big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1477 The First Emperor of the Universe!

Chapter 1477 The First Emperor of the Universe!
The next day, Cheng Sanxu got up early and woke up Cheng Dabao and the others.

It was already dawn, and Cheng Dabao and his brothers were bleary-eyed, "Dad, why did you wake us up so early?"

"Go to court, aren't you going to confer officials today? Of course you have to get up early!" Cheng Sanxu couldn't fall asleep tossing and turning last night, all he could think about was 'the king of the county'.

He thought that his old man, Cheng, would finally be crowned king alive and have the dignity to meet the ancestors of his Cheng family.

Cheng Xiaobao didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Dad, it's too early, just get there at the beginning of the year!"

"It's so late and the sun is already shining brightly!" Cheng Sanaxu's eyes widened.

"Go back and take a nap. Dad, if you really can't sleep, just punch for an hour!" Cheng Xiaobao breathed, "Brothers, go back!"

"Where are you going back?" Cheng San grabbed Cheng Xiaobao and glared at his sons, "Come here, I will test your abilities!"

As he spoke, he rubbed Cheng Xiaobao back and forth in his hands like he was rubbing a ball. He was still feeling angry after being tied up on the boat for those days.

For a moment, howling sounds hovered over the Ejun Prince's Mansion.

When it was daybreak, Cheng Sanxu breathed out a sigh of satisfaction. After becoming a bachelor, he felt clean all over his body. He took a cold shower, ate breakfast, and then went out with his injured son.

As soon as I went out, I saw the steam locomotive parked at the door, and I felt even more satisfied.

In the past, when I went to court to ride a horse, it would be freezing to death if it rained or snowed.

It's better now. With this steam locomotive, we are not afraid of wind or rain.

As soon as he got in the car, someone came out of several mansions nearby. When he saw that they were all old friends, Cheng Sanxu felt a little dazed.

This guy has already gone abroad, why is it the same as never going abroad?

If it weren't for the towering building in the distance that reminded him, he would have thought he was still working hard.

Soon, the group arrived outside the Forbidden City, where the steam locomotive was neatly parked in the parking space.

Everyone entered wearing new court uniforms.

The guards on both sides were neatly dressed in military uniforms, but what they had in their hands were not knives, but guns with bayonets.

It is said that it can fire more than ten shots in a row and is extremely powerful.

Once the shuttle goes down, no matter how thick the armor you wear, you will still burp!

But the guards in the inner city are not equipped with guns.

"Oh, this palace is so big, my legs are sore after walking!" Cheng Sanaxe sighed: "I am exhausted from going to court!"

"Cheng Heizi, what are you calling, do you think this is Daqian? The Ming Dynasty has a great court meeting on the 15th day of the lunar month. There is no big event on weekdays. You don't go to court at all. You only go two or three times a month. Can you be exhausted to death?" Du Jingming said .

"Old dog Du, I can't even say a few words? You are too lenient!"

"Hey, I also manage the behavior of all officials, I can really manage it!" Du Jingming said with squinted eyes.

Chai Shao also smiled when he saw this. The feeling he had during Daqian came back again, but everyone was older.

Seeing the two bickering, everyone else just wanted to laugh.

Entering the Fengtian Hall, everyone stood up, and then Lao Qin slowly came over, wearing a bright yellow dragon robe, which looked quite presentable.

Qin Mo was on the second step of the Jinluan Palace. He almost died from being tortured by those girls last night.

After arriving in Daming, everyone was as excited as if they had eaten gold, and they pulled Qin Mo Ke to build it.

He almost broke his waist.

He slapped Hatcher and looked like he hadn't woken up.After Lao Qin took his seat, everyone paid homage one after another. Although they were a little bit speechless, they gradually got used to it.

Lao Qin's face glowed as if he had eaten ginseng fruit.

Not to mention the exhilaration of becoming an emperor at an age when he knew his destiny, and also bringing a bunch of old friends over.

He nodded, "We have something to talk about. To make a long story short, I will hold a conferment ceremony for everyone this morning, and I will send someone to take you to the fiefdom tomorrow.

The fiefdoms may be far or near, but the locations are all good and the land is fertile. "

After saying that, Eunuch Gaoli next to Lao Qin, the bastard, took it and even read it out.

In short, no one who followed Daming this time was left behind.

For example, Liu Chenghu and Cheng Sanxu were both county kings.

Yuan Tiangang was granted the title of Taibao of the Crown Prince, and he was also the king of the county.

It's not that the Ming Dynasty is not afraid of the princes of the land, but the Ming Dynasty's system separates military and political affairs. Although the fiefdom belongs to the princes, except for the government soldiers, no army is allowed.

They still have to abide by the laws of the Ming Dynasty when they seal the country.

As long as they do not indulge in excess, the fiefdom is enough to support the reproduction and reproduction of one clan.

Everyone was impressed by Qin Xiangru's generosity and knelt down to thank him.

After the reward was given, the ministers were given a banquet again.

In the Fengtian Hall, Cheng Sanaxe was drunk, holding a big ax in his hand and dancing like a tiger.

Liu Chenghu also did his part. In Daqian, he oppressed himself too hard. This time when he came to Daming, he felt no shackles in his heart, and he also used a sword to compete with Cheng San's axe.

For a while, everyone was cheering, it was so lively.

After the banquet was over, Qin Mo went to Kunning Palace with the half-drunk Lao Qin, "Dad, I'm not used to living in this palace. I always feel constrained and uncomfortable!"

"Then where do you want to live?" Qin Xiangru glared at him, "I tell you, when you come here this time, you will supervise the country. I am going to travel with your aunt. I have enjoyed it in the past two years. You always want to Let your father enjoy his old age in peace, right?"

Qin Mo stopped working at that time, "Dad, it's not time for you to retire yet, you have to work until you are 60 no matter what, right?"

Although the Forbidden City is large, the rules are too strict. Although it is inevitable, Qin Mo really doesn't like this kind of restriction.

And it’s so tiring to supervise the country, so he won’t do it.

"You are the father and I am the father?" Qin Xiangru said: "You built the country, you can't just be a hand-off shopkeeper, right?"

Qin Mo grimaced, "I think I still have two more years of training, and dad, don't you think you are very majestic sitting on the dragon throne?
The tiger's body was shaken, and the eight-sided city. To be honest, I just wanted to kneel to you.

How old am I? I am less than thirty, so how can I be able to take charge?

Without me, this Ming Dynasty will still be a Ming Dynasty, but without you, I’m afraid it will fall apart in less than two years! "

Qin Xiangru narrowed his eyes, "What you said makes sense!"

Qin Mo struck while the iron was hot, "So dad, the Ming Dynasty needs to be further improved by your hand. When you retire, I will go up. By then, our three emperors will rule the world and complete the great achievements that the Ming Dynasty has not completed." , that is a legendary story.

Think about it, that was the rule of three emperors, which was unprecedented in ancient times. Isn't it more awesome than that Khan? "

Qin Xiangru's face also showed a look of outlook, "It sounds interesting!"

"It's not just interesting, it's simply too interesting. When people mention you in the future, you are the founding emperor of the Ming Dynasty, the first emperor of the three emperors to rule the world, and the greatest achievements in the world. You are the first emperor in the universe!"

(End of this chapter)

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