big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1472 Gangzi divination again!

Chapter 1472 Gangzi divination again!
"Why are you thinking so much? Go to sleep!" Qin Mo hugged her waist.

Xiao Yurou was caught off guard and fell into his arms. Black hair covered the bed for a while, "You are really big-hearted!"

"I'm not big-hearted, how can I tease you?" Qin Mo said.

"Are you very proud?" Xiao Yurou's teeth itched with anger.

"Senior sister, this guy just deserves a beating!" Fang Chun made a pink fist and punched it down, "Are you stupid or not, just say this is our senior sister, why do you have to be so upright?
The three princesses have already acquiesced, so you have to let them speak?
Can't you give everyone a step down? "

Qin Mo grimaced in pain, "I didn't expect that, then why didn't you tell me earlier?"

Fang Chun was indeed right. If Xiao Yurou was directly allowed to come out as the senior sister of the Ziwei Star Sect, everyone would be more accepting of it.

Li Yulan and the others would turn a blind eye and not say anything.

"You are so smart, who knew you were fooling around in this matter?"

"A wise man will always make mistakes, haven't you heard?" Qin Mo said aggrievedly.

"You have caused trouble yourself, do you still want others to wipe your butt?" As he said that, Fang Shun punched him again.

Qin Mo didn't dare to say anything or resist, and allowed Fang Chun to beat him.

He had said that he would only let Fang Chun beat him up for the rest of his life, and he would never fight back or cry out for pain.

Seeing Qin Mo not hiding, Fang Shun snorted and gently rubbed his shoulders, "Do you know where you went wrong?"

"I know, I know!" Qin Mo said.

"Go and coax them tomorrow. If you don't coax them well, you won't want to hear stories in the future!" Fang Chun glared at him, "How do you feel when such a big family is not in harmony?"

"Wrong, wrong!" Qin Mo admitted his mistake obediently!
Seeing that Qin Mo had a good attitude in admitting his mistake, Fang Shun directly leaned on Qin Mo.

Qin Mo had difficulty breathing, "Senior sister, I can't breathe!"

"You're hugging me, but there's still room for me here and there?" Fang Chuncai didn't want to sleep in the corner.

"Oh!" Qin Mo didn't say anything and simply let Fang Shu lie down.

It’s not easy for people here to enjoy the blessings. If we don’t resolve this matter, there will be more quarrels in the future.

He suddenly felt a little envious of Gangzi, and his life with Xiao Xuanji was not going to be too good.

On another boat, Yuan Tiangang held his wife's waist and looked at the stars in the sky, feeling indescribably comfortable.

At this time, their daughter had already fallen asleep, and the cabin was a little hot. Even with an electric fan, it was still almost boring.

Yuan Tiangang simply let his daughter sleep on the beach chair, and then wrapped her completely in a blanket.

Xiao Xuanji leaned on her husband's shoulder, "I finally got out of the fence. I no longer have to think about the grudges."

"It's very difficult to decide what is right or wrong about things in this world!" Yuan Tiangang looked at the stars in the sky, his face couldn't help but change, and then he started pinching his fingers quickly, and then he sighed heavily, " What a disaster!"

"What's wrong?" Xiao Xuanji looked at her husband, "Does the emperor already know?"

"Does he know that we have come out? It's just a matter of time. Although we left a letter saying that we are living in seclusion, it depends on him to believe it or not." Yuan Tiangang said: "But, in this life, I will also I haven't done anything to apologize to him.

Now that the world is at peace, if he does his job well in a down-to-earth manner, Daqian will continue to prosper.

But what if."

"what if?"

"Miaoyun ran away and took so many people with him. Do you think he is angry?" Yuan Tiangang asked.

"He deserves it. If he hadn't indulged Li Yue, how could my niece-in-law do this?
It was his luck that the world was not taken away from him! "Xiao Xuanji hummed.

She had let go of what happened back then, but that didn't mean she wasn't angry.

Fortunately, she had already let Yuan Tiangang pick up his father and brother's tomb, so she wasn't worried about Li Shilong making a fuss about his father and brother's tomb.

"That's true. One drink and one peck will have its destiny."

Yuan Tiangang thought of the hexagram from that year. The big red dragon walked west to compete with the big dragon in the east.But today, the stars are strange. This is no longer a fight against each other, but a great dragon from the west swallowing up the mountains and rivers.

Originally, the national destiny was at least 800 years old.

It was Qin Mo who helped to preserve the national destiny of Daqian for 20 years, bit by bit. Later, even if the national destiny of Daqian was taken away, it would still be easy to survive for 500 years.

He had just made a fortune telling that within ten years, things would be different in Daqian, the country's destiny would be in decline, and it seemed that there would be a catastrophe.

And this disaster was not brought about by the Western Dragon.

But it also has a certain relationship with the Western Dragon.

"You watch the child, I'll go in and do the math!" Yuan Tiangang said, then went to the cabin and took out the astrolabe.

This counted as less than half an hour, "It was Ziweixing himself who caused the trouble!"

He was silent for a long time, "Sure enough, people's hearts are hard to change!"

Only this time, he had no chance to remind Li Shilong. People will always become confused when they get older.

A supreme emperor who does not renounce power, a young son, and six little pavilion elders.

And those outstanding princes.


The problem is that Li Shilong once again violated the rules. If he violates the rules, even the emperor will be punished.

He returned to the deck again and found that his wife had fallen asleep holding the child in her arms.

He smiled and said, "I was a widower 30 years ago and now I am harmonious and beautiful. Why should I care about that? The world can't care about it. Just take care of yourself!"

He would not tell anyone about this hexagram, he would only keep it in his heart.

Now, he just wants to keep his wife and daughter and live his own life.

At this time, Li Yushu said: "That stinky thing is so abominable, he even snatched my father's women!"

"Forget it, that demon concubine also hurt my father!"

"After all, we still have to call her aunt, how can he say it!"

"A 40-year-old woman, does he lack a woman?"

"It's so annoying that you haven't come over to explain to us yet!"

"Third Sister, Sister Liu, Xiaoxue, Xiaojiu. This time, we can't forgive that stinky thing easily no matter what!"

Li Yushu said nonchalantly that everyone had not pierced the window paper and had been living in peace.

Moreover, Xiao Yurou didn't show up often, so she didn't bother to care.

For the sake of Tian Xin and Min'er, she didn't say anything. Anyway, she was a descendant of the Qin family.

Li Yulan frowned and opened her mouth, but in the end she didn't say anything.

If this matter is really pursued, it will be a bad debt.

But if you don't pursue it, you will always feel uncomfortable as a child.

Xiaojiu is a little confused. Li Xue grew up in Nanfan and has no idea about the grudges between Da Qian and Da Zhou.

Li Lizhen sighed: "Now that things have come to this, what's the use of being angry? Is it possible that Mr. Lang will abandon her?"

Li Yushu snorted, and the atmosphere suddenly fell into embarrassment.

Based on her understanding of Qin Mo, it is absolutely impossible for him to abandon Xiao Yurou!

(End of this chapter)

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