big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1464 Beijing!

Chapter 1464 Beijing!
Qin Mo's mind was blank, thinking that they all had the surname Li, and several sisters from the Li family bullied him together.

That picture is awesome just thinking about it!

"They all listen to me, so aren't you afraid that a few of us will gang up on you?" Qin Mo said with squinted eyes.

"Don't be afraid, we are all our own people anyway, so I won't suffer if you bully me!" Xiao Jiu said.

This little girl is quite courageous. That's because she doesn't know the story of the young boy Xiao Mo.

However, no matter how beastly Qin Mo is, he still has to wait until she grows up completely.

"When you grow up, I will go on a study tour. I will go to a very far away place. If it is fast, I will come back in three to five years. If it is slow, I may not be sure. Do you want to follow me or stay in the capital?"

"So long?" Xiaojiu grabbed Qin Mo's hand, "Brother-in-law, then I'll go with you!"

"This place is very far away. If it is suitable, I will probably never go back to Daqian in my whole life!" Qin Mo thought about it, but still didn't want to deceive her. When she arrived in Daming, she discovered everything about Daming.

What will she think?
It turns out that the brother-in-law whom I respect and admire is a rebel at heart?
He couldn't face Xiaojiu's look.

"Why? Isn't it good to do something big?" Xiaojiu looked at Qin Mo and suddenly thought of something, "I know, is it because my eighth brother and my father did those things and hurt you, so you Do you want to leave here forever?" Xiaojiu is not an ignorant girl. She has followed Qin Mo to so many places and knows a lot.

Qin Mo was silent.

"Brother-in-law, don't you want to be acquainted with them? Now Brother Bage is dead and my father is old. If you leave and don't come back, he will be sad!" Xiaojiu begged.

"Xiaojiu, this world is not what you want. You should have heard that the Qin people are leaving, and I am just trying to protect myself.

Everything that is beautiful in the forest will be destroyed by the wind. I am not greedy for power or money. I just want my family to live a peaceful life. This is enough.

I can lie to you, but I think that would be too cruel for you. You are different from Third Sister and others.

You don’t need to go to my father. If you tell him, I will only die worse! "

"No, how could it be possible if my father values ​​you so much?"

"Do you know the Qin Clan?" Qin Mo looked at her.

Xiaojiu was stunned for a moment, "That's just someone else's slander against the Qin people!"

"Do you think I dare to bet?" Qin Mo said.

Xiaojiu stopped talking. When Ba Ge was treating the Qin family like that and his father was watching with cold eyes, how could she not know?

And Qin Mo really couldn't afford to gamble.

"Actually, a few years ago, I was thinking about retreating. It's not that I didn't want to stay in Daqian, but I knew that if I continued to stay in Daqian, countless people would criticize me.

I have made countless achievements over the years. I conquered almost all the new territories in Daqian, which is much larger than the Central Plains. Do you know what it means to be a master with great achievements?

My father is old and my grandson is still young.

Do you know what a regency is?

Even if I don't have that idea, others will slander me and impose their hat on me. I don't want to do anything that will hurt my father, my son, or Da Gan, so I have no choice but to leave.

do you understand? "

Xiaojiu shed tears, "I understand!"

"So, you can choose for yourself, whether to follow me or go out and do it!" Qin Mo said.

Xiao Jiu wiped his tears and said, "I'll go with you. If you leave, what's the point of staying in Daqian?"
I'm going to get married sooner or later, and I won't be able to care about that much after I get married.

I only know that my brother-in-law is the greatest contributor and hero to Da Qian, and that is enough.

I don’t want to know or care about the rest. "

She hugged Qin Mo tightly, as if Qin Mo was about to leave in the next second, "I just want to be my brother-in-law's bride!"

Qin Mo took a deep breath and his eyes became gentle. He patted Xiao Jiu's back gently, "It's okay. If you really miss home by then, I will find a way to get you back."


"Well, really!" Qin Mo nodded. "Then I have nothing to worry about!" Xiaojiu exclaimed. She was caught in a dilemma between the person she wanted to marry since she was a child and her father.

She even chose Qin Mo without thinking, and felt even more ashamed inside.

"When you are old enough, I will find an opportunity to take you with me!"

"Yeah!" Xiaojiu nodded.

Qin Mo wiped away her tears and felt calm in his heart.

The last trouble that gave him a headache was solved, and now it was time to say goodbye to Daqian.

Soon, when Xiaojiu reached the age of hairpin, Qin Mo gave countless treasures and wrote five poems in one breath for Xiaojiu.

The treasure was nothing, but the poem spread and became popular in the capital again.

Everyone envied Qin Mo for being able to marry so many princesses, and also envied Qin Mo for his literary talents. Daqian Shixian's re-creation after many years is still amazing.

Xiaojiu has also become the most envied person by women all over the world.

In mid-March, under the pretext of Qingming Festival, the Qin people began to retreat.

The originally lively Qin Village suddenly became a lot quieter. Although Qin Village was still prosperous, they always felt that something was missing.

Qin Mo also left the house with his family.

To be honest, children like Qin Mo have never returned to their ancestral land in Guanzhong.

So there are plenty of excuses.

And Qin Mo really planned to take them back to have a look.

So as not to leave regrets later.

On the way out of the capital, many people stood up at various honorary residences. They greeted Qin Mo warmly and gave Qin Mo food and drink.

In that scene, people who didn’t know it would think they had such a good relationship.

Dou Yiai was also among the crowd.

"So, where is your father?" Qin Mo looked at Dou Yiai.

"He asked us to leave first, saying it was too much to go at once and it was not safe!"

"Has he passed that level in his heart?" Qin Mo said with a half-smile.

"I don't know. Anyway, that's what he said, don't be impatient!" Dou Yiai shrugged.

Qin Mo nodded, Dou Xuanling has a great talent, but the Ming Dynasty lacks this kind of old treasure!
This is all the background.

Those young people are very powerful, but after all they lack some composure.

With these old treasures to make up for it, he doesn't have to worry.

Chai Rong was also there. He had been waiting for this day for a long, long time.

He could finally escape from this place that he loved and hated.

However, it was not easy to get out of the city. It took Qin Mo more than an hour to get out of the imperial city.

There were several carriages loaded with food, drink, and all kinds of gold, silver, and jewelry, which was really annoying.

However, as soon as I reached the Shiliting Pavilion, I saw several people standing there.

Gongsun Wuji, Gongsun Min, Li Xin, Gao Shilian, Liu Rujian, Li Cungong.
"Hey, there are quite a lot of people here. Why, you can't bear to leave me?" Qin Mo walked over and said with a smile.

"The biggest scourge in the world is gone. We are so happy that we are not in a hurry. How can we be reluctant to leave!" Gongsun Wuji said half-jokingly: "I just came to see if you are really gone!"

(End of this chapter)

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