big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1474 Dad, here comes my chapter!

Chapter 1474 Dad, I’m back!

After Xiaojiu escaped, he covered his rapidly beating heart and his feet became weak.

Thinking of her previous boldness, she just felt that she was too naive.

At this time, the women had also finished thinking and looked at Qin Mo one by one, all charming.

Although Li Yushu was still gritting his teeth, he could not stop the spring breeze between his brows.

It was Qin Mo who explained the most to her just now.

I could persist at first, but later I was completely convinced by Qin Mo. No, he was convinced.
"Don't think that we will forgive you just like this!" Li Yushu said.

"That's what happened. Tianxin was already quite old when he came back. How could I let my child wander outside?

After I knew Tian Xin, I was confused for a long time." Qin Mo didn't lie, "If I want to find a woman, why should I hide her? I have been extremely restrained over the years.

Just like Ruyu, you should understand that I don't have that idea. I just treat her as my sister.

Xiao Gao was really an accident. All these years, I didn’t know she was a girl.

Another example is Xiaojiu, I always refuse, but... I can't refuse at all.
For me, I am very lucky to have you.

I'm not the greedy kind of person.

I have wives who love me so much and have so many lovely children. It is the blessing that I, Qin Mo, cultivated in my previous life.

I cherish! "

Speaking of this, Qin Mo twisted his thigh hard, and the severe pain instantly made his eyes red, "Originally, I didn't plan to let her come out, but Tianxin is getting bigger and bigger, and Min'er also came out, I can't Let their mother live in darkness.

You also know how well-behaved Tian Xin is. Although you aunts love him, no matter how much you love him, you can't love him as much as your biological mother.

I thought about it again and again before I decided to let her show her true face.

I could have asked her to come out with a fake identity, but I don't think it's necessary.

Our family is already heading towards a new future and there is no need to hide it.

We still have decades to spend together, and if we are not honest, it will definitely leave a knot in our heart.

I don’t want to care about Daqian and Dazhou, and I don’t bother to pursue them.

As long as our family is in harmony and happy, that's enough!

I am worthy of my father, emperor and mother, and I am worthy of my great achievements.

Even if I did something wrong this time, let’s just say that my merits and demerits are equal to each other! "

Li Yulan's heart softened long ago when she saw Qin Mo's eyes turned red. She loved Qin Mo deeply into her soul, so how could she care about this.

She hugged him immediately and said, "Lang Jun, we are not threatening you, but it's just a little hard to accept at the moment!"

Li Lizhen also hugged Qin Mo, "Even if we can't become close sisters in the future, she is still Tianxin's mother."

Li Xue said nothing, just knelt behind Qin Mo and hugged him gently.

Li Yushu pursed her lips, "I made a big fuss, but in the end it became my fault!"

"No one blames you!" Qin Mo sighed and hugged her up. "It's my fault for not thinking carefully. However, I also thank you for your generosity. It's me, Qin Mo, who can't forgive you!"

Qin Mo was sincere. He was truly blessed to have such virtuous women as his wives in his previous life.

Li Yushu bit Qin Mo's shoulder, "I'll bite you to death. I tell you, this is the last one. Ruyu, don't even think about it!"

"Yes, Ruyu says nothing can be done!" Li Yulan also expressed his attitude.

"I really have no such idea!" Qin Mo smiled bitterly: "Although Ruyu is good, it is not my cup of tea!"

To be honest, besides some psychological satisfaction, what practical benefits can be gained from taking Liu Ruyu in?

He is not Dou Yiai, he will not reject anyone who comes.

It's too busy here.

"Didn't you say that that time? Did you fulfill it that time? Li Yushu said: "That old woman, we also care about Tianxin's face. If you dare to touch Ruyu, we will break off our relationship! "

"How to break up the relationship?"

"Ah ah ah, you stinky thing, I will bite you to death!" A few people had a rough fight, and the previous barriers disappeared without a trace.

Regarding Xiao Yurou, the attitude of several of them was that they would not welcome her, but they would not drive her away.

This is enough.

Over time, you will naturally get used to it.

People are most afraid of habits.

"Thank you, wives!" Qin Mo said something to each of them, then supported his waist and left.

This incident was settled, and Qin Mo became very honest in the following days.

Finally, more than 20 days later, the fleet arrived in Daming.

Looking at the land in the distance, everyone stood on the deck.

What catches the eye are two huge statues.

It had been several years since Ming Dynasty was established, and this was Qin Mo's first visit.

No one would believe it.

"There are so many high-rise buildings!" Everyone looked at the high-rise buildings, but they were no worse than those in Daqian Capital.

"Why is there no city wall?"

"I saw a lot of cannons on the coastline!"

Qin Mo stood at the front, with the girls hugging him. Looking at this strange country, he couldn't help but feel nervous.

I thought that the country Qin Mo was talking about was just a small country, but now it turns out that this is not the case at all.

There were people crowding around the harbor.

Everyone was holding flags in their hands. Before they got close, they heard the shouts of the crowd.

If you listen carefully, you can vaguely hear what they are shouting: "Welcome to the return of His Royal Highness!"

At the harbor, Qin Xiangru and his ministers were waiting here.

He was extremely anxious.

It's been a long time since he saw his eldest grandsons, and he, the grandson slave, couldn't bear to think about it.

I don’t know if the children miss him as Azu.

"Your Majesty, we will dock soon!" Chai Shao said with a smile.

Chai Shao, who is in his 70s, is not too old to walk. On the contrary, because he came to Ming Dynasty, he has a feeling of a dead tree blooming with spring, and his face looks rosy.

"Play music, play music!" Qin Xiangru said loudly.

Qin Xianggui and other Qin clan members, who came one step before Qin Mo, were all very happy, and they all wore special clothes.

Now, he is the Prime Minister of Qin, and he is also the prince of the Ming Dynasty. He is precious beyond words.

There is also a fiefdom owned by the boss, so life should not be too comfortable.

The Ming Dynasty is rich in resources and fertile, and everything is undeveloped. For them, every place is full of unknown mysteries.

Festive vocal music played.

The huge ship roared and then slowly docked on the coast.

Qin Mo looked at the familiar faces below and was very excited. He quickly got off the boat and walked towards the shore.

Behind him, Li Yulan and others also held up their skirts and followed behind.

Qin Mo looked at Lao Qin and knelt on the ground with a thud, "Dad, I'm back!"

"Hey, it'll be good to come back, it'll be good to come back!" Qin Xiangru was also very excited.

In the end, he didn't even get excited for two seconds. When he saw the group of eldest grandsons and eldest granddaughters behind him, his eyes were filled with smiles. He directly ignored Qin Mo and said, "Grandsons, come to Azu's place quickly!"

(End of this chapter)

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