big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1489 Who doesn’t know how to curse?

Chapter 1489 Who doesn’t know how to curse?

Qin Mo nodded, "Actually, I still want to use female officers. The system of female officers in Daqian is quite complete but has not been reused!"

The system of female officials has existed since ancient times. However, as Gao Shilian said, it is inevitable that there will be conflicts in the palace. Once eunuchs and palace maids get involved, the problem will still be serious.

But don’t give up eating because of choking.

Female officials can, to a certain extent, control eunuchs.

However, we must prevent female officials from becoming big, as women are also ambitious.

In short, whether it is a female official or the East and West Second Factory, a balance is maintained.

"Okay!" Gao Shilian nodded.

"In that case, I will leave these young eunuchs of the East and West Second Factory to your training. Outside the palace, I plan to transform the six doors into royal guards.

It is also under the direct jurisdiction of the emperor! "

Jinyiwei depends on how you use it, but basically it has nothing to do with ordinary people, and they don't have access to it.

The only people who can be contacted are officials or people with different intentions.

Qin Mo is a history student and knows very well that Jin Yiwei is a double-edged sword.

He won't let the officials of Jin Yiwei be hereditary, that thing is really unreliable.

You still have to choose from the private sector.

There were no nomads in the Ming Dynasty. In his opinion, those local aborigines were more like immigrants from the east. They were [-]% to [-]% similar in skin color and appearance.

For example, the people of Wozhou and Gaoli have a high degree of identification with the Central Plains.

What should be noted is those immigrants from the Western Regions.

Different races are bound to have certain gaps.

But Qin Mo will never imitate the Gaul chicken, changing from pure white to pure black, that is the real stupidity.

It was so turbulent that even the ancestors were beyond recognition.

Gao Shilian nodded, "Okay, if you are idle every day, your bones will get rusty. This person is not idle, and he will easily have random thoughts when he is idle!"

After leaving Gao Shilian's house, Qin Mo did not return to the palace. Instead, he went to a remote place outside the palace, which was regarded as his stronghold.

Fed up with the atmosphere inside the palace, he still liked the carefree feeling outside the palace.

Early the next morning, Qin Mo entered the palace and told Lao Qin the idea of ​​establishing the East and West Second Factory.

"Okay, you can do whatever you want. Although this palace is big, I can't use so many people!" The main thing is that Qin Xiuying is a woman. The defeated indigenous kings below offered their daughters, and Lao Qin also Not for viewing.

There is only one woman in the harem, why does he need so many eunuchs and maids?
Qin Mo, on the other hand, had many women and children, so he needed hundreds of maids and eunuchs.

The East Palace was more crowded than his harem.

"I worked overtime last night to prepare the project plan. You can watch it happen!" Qin Mo sighed, he would not overstep his will.

Qin Xiangru glared at him, "Every day, you are making trouble for me, can't you just calm down?"

Qin Mo smiled and said, "Idle time is also idle, dad, some things must be planned in advance. Our Ming Dynasty is a country of immigrants, and it is very important to unite people of all ethnic groups in the future.

Otherwise, if there are too many people, all kinds of troubles will occur if the security is not maintained. "

"You can't expect me to get rid of everything, right?" Qin Xiangru gritted his teeth.

"Let's do it one by one!" Qin Mo put down the plan and ran away, "Dad, I stayed up late last night, go back and catch up on some sleep!"

Looking at Qin Mo's back, Qin Xiangru sighed. As an emperor, he still has to listen to his son. He really doesn't know who is the emperor.

But this country was originally founded by Qin Mo. If he can do more, he should do more.

Thinking of this, he hurriedly called Mr. Ge over to discuss the reform of the eunuch system and the palace maid system, as well as racial integration.

Qin Mo returned to the East Palace and started a semi-retired life again.

In the blink of an eye, New Year's Eve is here, and many people from the Western Regions cannot live on New Year's Eve.But Lao Qin issued a ban and did not allow the emergence of third-category sects other than Taoism and Buddhism.

Lao Qin does not want the demons to dance wildly in the Ming Dynasty.

On this day, Qin Mo brought his entire family to Fengtian Hall.

Three generations of the family enjoy themselves happily.

After the reunion dinner, the family went to the Meridian Gate to watch the fireworks in the center of the city, and a large number of people paraded through the streets carrying lanterns.


Many people left their hometowns and came to Ming Dynasty, but they liked these even more.

This year marks the sixth year of the Ming Dynasty and the eleventh year since I came to this world.

This year, he is 29 years old.

The memory of the other world has been blurred, except for the memory of relatives, everything has turned yellow.

No matter what, people always have to look forward, always remember, and always feel lonely.

He has a father who loves him, a group of beautiful wives, and lovely children. God is not kind to him.

The next day, the first day of the sixth year of the Ming Dynasty, Qin Mo got up early to accept the worship of hundreds of officials.

When he thought of having to sit there stupidly and receive kneeling worship every year from now on, he felt uncomfortable and wanted to escape from the palace.

I really don’t know what those people are thinking. Is this bad position so good?

He was uncomfortable all over.

This kind of custom is unacceptable. We will have to choose a time in the future to abolish this rule.

Can't you wait until everyone is back from vacation and start to come over and kneel down to worship?
"Long live your majesty, a thousand lives the prince"

After everyone knelt down and worshiped, Lao Qin held a banquet and received the kings of various indigenous tribes below.

Looking at the beauties they presented, to be honest, Qin Mo was not interested.

Lao Qin wanted him to accept the dozens of so-called princesses.

This forced the prince, he didn't want to do it for another day.

How about treating him as a breeding cow?

Have you not considered his idea?

I am so tired.

There is also a black pearl among them, which is quite beautiful and fits my aesthetic taste.

But he felt uncomfortable when he thought that his descendants would have a big boss.

If this kid succeeds, then...
Qin Mo couldn't help but shudder, he didn't want it!

Therefore, he made the decision and rewarded all these princesses to others.

It can be regarded as an explanation for the women in the family.

Just when Qin Mo was imagining escaping, a letter from the other side of the ocean was placed on his desk!
To be precise, two letters!
A letter was a wanted order, written by Li Shilong himself. However, this wanted order was only circulated within the six doors and was not leaked at all.

Qin Mo couldn't help laughing when he saw the remarks on the wanted poster, "This sixth child is like a child and he even curses!
So what if you scold me? Who makes you unauthentic?
Do you still blame me for being heartless?
You have a conscience!

If you have a conscience, we people will not leave! "

Qin Mo was really fed up with Da Gan's flattering tactics. Regardless of right or wrong, the emperor was definitely right.

Regardless of good or bad, the emperor must be good, and the bad ones belong to his ministers.

Go to your uncle!
Who doesn’t know how to curse?

(End of this chapter)

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