was cooking, Li Shilong was picking vegetables, and Gao Shilian was helping.

The big dog, on the other hand, makes the fire.

He cursed in his heart, "Damn Qin Mo, you have to cook for anything, and you are the only one who can cook? You are so capable, why don't you come to the imperial dining room and be the chef?"

He knew how to cook a pot, and the heat was high and low, and Qin Mo scolded him like a grandson.

"Can you do it? If you can't get out of the way, find someone who can burn firewood!" Qin Mo was very angry. "You are so old and you can't do such a thing well. How are you any different from a waste?"

The big dog was so angry that he wanted to smash this dog to death with firewood, but he didn't dare and could only endure it. Didn't he see that the emperor would kill him honestly?

He is a fart!
"My servant is stupid, Prince Consort, please calm down!"

Qin Mo snorted and then focused on cooking.

He hasn't cooked for a long time, and his skills have inevitably declined.

He didn't cook too much. Seven dishes and one soup were enough for three people.

After cooking the dishes, he came to the Li Zheng Hall and Li Shilong specially opened a bottle of Daqianchun.

"Come, father, I'll give you a drink from my son-in-law!" Qin Mo stood up, "I've done a lot of bad things over the years, but you tolerated and tolerated me!"

"You still sound like a human being!" Li Shilong nodded, "You are almost thirty. As the ancients said, when you are thirty, you can no longer be the same as before.

There are a lot of people watching your every move now, and there are so many students behind you. What if you don't set an example and teach them a bad lesson? "

"Human beings are born with evil nature. If they don't learn well, can they blame me?" Qin Mo said aggrievedly.

"Fart, how come people are inherently evil in nature? I think they are inherently good!" Li Shilong said.

Qin Mo didn't bother to argue with him. No matter how kind a person is, he still has an evil side in his heart.

He raised the wine glass and looked at Empress Gongsun, "Mother, you have been worrying about me these years. We, the juniors, have caused you trouble!"

"My mother is willing to worry about you!" The more Empress Gongsun looked at Qin Mo, the more she liked him and became more satisfied. "Besides, we are all a family, so there is no need to worry about anything."

Qin Mo smiled and drank the wine in one gulp.

After sitting down, I heard Empress Gongsun say: "From now on, my brother-in-law, A Si, will need more help from you. You will be in charge of the child. Mother, don't worry!"

Qin Mo smiled bitterly in his heart. The reason why he came here today was actually to have a meal with Li Shilong and his wife one last time.

After finishing this meal, he will leave here.

"A Si is very smart and filial. He is a good boy. It doesn't matter whether I take care of him or not!" Qin Mo said: "Besides, I came here this time to resign from my father's post. As for the assistant minister, I really don't care. can not do this!"

Li Shilong's face darkened and he put down his chopsticks, "You kid, can't you please let me go as I please?"

"Father, listen to me first!" Qin Mo said: "The new school has been developing for some years now. I didn't have much control before. It was all Yuan Dazhen, Bai Buyi and the others.

I am really a bit incompetent as a teacher.

Moreover, new studies are becoming more and more complicated, which is not what I want, so next, I want to concentrate on studying.

Serving as an official in the imperial court is not what I want, and I am tired of it. Moreover, I have already stated my plan for the next 100 years. As long as I follow this plan in the next [-] years, there will definitely be no mistakes.

It's the same whether I'm here or not.

If the subsequent emperor believes in this plan, he will naturally implement it seriously, but if he doesn't believe it, what can I do even if I am in power?

Could it be that this was the plan in my mind, and could I still pretend to be the emperor? "

Such rebellious words came out of Qin Mo's mouth lightly, but Li Shilong didn't think Qin Mo was exaggerating.

He even felt that Qin Mo was frank.

"So, whether I am in the court or in the opposition, it is the same. If there is any need in the future, call me into the palace to ask questions. I will definitely tell you everything.

If there is no need, I will study, travel around the world, increase my knowledge, take a vacation, and recuperate.

He has been fighting in the past few years and has suffered many injuries, including constant hidden injuries.

I don’t want to be like everyone else, lying in bed waiting to die when I get old.

So please agree, Father!

Even if my father disagrees today and forces me to be on duty in the palace, I will fish for three days, dry nets for two days, and sleep every day. "

Li Shilong was also angry and helpless, but if he thought about it carefully, he had always been this kind of person.

His original intention was to let Qin Mo catch Li Yue.

But thinking about his relationship with Li Yue, he hesitated again. Qin Mo was good at everything, but he was too soft-hearted.

He even suspected that Qin Mo was also involved in Li Yue's escape.

Of course, it's just a suspicion.

"I also said that if you serve seriously for one year, I will betroth Xiaojiu to you. Now it seems that you are not so lucky!" Li Shilong snorted coldly.

Qin Mo grimaced, "Father, I have enough family members!"

"Do you really think that my daughter can't get married?" Li Shilong said angrily: "There are so many people who want to marry Xiaojiu!"

It’s a good time for Xiaojiu to have haircut this year. It’s just the right time to get married next year!
Originally, there were few people in Daqian, so they could get married and have children at the age of twelve or thirteen.

But now that medicine is developed and popularized, we know that giving birth to children at the age of twelve or thirteen is very risky, so when the legislation was passed, the age of marriage was raised to the hairpin. Although some remote areas still marry at the age of twelve or thirteen, within a thousand miles, this This situation has indeed improved a lot.

"What are you talking about?" Queen Gongsun rolled her eyes at her husband, "You still don't know what Xiaojiu thinks? If you don't let her marry Jingyun, won't she cry to death?"

Li Shilong didn't speak, he just felt uncomfortable. Hearing these words, he would cry to death if he didn't get married. Is there no other man in the world except Qin Mo?

"Don't listen to your father. In a short time, Xiaojiu will be old enough. You have watched her grow up, and you know that she has wanted to marry you since she was a child.

On the day when you get your haircut, I will decree that I will give you Xiaojiu, and the wedding will still have to be held.

There have been so many unfavorable things happening in the past two years, and there are so many good things happening.

Therefore, your father and I have also agreed to arrange the wedding in Xia Tian! "

Qin Mo looked at Lao Liu guiltily, and Lao Liu's face turned green at this time.

He swore that he really didn't take the initiative to tease Xiaojiu.

"Mom, Queen Mother, hairpins are too young, at least!" Qin Mo said with a bitter smile. He really has no idea of ​​marrying another wife now. He can't marry Xiaojiu and then run away with the whole family. That old Liu I'm afraid I'll be really angry to death.

But it would be bad if Xiaojiu was left alone.

In short, Qin Mo is very confused now.

"That's enough for you. You are so picky!" Li Shilong had no intention of eating at all. "Even if my daughter never gets married, she won't marry you!"

"Father, that's not what I meant. The main reason is that being too young is not good for your health."

Li Shilong glared at Qin Mo fiercely, making his heart hurt with anger.

"Okay, okay, let's get engaged first. It's the same thing if we get married in two years!" Qin Mo said helplessly.

(The new book Seizes the Progeny: The Crazy Prince is Actually a Peerless All-rounder) It’s ready for slaughter, the quality is absolutely guaranteed, and it’s super funny.

(End of this chapter)

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