big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1497 Strategy for Utopia!

Chapter 1497 Strategy for Utopia!
In fact, Li Yongmeng was not sure that he could find Qin Mo, but Li Shilong said so, what position did he have to refuse?

Immediately he said: "Wei Chen accepts the order!"

"If you look for it and can't find it, I don't blame you. Since that bitch is gone, I've made complete preparations!" Li Shilong said.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Li Yongmeng said gratefully.

"Go down and prepare, there will be a fleet leaving Beijing in the next few days!"

"Yes, I will leave!"

Walking out of the longevity hall, Li Yongmeng felt like he was in another world, and he was even a little excited.

Not because he betrayed Qin Mo, but because he could finally go to Qin Mo.

He really missed those brothers.

However, if Qin Mo really establishes a country, the probability of calling him back is almost zero.

Everyone knows how to choose whether to live happily overseas and be a loner, or to come back and be criticized!

He also supported Qin Mo's departure.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but quicken his pace, and he was not afraid. He was just pretending to show Li Shilong.

Li Shilong summoned Mr. Liuge over and said, "I found that piece of shit!"

The six people were extremely surprised, "Your Majesty, where is Qin Mo?"

"The land in the far west, Utopia, is vast and sparsely populated, no smaller than the land area of ​​Daqian. In other words, Qin Mo established a country called Utopia there!" Li Shilong gritted his teeth and said: "You bitch, a white-eyed wolf. "

Li Cungong swallowed. Although he had already guessed it, he still felt envious when he heard Li Shilong say it himself.

Qin Mo, it belongs to your uncle!
There is actually an unclaimed land as big as Daqian in this world.

Then why are they still working so hard?
Just go there and plant the flag.

Li Daoyuan frowned, had a grimace on his face, and couldn't even curse.

If a person cannot resist, why should he not be allowed to escape?

Now that he has quit and started a new one, are you jealous again?
Tang Jian kept breathing in the cold air, "So, doesn't Qin Mo become the emperor? This kid is so ambitious!"

Yu Boshi thought to himself, no wonder Lao Du and the others walked without any hesitation. It turned out to be this.

Li Xin's face was full of surprise, where is that?
Why didn't he notice it when he went to sea?

Gongsun Wuji secretly breathed a sigh of relief. It was better now. Gongsun rushed to Utopia, and he would definitely be able to take root.

By then, the Gongsun family will be in full bloom.

You can't put your eggs in one basket.

I don’t know what kind of official Gongsun Chong is there.

Based on his friendship with Qin Mo, it's not too much to treat him as a marquis, right?
Thinking of this, he couldn't help but narrowed his eyes.

But I was still shocked.

He finally understood why Qin Mo had a sense of detachment from beginning to end.

He is not so awe-inspiring when facing the imperial power.

Everyone thinks Qin is stupid and reckless.

But they have already quietly established a country overseas.

If Da Gan can't survive, he will have no choice but to return to his country and inherit the throne.

Damn it, why is it so enviable?
The six people had different expressions, but really speaking, which one of these six people has a weak relationship with Qin Mo?

"What should you do?" Li Shilong saw their faces full of shock and said nothing, leaving the problem to them.

Yu Boshi pondered for a moment and said: "Your Majesty, I think it is best not to tell anyone about this matter. After all, it is too shocking.

Therefore, I believe that we should first find out the strength of Utopia before making any plans.

Whether it was to persuade them to surrender or not, this will be discussed later. "

Li Daoyuan also hurriedly said: "I agree, if Utopia has a vast territory, I don't know how many troops there are and what kind of weapons they have. If the troops are as strong as Dagan and use the same weapons as Dagan, then send troops from Dagan. , is not an easy task.

Therefore, I think it is best to find out the situation first and then make plans! "

"My minister agrees!"

Everyone agreed.

Li Shilong looked at Gongsun Wuji and said, "Wuji, what do you think?"

Gongsun Wuji rolled his eyes, cupped his hands and said, "Your Majesty, I don't know where this far west land is, so we can't let Daqian's navy run around like headless flies.

Moreover, the matter is serious. If Utopia is a strong country, "

"Even if Utopia is vast and sparsely populated, that shit has only been around for a long time. How powerful can a country that has been established for less than ten years have?" Li Shilong said: "If Utopia was powerful, those brats would already have their tails raised to the sky. Why be so secretive?

So I think that guy is bluffing! "

It’s not unreasonable to say this. After all, it’s too difficult to start something from scratch.

Daqian is what it is today, largely because of the hard work of generations of dynasties over thousands of years.

Qin Mo built a country from scratch, how big was it?
How powerful is it?
But the key is, you can't find him.

That kid has always been good at creating miracles. If you give him more time and become a master, it will be fun!
Gongsun Wuji thought to himself, Gongsun rushed away for so long, but he didn't know how to secretly reply to the letter, so that he would have peace of mind.

What he says now is nothing, not even if he fights, nor if he doesn't fight.

"The Emperor's words make sense, but as military strategists say, if you know yourself and your enemy, you will be victorious in any battle. Now we don't even know where Utopia is, so how can we attack it?

Moreover, if we really want to eliminate the army and sail blindly on the sea, it will only bring down the imperial court. " Gongsun Wuji said.

Everyone seconded the proposal.

It took a long time to come up with two solutions.

First, look first and find a response based on Utopia's strength.

If Utopia's strength is average, the main purpose is to persuade them to surrender and make Utopia a vassal state of Daqian.

Then select a few of Qin Mo's children to return to Daqian.

If Utopia is strong and will not surrender, then fight until Utopia surrenders.

Then capture all those people.

It's just so tyrannical and unreasonable.

After discussing the countermeasures, Li Shilong was obviously relieved.

He was afraid that Qin Mo would disappear from the world.

Now that he knew Qin Mo's general location, he was no longer anxious.

If you like playing games, then play enough.

He was very much looking forward to the day when Daqian's magic soldiers would descend from the sky and capture his family back to Daqian.

Just thinking about the shocked expression on the dog's face made him a little excited!
"Well, that's it, but it needs to be kept secret from the outside world. If today's incident is spread out, I will never be lenient!"

"Yes, the Supreme Emperor!"

The six people exited the longevity hall and looked at each other.

Tang Jian said: "Qin Mo, it's amazing, he actually became the emperor!"

"Be careful, what kind of emperor? There is only one emperor in this world, Da Gan, the others are at best kings.

And if he has not been canonized by our Daqian, then he is a false king, do you understand? "Li Daoyuan said.

"That's right, that's a false king!" Li Cungong agreed.

Several other people didn't look good on Tang Jian either.

Tang Jian's face turned green and he spat, "Bah, is it useful to take it out in such a hurry? Who didn't know when you and Qin Mo were brothers?"

(End of this chapter)

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