big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1492 Direction!

Chapter 1492 Direction!

Men always have higher expectations for their eldest sons.

That's what Tianxin is like.

If Tianxin focused on storytelling, or was determined to go further in this field, he would not interfere.

But the child is still too young. If he makes a choice when he becomes an adult, Qin Mo will never say anything.

With so many sons, there will always be someone who steps up to take the lead.

"Dad, I was wrong, I won't dare to do it next time!" Tianxin couldn't help but beg.

"You are like a Bodhisattva crossing the river. You can't save yourself, so why do you plead for others?" Qin Moti slipped away from Tianxin and asked Xiao Liuzi to send him back to the palace.

When Tian Xin returned to the palace, she was called over by Xiao Yurou and knelt down for half an hour.

Xiao Yurou can tolerate his son being mediocre, but cannot tolerate him doing stupid things.

He is the grandson of the Great Emperor, and every move he makes is destined to be magnified.

She actually had no intention of letting her son seize the throne, but the laws of the Ming Dynasty gave all princes a chance.

Maybe it's not that equal, but it's much better than the overt and covert struggles of other dynasties.

Even if they fail, they can choose their own way out.

"Mom, I was wrong." Tianxin's butt and knees hurt. Looking at her mother's sullen face, she knew in her heart that she was in trouble this time.

"Where did you go wrong?"

"I shouldn't have run out secretly, let alone put myself in danger!" Tian Xin said.

"anything else?"


Hearing this, Xiao Yurou sighed. In this world, people who are too honest cannot survive.

But she couldn't tell her child that.

"Remember, you will be ten years old soon. From now on, every year you get older, outsiders will be less tolerant of your mistakes.

If you are three or five years old, any mistakes you make are trivial.

You can tell stories, and you can do what you like, but don't be sneaky or take chances.

Who is your father? He is the smartest man in the world.

Who can escape his eyes?
Do you know why your father wants to beat you this time and restrain your feet? "

Although Tianxin is precociously intelligent, he doesn't quite understand the deep truth.

Qin Mo didn't want to teach children these cruel things too early.

To put it bluntly, the training of the prince in the palace is to force a child to understand truths that are difficult for adults to understand.

If you understand correctly, then you are a wise king.

If you don't understand it correctly, you are either a fool or a mediocre king.

How can a child without childhood be a good emperor?
Seeing her son's confused look, Xiao Yurou thought to herself that if he were left like this in Dazhou, he would have been abandoned long ago.

"In short, remember today's lesson and the responsibilities on your shoulders. Your current responsibility is no longer based on happiness.

Instead, we must study hard, build this country, and take on big responsibilities.

Don't blame your mother for being cruel.

Children of ordinary families, as old as you, can be the mainstay of the family.

Ordinary children are like this, so you have to do more.

Although you may not be the future master of this country, you still have the responsibility to do it well.

Your mother, I am forty this year. I will be old when you grow up.

Your brother is still young.

Who will take care of my mother and brother then?
Of course your father will not treat your mother and brother badly, but you have so many aunts and your father is only one person, how can he take care of everything?
Could it be that at that time, do you still want your mother to support you?So, from now on, it’s time to take it easy! "

Xiao Yurou sighed in her heart. She really didn't want her son to get involved in this kind of thing, mainly because of her identity.

There were many elders from the Northern Zhou Dynasty in the Ming Dynasty, and they were all living well.

She has now announced her identity, and those surviving elders are naturally her backers.

Then it is inevitable that their attention will shift to Tianxin.

Secondly, although Tianxin is not the legitimate son, he is the eldest son.

Although the crown prince has been established now, the eldest son is really worth more than those concubines.

In terms of identity and bloodline, Tianxin is no worse than Brother Feng and Huo Lin'er.

Coupled with Tianxin's age, Tianxin will be one of the most powerful competitors for the prince in the future.

Secondly, there are Feng Ge’er, Huo Lin’er, and Niu Duzi.
Gao Yao, Fang Chun, Xiao Jiu and others are basically out of luck.

On the contrary, Soga Sachiko and her three sons are still competitive as the queen of Wazhou.

You must know that the Japanese people in the Ming Dynasty accounted for one-fifteenth. Their number was not small, and they were also a relatively strong force.

Of course, it is also possible that the children stand out and cause everyone to place bets.

But here is the natural advantage. If Tianxin continues to play, what is he but a prodigal?
Tianxin looked at her mother with a straight face. She dared to say no and nodded hurriedly, "My child understands. My child will definitely work hard and be the support of his mother and younger brother!"

Xiao Yurou looked at her son, "Get up, you are not allowed to leave the palace until the restraint is lifted!"

Tian Xin nodded, thinking that this time has finally passed, "Mom, can I go see the eunuch and maid who were beaten?"

Xiao Yurou hesitated for a moment, "Go ahead, remember from now on, what you do is not only about you, there are many people behind you, you have to think twice before doing anything!"

Tianxin is very kind, which is not a bad thing.

Qin Mo is still young, and Qin Xiangru will not have a problem living for more than ten years.

When Qin Mo comes up, it won't be a problem to be emperor for more than ten to twenty years.

This was three to forty years. At that time, Ming Dynasty was already the most powerful country in the world.

As for Da Gan, he will not be Daming's opponent.

At that time, a benevolent king was enough!

"Yes, mother!"

Tianxin sniffed, shed tears, and slowly moved out.

Looking at her son's back, Xiao Yurou muttered: "Father, if your grandson goes up, will the Great Zhou Dynasty be resurrected in another way?"

She knows that the Ming Dynasty is the Ming Dynasty, and the Great Zhou Dynasty is the Great Zhou Dynasty.

But Tianxin retains half of Da Zhou's blood in his body.

Thinking of this, Xiao Yurou took a deep breath and found the direction immediately.

In February, the initial search fleet returned to Beijing, but they did not bring back any news about Qin Mo.

However, there was an eight-hundred-mile express request from the Six Doors, which was presented to Li Shilong's document.

There was a thick layer of kraft paper on the outside of the envelope. After opening it, there was a letter.

The envelope read: "Your Majesty, Father!"

With that scrawled handwriting, Li Shilong suddenly became more energetic, "You bitch, do you still dare to write me a reply?"

Last year's New Year's Eve was the most boring New Year's Eve he had ever spent.

The palace was brightly lit, but he felt extremely dull and bored.

Even if he forced a smile, he couldn't do it. After the reunion dinner, he didn't stand on the palace gate with everyone to enjoy the lanterns. Instead, he went back to Da'an Palace and read the novel left by Qin Mo.

(End of this chapter)

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