big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1468 Jin Chan Escapes!

Chapter 1468 Jin Chan Escapes!

A few days after boarding the boat, Qin Mo got bored. The place was small and those little kids running around every day almost annoyed him to death.

I'm tired of fishing too.

He was happy to have a few beach parties, but he was anxious.

"Why hasn't Lao Gao come yet?" Qin Mo was walking up and down on the beach.

Xiao Gao's belly has swelled, and her whole body smells of pregnancy. Her originally slim figure has become fuller.

Especially after the death of her daughter, Suga Sachiko compared herself with Xiao Gao every day, and even felt a little aggrieved.

She used to be the oldest, but now she is ranked second.

Xiao Gao seemed to see Qin Mo's anxiety, "Master, it's okay. Godfather will definitely come back."

"The news came over there that Lao Gao went to chase the murderer. He went to Sichuan ten days ago. I don't know what's going on now.

There is still no latest news from the Six Doors. "

The main reason is that Li Jiange also followed, and Qin Hei also left the Espionage Department. Although he left a lot of back-up players, he couldn't be too showy in a short period of time, otherwise it would be easy to ruin the game.

Not good for the future.

"My godfather taught me all my skills. He is much better than me. It will be fine for sure!" Xiao Gao held Qin Mo's hand. She was more anxious than anyone else, but the more she felt at this time, , the less anxious you can be.

Qin Mo held his arm around her slender waist and touched her belly, "Son, your grandpa must come here safely!"

Then Xiao Gao's belly bulged slightly, and the baby inside seemed to be responding to Qin Mo.

"Master, the baby has moved!" Xiao Gao still likes to call him Master Qin Mo. In this way, she always feels that her identity has not changed and she is still the little eunuch.

Feeling the daily changes in her child, she felt magical and very excited. She just thought about who the child would look like in the future.

I imagined that my child would have so many older brothers and sisters who would love and protect him, as well as have his grandfather teach him the skills.

He must be much happier than himself.

Qin Mo kissed Xiao Gao's belly, and his mood improved a lot. Although he was not a father for the first time, new life always makes people happy.

Just waiting like this for two days has exceeded the time agreed with Lao Gao.

Qin Mo's heart sank completely.

At this time, Liumen brought bad news. When Gao Shilian was arresting the traitor, he died unfortunately. His body fell into the cliff. After searching for many days, he found in a mountain stream that most of the body had been eaten by wild beasts. The corpse was beyond recognition and almost unrecognizable!
Qin Mo was dumbfounded, sitting in his seat blankly.

Li Jiange sighed: "Captain, please forgive me!"

"It's impossible. How could someone as smart as Uncle Gao fall off a cliff, and how could anything happen to him?"

Qin Mo's eyes were red.

After coming to Daqian, there were not many people who could make him care about him, and Lao Gao was one of them.

Before he knew Xiao Gao's identity, he truly regarded Gao Shilian as his uncle.

Now that he is with Xiao Gao, Gao Shilian is his father-in-law and relative.

What if Xiao Gao knew about this?
Can she withstand such a blow?
Qin Mo regrets very much now. He should have kidnapped Gao Shilian directly in the first place. Although it was a bit risky, no one would doubt him.

Then framing the matter on the big dog will definitely trick the big dog to death.

"You, go down first, I'll be alone for a while!" Qin Mo said.

Li Jiange didn't say anything and left silently.

Qin Mo held his forehead, feeling indescribable discomfort in his heart. It took a full hour before he came out of the study room in the cabin.

He thought it must be a big dog, and only a big dog would do such a thing.

His plan was so successful that he made Lao Liu think that Li Yue was not dead.That's why he sent two of them to arrest him.

The big dog must have taken this opportunity to trap Gao Shilian.

But he felt that with Gao Shilian's intelligence, he would definitely be on guard against big dogs.

So he wanted to determine whether something really happened to Gao Shilian.

If not, it's most likely his escape plan.

In this way, the person "Gao Shilian" completely disappeared from Daqian.

He knows too many secrets of Li Shilong. Normally, Li Shilong would never let him out of sight.

And Gao Shilian faked his death to escape. It seemed that Big Dog had won, but Li Shilong would definitely doubt Big Dog. How could Big Dog survive?

It's just a Japanese dog. It would be nice to get two new dogs.

But if something really happened to Gao Shilian, he would definitely let the big dog die without a burial place.

However, he has stayed on Qiongzhou Island for too long, and it will be easy to be discovered if he stays any longer.

Although it is secluded, the risk increases the longer you stay.

Thinking of this, she found Gao Yao and said, "Xiao Gao, I have something to tell you. Don't get excited after hearing this. Don't get excited!"

Gao Yao was making clothes for her unborn child. When she heard Qin Mo's words, her face changed and turned pale in an instant, "Master, yes, has something happened to your godfather?"

She knew Gao Shilian and knew that he was an extremely punctual person and would definitely not break the promise if he promised something.

But now, it has exceeded the date Qin Mo agreed with him.

But he was nowhere to be seen.

Qin Mo took a deep breath and told the story and his guess, "Uncle Gao is a smart man. He has been able to stand for many years precisely because of his intelligence and caution.

I don't think a big dog can harm Uncle Gao.

Therefore, I am [-]% sure that Uncle Gao took the opportunity to fake his death and escape!

The reason why he hasn't come over yet is to cover his whereabouts so as not to cause further trouble. "

"Since the young master said so, that's it. Godfather is so capable, nothing will happen to him!" As she said that, Gao Yao continued to make clothes, but her trembling hands betrayed her heart.

She just didn't want Qin Mo to worry.

"Xiao Gao, no matter what, I will give you a result!" Qin Mo did not dare to leave, so he stayed with her in the room.

Gao Yao is a person who values ​​love and justice. The only person in the world who can make her care about her is Lao Gao, besides herself.

But after waiting for two days, Qin Mo couldn't sit still, and Gao Yao looked even more depressed.

Li Jiange sent a message saying that personnel transfers in Lingnan have been frequent recently, and a new Beihai naval garrison will be established on Qiongzhou Island.

You must leave as soon as possible, otherwise you will easily run into someone from the court.

Qin Mo took a deep breath and made a decision. He would let them leave first, wait for Gao Shilian to be picked up, and then go to Nanyang and from Nanyang to Daming.

Just when he was about to discuss with Chai Rong and others.

A man landed on Qiongzhou Island. The first thing he did after landing was to find six secret doors and leave his message in a special way.

Then I found a restaurant on Qiongzhou Island and stayed there.

He had already prepared a new identity for himself, so moving in went smoothly.

He looked outside and murmured: "The timeout has been so long this time. The children must be impatient. My daughter, please be sure nothing happens to you!"

(End of this chapter)

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