big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1482 I will never spare you!

Chapter 1482 I will never spare you!
Li Cungong knelt on the ground, "It's not that a humble minister can enhance the ambition of others and destroy his own prestige. I hope that the Supreme Emperor will focus on the overall situation.

What would your Majesty think if he knew that the teacher he respected and loved was a traitor?
56. The princes are the teachers who respect him the most. What would they think if they knew about it?
What would the Queen Mother think if she knew?
How will the princesses get along with each other when they come back in the future?

Therefore, I thought that I might as well search secretly to find Qin Mo and others.

When the time comes to escort Qin Mo and others back, the Supreme Emperor can do whatever he wants! "

Li Daoyuan said: "I second the proposal!"

"I second the proposal! Yu Boshi also said.

"You are indulging Qin Mo. What if Qin Mo really betrays the country?" Gongsun Wuji pointed at a few people, "You are harming the country. The Supreme Emperor, I thought, issued a proclamation, and searched Qin Mo nationwide. Let Qin Mo There is no trace of the others.

After finding Qin Mo, he must not let him go easily.

He wasted the Emperor's trust and cultivation, wasted the Queen Mother's love and His Majesty's trust.

Therefore, Qin Mo must be severely punished! "

Gongsun Wuji knew very well that if he had not said so, Li Shilong would have been even more uncomfortable.

In fact, he felt something after Gongsun rushed away.

The Great Navigation was proposed by Qin Mo, and no one knows this world better than him.

Maybe there is another paradise in this world, and Qin Mo might have established a new city-state in that paradise.

Based on his understanding of Qin Mo, it is absolutely impossible for Qin Mo to treason. If he really wanted to treason, nothing would happen to the Li family.

That guy was more than ten times more powerful than the founding emperor of Zhou Dynasty.

Li Xin also said: "Qin Mo must be severely punished."

Although the two agreed to severely punish Qin Mo, four people from the six pavilions disagreed, so Li Shilong could only suppress the anger in his heart, "Even if we find the ends of the earth, we must find these traitors for me.

When the time comes, I will ask them personally why they betrayed me! "

Li Shilong's eyes were red. After facing many betrayals, he was finally slandered by his most trusted son-in-law.

This kind of betrayal made Li Shilong feel that no one in the world could be trusted.

Even more painful than the betrayal of his own son.

That's his confidant.


Li Shilong had a headache. He waved his hand and said, "Chengqian and Wuji will be responsible for this matter!"

"The minister waits to leave!"

After the six people left, Li Shilong looked at the dome in a daze.

After venting, he suddenly figured out something.

He knew that Qin Mo was not treasonous, he just didn't want to serve him anymore.

As he said himself, he was tired and didn't want to be squeezed anymore.

Before leaving, Qin Mo paved the way for Da Qian.

To be precise, it was laid a long time ago, a full 100 years ago.

Later, he was unwilling to interfere in the government affairs because he wanted to minimize his influence on the court as much as possible.

He thought of that day when Qin Mo went to the palace in person to cook a meal for them.

Thinking about it now, that was the last meal Qin Mo cooked for them.

It was a farewell party.

He stared blankly, reflecting on himself as to why he had been such a failure in his life.

If the son is unfilial, the family will not be harmonious.

Even his most valued son-in-law, whom he regarded as his confidant, was driven away.

At this moment, he seemed to be truly alone.

Those old ministers accompanied him to conquer the world.

At this moment, he just left without even leaving a letter for him.

He walked so ruthlessly and decisively. "I am not convinced. I must find you and ask you in front of you whether your conscience has been eaten by a dog!"

Li Shilong clenched his fists and said, "Get out of the palace!"

The big dog quickly chased after him, "Your Majesty, where are you going?"

"The Imperial Tomb of the Northern Zhou Dynasty!" Li Shilong said angrily.

Soon, Li Shilong came to the Imperial Tomb of the Northern Zhou Dynasty.

He stood at the door of the small house by the lake. The door was closed and the garden was overgrown with weeds.

He stood at the door and called softly several times, but no one answered.

Li Shilong had no expression on his face, kicked open the door, and walked in. All he saw was desolation.

Pushing open the door, there was dust above.

It seemed like no one had lived here for a long time.

"Haha, you Yuan Tiangang actually left me. Are you punishing me?" Li Shilong looked ferocious.

At this time, the corner of his eye turned to the table, and there seemed to be a letter there.

Li Shilong walked over and picked up the letter. The envelope read, "Your Majesty personally signs it!"

After opening the letter three times, five times and two times, Li Shilong read it. The content of the letter was not long: "Your Majesty, Yuan Mou left. I made a divination for you back then, and there was a prosperous age of Daqian.

Many people died, but many others were saved.

Since the establishment of the Ziwei Clan, the second generation has assisted the king, peace has prevailed all over the world, and the Great Qian Kingdom has continued without end.

Yuan's mission was completed, he took his wife and daughter into seclusion, and never cared about worldly affairs.

Don’t miss it, Your Majesty, take care! "

Li Shilong clutched the letter, "Don't read it, take care of it. Yuan Tiangang, are you asking for credit from me?

You thief! "

But after he finished cursing, he only felt a burst of emptiness.

Even Yuan Tiangang abandoned him.

Do you think he did something wrong later?

"What did I do wrong?" Li Shilong tore the letter into pieces, walked out of the house angrily, and ordered someone to burn the house clean.

He is the Supreme Emperor of Daqian, the Khan of Heaven, and the highest existence in the world.

There are only ministers who are not good, so how can there be an emperor who is not?
He turned to look at the Northern Zhou Dynasty Imperial Tomb on the other side of the lake, "Give me the Imperial Tomb and crush the Northern Zhou Emperor's bones into ashes!"

The big dog trembled all over, "Yes, slave, let's do it now!"

Soon, a group of people came and smashed the Imperial Tomb of the Northern Zhou Dynasty wantonly.

But after entering the imperial mausoleum, it was empty.

"Your Majesty, there is nothing inside. Well, it seems to have been stolen!"

"What did you say?"

Li Shilong was furious, "Who dares to steal the imperial mausoleum?"

"The traces are very new, they must have been in the past few months!" The man was trembling with fear.

Li Shilong reacted immediately and looked at the raging fire behind him, "Yuan Tiangang, you're doing a great job. You two masters and disciples made me fool around.

Wait, I will definitely catch you! "

He understood that Yuan Tiangang had stolen the tomb of the Northern Zhou Dynasty Emperor, and no one knew it better than him.

Those rebel kings had long since robbed the tomb of the Northern Zhou emperor in order to raise military supplies, but the bones were still preserved.

Li Qian came up later and made some repairs.

All the grave goods were there, but the bones were missing. Who else could be there besides Yuan Tiangang, a good son-in-law of the Northern Zhou Dynasty?
"Okay, okay, this has emptied everything and cut off all escape routes. Well done to you!" Li Shilong gritted his teeth and turned pale. The successive betrayals made him so angry that he even lost his reason. All burned to dryness.

"I will never spare you!"

(End of this chapter)

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